Right there's a few things I want to mention about this film. In my opinion, it's not really the best film I've ever seen, but it is watchable. But as I've said before about many things, it depends on peoples tastes.

One thing that struck me in the film after watching it like the hundredth time, was the hints at the relationship between Frank and Donnies sister. Did anyone else notice this? :

1: At the start, when the accident happens with the plane propeller thing (don't know the word so don't have a go lol :P), his sister has just returned from a date/going out with a friend. And you hear the car horn.

2: Donnie starts to hallucinate with this big rabbit type creature called Frank, who just all of a sudden starts to show up after this incident.

3: When Donnie's sister finds out she got into Harvard, they hold a party. At this party she asks "Where's Frank" and someone replies that he's gone to get some beer/drink.

4: Donnie and Gretchen aswell as Donnie's two mates go to this place where "cellar door" triggered him to go there. This is where a car comes up and runs over Gretchen, killing her. Out comes some guy who gets called Frank by his friend, and looks exactly like the guy who Donnie see's in his hallucinations and the guy is dressed up in the rabbit costume.

This made me wonder if Frank was in some sort of relationship with Donnie's sister Elizabeth, and was used as a hallucination by coincidence. I don't know whether I'm right it's just a theory. All I know is that Donnie had never seen Frank before in person. It was rather confusing that his name was mentioned by his sister at the party though.

So. What are your thoughts on this film? Did you find it too hard to understand, or was it too predictable and boring. Also if you have any theories about the film about what things mean, please elaborate, as some people do not understand most of the film no matter how hard they try reading into it. =D.