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Thread: School Stories

  1. #1
    Metallica! JaytodaP's Avatar
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    Default School Stories

    Alright in school we ALL know that there is probably this teacher who PISSES YOU OFF or is completely unfair to you. Popularity and Goody-Goodyness plays a big role in this too so I have a few School stories to share.

    #1 The Infamous Steelers Jersey (If your not from USA you wont get this)
    100% true

    Okay, it's two days before the Steelers play the Patriots in the big NFL playoff game. I hate the Patriots increadibly so I wear a Stealers jersey on the occation that it happens to be Pat's Spirit day. I walk around the whole school with it on getting high-fives from various people. So I go into the study class where I have to finish my math mid-term. The math teacher walks in and gives me my paper. The OTHER math teacher walks in to talk to my math teacher. He notices my shirt and flips out. This is when I get pissed off:
    Teacher: Why are you wearing that? Its a safety hazzard!
    Me: Its not a safety hazzard and it happens to be my favorite shirt.
    Teacher: Youre not supposed to be wearing that today!
    Me: Why not?
    Teacher: You might get hurt.
    Me: No.
    Teacher: Take it off......NOW Youre not funny!
    Me: Look at you with all your Pats stuff on. Are you Teamist? And By the way I'm not trying to be funny. I like the steelers.
    Teacher: Do you want to leave?
    Me: hahahahahaha!
    Teacher: Dont push it!
    Teacher: No I did not.
    Me: *opens up a book to the ammendments* Read that.
    Teacher: Leave
    Me: Your just sayin that suz you KNOW youve been had.
    Teacher: leave now or your suspended!
    Me: Bye Mrs. So&so!(im not gonna say her last name online) I guess my shirt is more important than a test!

    On my way out I see the most popular kid in school walk by the teacher who sent me out wearing a Steelers jersey.WTF!! 60 min. Detention for wearing something that doesn't even break any rules. I could have a law suit against my school!

    what are your thoughts and stories?
    Active after a year? ZOMG.

    But yeah when i DID post a year ago I was an ass to everyone. So sorry about that. You can totally tell I used to think i was "gangsta" just by my name. Boy have I changed.

  2. #2
    Mold Anus Old Manus's Avatar
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    There was one teacher who really got on everyone's nerves. So everyone would make fun of her.

    Teacher: Okay I want you to answer your name POLITELY when I do the register.

    ...comes to a certain student.

    Teacher: *pupil*!
    Pupil: Here
    Teacher: What?
    Pupil: Here
    Teacher: POLITELY, please.
    Pupil: Huh? Here!
    Teacher: HERE WHAT?
    Pupil: Here sir.
    Teacher: GET OUT

    there was a picture here

  3. #3
    <3 Recognized Member Jess's Avatar
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    I got threatened to be kicked out of school for good because I have my nose pierced. They didn't follow it through when my mum found out about it though. :rolleyes2

  4. #4
    Quack Shlup's Avatar
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    The class I'm in right now is about the difference between people of different skin colors, and the teacher seems convinced that what he has to say is the most important things we'll ever hear, and we're so lucky to be forced to memorize facts and statistics about bigotry.

    I freaking hate this class.

  5. #5


    after 7 years with hell...they got crazy. my teacher told me that i was the work of satan...and every teacher knew me..and hated me. that was in 7 so i was bratt....
    to live is to die

  6. #6
    Mr. Encyclopedia Kirobaito's Avatar
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    I posted this story in my LJ a few days ago.

    Here is the picture of the way our school is set up (at least, the area in question for this story).

    Well, today we were planning on throwing a birthday party for my AP Euro teacher, Mr. Langvardt (room A). Ms. Llewellyn, room C, was where we planned on hiding the cake until 4th period came. Well, at 7:30 this morning, Ross, Jeff, and I all came up to school to put the cake in her room. Well, she wasn't there. So we went to our first period class, English (room B), with the cake, and planned on delivering it during that class period. At about 8 o'clock, the substitute said we could deliver the cake.

    So, we headed off, back to Ms. Llewellyn's room. Once again, the door was locked. We were thinking "crap." We looked in the library (E) window, and saw Mr. Langvardt there. So we knew his location. We waited in the hallway between rooms A and D, trying to figure out what to do. We never saw Langvardt leave the library through the door. He came around, heading back to his room. I had the cake in my hands, and as soon as I saw him coming, I took off running down to the hallway with room D on it. Langvardt only saw me, not what I had in my hands.

    So Langvardt stops Ross, Jeff, and TJ (who joined us for the trip) and questions them. The rough transcript of the conversation is below.

    Langvardt: "What are you doing?!"
    Jeff: "We're uh...loitering."
    *Ross, Jeff, and TJ lean against the wall*
    Langvardt: "Where are y'all supposed to be?"
    Ross: "Uh...Coach Croft's class..."
    Langvardt: (jokingly) "Would you like me to write you all up for skipping class?"
    TJ: "Uh..."

    So Langvardt sends them back to Coach Croft's room, room B. Now, I'm still waiting in the room D hallway with the cake, having no idea what's going on around the corner. Ellen, a student assistant, passes me, and I ask her to check and see if Langvardt is around the corner. Right as she rounds the corner and nods her head, I see Langvardt turning the corner.

    I flip around and start walking quickly the other way, toward the left side of the map, with Langvardt following me.

    Him: "What are you doing?!"
    Me: "Uh...I'm, uh..."

    As I'm getting close to room D, I quickly think.

    Me: "I'm delivering something to Mrs. Ward!"

    I turn into room D, where there's a small hallway before her office. Liz, her student assistant, passes me, and I tell her "Distract him."

    As Langvardt tries to enter the door into the hallway, she stands in front of him and asks, "What do you need, Mr. Langvardt?!"

    I go into Mrs. Ward's office, where she's sitting at her desk. I ask her to hide the cake, immediately, and puts it under her desk just before Langvardt enters the room.

    So on the spot, Mrs. Ward says "Thank you for turning in that form, Casey. I've needed it for quite awhile."

    Langvardt stops and looks at her and says, "So he was supposed to be here?"

    She says yes.

    "I thought he was roaming the halls with his little friends."

    Me: "Uh...yeah, I didn't know what they were doing."

    So Langvardt leaves, and I escaped. Holy crap! It was quite exciting. We threw the party today in European History, and he was like "WTF? My birthday is in August." We didn't seem to care. We ate cake, and were merry. Awesome. Greatest day ever.

  7. #7
    Silent Emotion Rainecloud's Avatar
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    My English teacher once got suspended for asking us to write an article on which method we'd use to kill ourselves if we ever decided to look into the possibility of committing suicide.

    Those were the days.
    "As the days go by, we face the increasing inevitability that we are alone in a godless,
    uninhabited, hostile and meaningless universe. Still, you've got to laugh, haven't you?"

  8. #8


    we once had a maths teacher we couldn't stand so one registration we all answered no to it.
    me and my friends had a game do somthing that any normal teacher would give us dt's for in front of her it included standing on chairs, rolling under tables and walking round the class that or we would(the three of us) go across the class and slap this other kid over the head without being caught and without the kid noticing.

    then there was the code when ever she said certain word we responded
    1)arm swing across chest
    4)very big nod
    7)hitler impression
    8)crane position
    year 8!)Sneeze

    we got the entire class doing it!!! it was so fun

    Then after about half a year with her we complained to our head of year and the head of maths (there had allready been smaller complaints but ours was the biggest) the 15 of us were sitting in the room with them and their reply was "this will only be a temporary problem give it till the end of the term (one week)"
    now she has been put to teach the lowest maths set!!!!!

  9. #9
    Strapping young lad KuRt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JaytodaP
    Alright in school we ALL know that there is probably this teacher who PISSES YOU OFF or is completely unfair to you. Popularity and Goody-Goodyness plays a big role in this too so I have a few School stories to share.

    #1 The Infamous Steelers Jersey (If your not from USA you wont get this)
    100% true

    Okay, it's two days before the Steelers play the Patriots in the big NFL playoff game. I hate the Patriots increadibly so I wear a Stealers jersey on the occation that it happens to be Pat's Spirit day. I walk around the whole school with it on getting high-fives from various people. So I go into the study class where I have to finish my math mid-term. The math teacher walks in and gives me my paper. The OTHER math teacher walks in to talk to my math teacher. He notices my shirt and flips out. This is when I get pissed off:
    Teacher: Why are you wearing that? Its a safety hazzard!
    Me: Its not a safety hazzard and it happens to be my favorite shirt.
    Teacher: Youre not supposed to be wearing that today!
    Me: Why not?
    Teacher: You might get hurt.
    Me: No.
    Teacher: Take it off......NOW Youre not funny!
    Me: Look at you with all your Pats stuff on. Are you Teamist? And By the way I'm not trying to be funny. I like the steelers.
    Teacher: Do you want to leave?
    Me: hahahahahaha!
    Teacher: Dont push it!
    Teacher: No I did not.
    Me: *opens up a book to the ammendments* Read that.
    Teacher: Leave
    Me: Your just sayin that suz you KNOW youve been had.
    Teacher: leave now or your suspended!
    Me: Bye Mrs. So&so!(im not gonna say her last name online) I guess my shirt is more important than a test!

    On my way out I see the most popular kid in school walk by the teacher who sent me out wearing a Steelers jersey.WTF!! 60 min. Detention for wearing something that doesn't even break any rules. I could have a law suit against my school!

    what are your thoughts and stories?
    IŽd sue the bastards.

    When we had once upon a time a swedish lesson, my friend was sitting in his chair but he had his desk in his hand. The teacher came in there and put her head so that that her head was about at my friends dingdong and it totally looked like she was giving him a you-know-what.
    My other friend just happened to take a picture of it with his mobile phone so you may guess was that picture in the door of the swedish class next morning ^^

  10. #10
    Ice Cream I Scream ZuZu's Avatar
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    I have a bad habit draw to my hands and that I was doing during the class 5 years ago.
    Me and my friend were sitting behind the classroom. I was bored and I was drawing funny face to my middlefinger. My friend pushed me saying if you have to draw, do it somewhere else. Then I noticed that I have showed my middlefinger to teacher all the time. Everybody else were wondering why teacher were so amused. Luckily my teacher had some sense of humor.:rolleyes2
    President Shinra is dead...

    Cloud: "Only Sephiroth can use that sword."
    "You sure?"
    Cloud: "Of course. He uses it to shave his legs. Do you think anyone else will want to touch it after that?"

  11. #11
    ~*~Peace and Love~*~ Leene's Avatar
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    In my school we have a very weird teacher everybody is afraid of her so one day i was playing with my pen while i was playing by mistake i threw my pen in her pocket everybody started to laugh so the teacher asked why we were laughing.I told her Miss you 've got something in your pocket :riiight: when she saw the pen she told Who did this and i said I did this sorry when i said the truth then she threw me out of the class.... :sweatdrop

  12. #12
    I'm the motherflipper! Boosk's Avatar
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    I once jumped out of the dinner hall window because this stupid girl was in the way of the door (the hall was on ground level)I was sent to the Headteacher. He thought it was funny and told me not to jump out of windows especially the high up ones.

    My best friend used to say "tosser" insted of "Ta sir" to supply teachers. Oh the laughs!!!

    Here I am to save the day!

  13. #13


    I find most of this... well... bratty... you have to realise teachers are people, and its unfair to them to hurl abuse and make there job hard. They are just trying to make a living. Well, its not so much to teachers that annoy me but the bratty lower school pupils who hurl abuse at every moment... ohhh how hard, how about I drop them off in manchester and see how gobby they are then.

    "NPC: Sorry this house is sealed off because of Blight"

  14. #14


    Ive got a friend named dave, and ill tell you he'll do just about anything for money.

    At the beginning of the year we paid him $40 to take off his shoe and throw it into our school pool, and then yell, "ill get it" and run all the way down the bleachers and jump in to get it. It was hilarious, i took a picture but it came out very blurry cause i had to do it fast. My teacher thought it was hilarious but he didnt know what to do with him so he was sent to the office and suspended.

    Another time he was wearing one of those hooters shirts and a teacher got 'offended' and sent him to the office(while tons of other kids wear the same shirt all the time and get away with it) and he got a detention. The assistant principle told dave that its offensive cause the o's resemble boobs and then he commented "not like you'll ever see them though dave" and we all had a great laugh.

    We also got him to follow the janitor around and help him do all his work for a couple periods.

    Now were trying to get him to bring in a george forman grill and start cooking stuff.
    We have a head guidance counceller here and he makes most of the announcements, the only thing is that he is the most depressing man in the universe with his slow low dull monotone voice.

    But still like most schools you dont have your basic constitutional liberties such as: the school can search you whenever they want without warning(also through your locker), once a group of people stood in the parking lot protesting something, happened before I went to high school so i forget what about, and they called the police to have them arrested(it was peaceful), also a student was arrested cause he was a civil war reinactor and had left some stuff in his car, and you cant openly speak bad about faculty or even mention weapons or drugs, you cant do normal things like listen to music in the hallways, or play poker during a study period(even when its not for money).

    In junior high school at the end of 7th and 8th grade theres a school trip to some park upstate and during 7th a bunch of friends and I had brought red hair spray with us and we sprayed our hair along with 20 or so other people. Well the teachers found out and made all of us go into the bathrooms and wash it all out, which ended up staining and ruining our shirts.

    The very last day of 8th grade 4 other buddies and I were in gym up on the bleachers with nothing to do so we decide to take a picture of us doing the nazi salute just cause we couldnt think of anything better. Well the camera was confiscated for taking pictures of a fight that also happened that day and they saw the other picture of us and they called us down and had us suspended! with only a couple hours left of the school YEAR! My parents didnt agree with it at all but they made me apollogise anyway.

    Yeah as you should know kids in junior high dont have any freedom and the rules are very strict, you cant wear baggy or ripped clothes or nontraditional hair colors or wear any big earings or neclaces and stuff like that or wear messed up shoes and you cant express your religion. Plus we had the meanest strictest principle that was the biggest ass i have ever encountered. She would always patrol the halls and everyday no matter what would wear a black full suit, never even with a skirt always pants, god how we hated her, but thats all over now In high school we can do just about anything unless its not too radical.
    I hate the school system.

    wow, longer than i expected

  15. #15
    Draw the Drapes Recognized Member rubah's Avatar
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    I was accused of being in a gang oncexD

    Some people that I was about to not be friends with soon after started this 'Anti Prep Coallition' xD and everyone else joined inxD

    We referred to it as the Apple Pie Club (A perfect circle) until fourth hour, and my science teacher was all 'You might want to pick your actions a bit more carefully.'

    and then fifth hour after lunch, I was sharpening pencils in teh bandroom, and our principal went into the practice room where we were having health class and called out anyone that had APC written on them anywhere. It was me and this other guy. And I was so glad that I wasn't in the class at that time to be embarassed by being called out.

    So we were accused of it being a gang and threatened with suspension expulsion etc, and were given 'Ten seconds to get that off of your arm.'

    But after washing it off, I went back to sharpening pencils and my band director told me that if that ever happened he'd be sure to stick up for mexD

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