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Thread: I AM IRKED! (KH CoM)

  1. #1
    Perfectly Flawed YukiKiro's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2005

    Default I AM IRKED! (KH CoM)

    don't get me wrong, its a good game, but let me paint the picture for you. i'm at lvl 78 with 1200 cp and 515 hp. i'm in castle oblivion and have a deck that is pretty balanced for offence defence and sleight set ups. problem. in order for me to go on i need a blue #1 map card. i have spent the last 7 (yes 7) hours trying to find 1 ****ing card that's stopping me from beating the game. this has really begun to ruin the game as i can't go on without it, and going back would be a waste of cards i already have. its frustrating the hell out of me and i don't know what else to do. does anyone here have any suggestions for me that DO NOT include cheating?

    Being wise comes in two parts: 1) having a lot to say and 2) not saying it.

    Thanks to Starry Relm and Sphere for the Sig and Avatar (in their respecive order)

  2. #2


    Uh . . . you're in Castle Oblivion throughout the whole game.

    Are you on a high floor? Have you tried tripping to lower floors to find the blue card? I found that when I was getting frustrated like this, the best thing to do is to travel all the back to the beginning or at least until you find that card. This may be your only option if the floor you're on isn't getting you anywhere.
    . . . besides, most of the doors requirements are randomized, right? So pretty much going back to a previous floor may change the requirements.
    Jack: How do you know?

    Will: It's more of a feeling really.

    Jack: Well, that's not scientific. Feeling isn't knowing. Feeling is believing. If you believe it, you can't know because there's no knowing what you believe. Then again, no one should believe what they know either. Once you know anything that anything becomes unbelievable if only by virtue of the fact you now... know it. You know?

    Will: No.

    If Demolition Man were remade today

    Huxley: What's wrong? You broke contact.
    Spartan: Contact? I didn't even touch you.
    Huxley: Don't you want to make love?
    Spartan: Is that what you call this? Why don't we just do it the old-fashioned way?
    Huxley: NO!
    Spartan: Whoa! Okay, calm down.
    Huxley: Don't tell me to calm down!
    Spartan: What's gotten into you? 'Cause it sure as hell wasn't me.
    Huxley: Physical relations in the way of intercourse are no longer acceptable John Spartan.
    Spartan: What? Why the hell not?
    Huxley: It's the law, John. And for your information, the very idea that you suggested it makes me feel personally violated.
    Spartan: Wait a minute... violated? Huxley what the hell are you accusing me of here?
    Huxley: You need to leave, John.
    Spartan: But Huxley.
    Huxley: Get out!
    Moments later Spartan is arrested for "violating" Huxley.

    By the way, that's called satire. Get over it.

  3. #3
    Banned Destai's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Ireland (In other words a B-I-G field)


    Thats happened to me in Halloween Town and it is bloody irritating.

  4. #4
    Perfectly Flawed YukiKiro's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2005


    i'm on the final floor. don't get smart with me!
    no, they aren't ramdomized because i've gone back and come back and still nothing. i'm getting lots of expeirience but its a pest to keep going around, going through battle after battle hoping the next card is the one you need.

    Being wise comes in two parts: 1) having a lot to say and 2) not saying it.

    Thanks to Starry Relm and Sphere for the Sig and Avatar (in their respecive order)

  5. #5
    Strapping young lad KuRt's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Finland :(


    hit a door again (that normally needs a card) and you may put another card. insert the card that puts WEAK enemies to the room. tou can get little cards (like 1 and 2) from them

  6. #6
    Skyblade's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Earth, approximately


    Go to a floor with Barrels (Agrabah, Neverland, Monstro, Twilight Town, etc...). Barrel Spiders drop tons of blue cards (usually Moogle shop cards), and you should be able to pick up a blue card with a value of one fairly easily. You'll have to remake all the rooms in Castle Oblivion when you go back, but it will be worth it.
    My friend Delzethin is currently running a GoFundMe account to pay for some extended medical troubles he's had. He's had chronic issues and lifetime troubles that have really crippled his career opportunities, and he's trying to get enough funding to get back to a stable medical situation. If you like his content, please support his GoFundMe, or even just contribute to his Patreon.

    He can really use a hand with this, and any support you can offer is appreciated.

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