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Thread: Do you like or dislike Zidane? Give reasons!

  1. #16


    Does Zidane's outfit look more like a 10 year old would dress up? Hmm... I wonder?

  2. #17


    He's one of my favorite characters int he series. I just love his lively, bit perverted, and a bit over-confident attitiude and how he is very kind despite him being a thief.
    "If only I were a woman" -Some guy in Fable

  3. #18


    I think he was an awesome character. He joked around and was friends with everyone but at the same time he also took care of the people he travelled with.

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  4. #19
    Those...eyebrows... Recognized Member XxSephirothxX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Destai
    A brilliant relief from Squall and Clouds angst attacks. And the ass grabbing scene made me genuinely laugh. I think hes one of the better main characters.
    Exactly. He's a great character; very unique, with some great dialogue. His character really changes over the course of the game.

  5. #20


    Well yea I liked Zidane he was a refreshing change from the angsty main characters with big swords that had been in all of the previous Final Fantasys. That's right, all two of them.

  6. #21
    Mold Anus Old Manus's Avatar
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    Zidane was better than Cloud and Squall in the sense that he actually cracked a joke every now and then. Zidane was much more interesting and actually quite humourous at times.

    P.S. Ooh soft.

    there was a picture here

  7. #22
    penisword chionos's Avatar
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    Zidane is an ok lead. He sticks to the role he was given from the beginning(rogue/thief/actor); and even in the deviations in the later parts of the story(when he shows his true emotions/feelings instead of the facade of roguishness) he is a rogue turned hero(or boy turned man) and plays the part perfectly. Zidane is a wonderful caricature of a teenage boy who searches to define himself(in this case by finding home) and adopts a masquerade of arrogance and frivolity to hide his weakness. As a side note it's a much better caricature than Cloud or Squall were. Squall had to have been a parody. I can't be made to believe that his character was written as a realistic portrayal of a young man's angst seeing as how he is such a poor imitation. And FF7's storyline is so unnecessarily convoluted that Cloud becomes a contrivance. Instead of his character molding the story as part of Cloud himself, the mosaic story turns Cloud into a mismatched grouping of shattered images. It's hard to correlate pre-FF7 leads, b/c their stories weren't as elaborated, and were 2-dimensional, and they wouldn't be fair comparison. Tidus I won't even mention because of the laugh. Oh, that hideous laugh.

  8. #23


    Zidane's a good fighter, but i don't like his paddings, they look like big thighs.

  9. #24
    Feel the Bern Administrator Del Murder's Avatar
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    He's pretty slick. Very strong and I always love the steal ability.

    Proud to be the Unofficial Secret Illegal Enforcer of Eyes on Final Fantasy!
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  10. #25


    I like him, i like his confidence and i like how he thinks he can pull any lass that comes along

    "How Do you prove we exist?, maybe we don't exist"

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    Rally Ho !!~~

  11. #26


    FF7: Angst attacks. "More strength, less talk" steorotype. Uh. I don't love him. He's cool, though.

    FF8: I H-A-T-E him personality-wise. Second only to Wicked Science's Dina (I hate her. Screw her all to hell. -_-"). He is so Cloud clone! Plus he's too overpowered and the plot focuses TOO MUCH at him, Rinoa, and Rinoa-Ultimecia-idiot time loop thing.And I've never liked Gunblades. Oh well. -_-

    FF10: Tidus is too uke for me. But I don't hate him, he's cool, too. XD

    Well, Zidane is my favorite FF principal character (second to NONE) and third, considering EVERYTHING I played, watched or read (He loses fo Fire Emblem Blazing Sword's Lyn and Black Hole High's Josie). He isn't overpowered. He trusts on himself. He doesn't have too many teen angst moments. He is much, much cooler than Squall. The plot doesn't focus on him and Dagger. His relationship with Dagger crushes Squall x Rinoa, at every way...

    ...IMO. XD
    Quote Originally Posted by yours truly
    Rinoa Heartilly & Squall Leonheart = Isabella Swan & Edward Cullen.

    Don't try and argue with it. You know it's true. =O

  12. #27


    i love the whole zidane/dagger thing that goes on. reminds me of something that happened to me...
    i like zidane cos hes more human, hes cheerful and upbeat and tries his best to help everyone ("you dont need a reason to help people") but he still gets depressed (dam you garland!!!). i really like the end cos its just the perfect end to the perfect game, its just a shame they couldnt have focused a bit more on the other romances...awww

  13. #28


    As a character he was amusing and well-written....however, I think he was underpowered as the party leader. Maybe I'm too narrow-minded to accept having a weak party leader, but that is what I had grown accustomed to in any/every RPG I had ever played (and I'm not just talking about FF7-9, but from the outset of FF, and other early NES RPGs, though there weren't many, and let's face it, the original Dragon Warrior just plain sucked).

    I know he was strong enough adequate, but when two characters have stronger physical attacks than you, why is that character the front man of the battling party?

    So overall that would make Zidane luke-warm in my book.
    I know you now loathe my book and wish it would spontaneously combust.

  14. #29


    *Lights your book on fire*

    That's spontaneous enough, no?

    Zidane is plenty strong enough as a party leader. His Ultima weapon is the highest attack power weapon in the game aside from ExII (or Save the Queen under the right circumstances), and his potenial max strength is second only to Amarant. His Grand Lethal with Ultima Weapon has 400 attack power, Steiner's Shock with ExII has 324. He's also the only character capable of maxing Speed, and maxing Spirit is a breeze with him.

    I think he's a great character in battle and personality-wise. He's a nice chance from the angsty loner types from FFVII and FFVIII.

  15. #30


    I liked Zidane alot. For some reason, I always related to him. I liked the fact that he was from a different planet, thought it was quite original. I always liked that he had daggers instead of swords, I love swords but every main character had them till now so I was getting tired of them. He has good taste as well, Garnet is one of the most lovable FF characters I can think of, at least she's not some bar whore like Tifa :P. I don't know, I just always liked him, he is very much my favorite FF character right after Edgar. Gotta love the pimpinator.

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