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Thread: Nintendo Wii (codename Revolution) revealed

  1. #136
    Ominous Wanderer Tech Admin Samuraid's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ljkkjlcm9
    All I heard was how the X-Box and PS2 were more powerful than the gamecube, but gamecube games always ended up with better graphics, so whatever.
    The "better graphics" competition is mostly subjective and also depends on which specific games are being compared.

    And for reference, the Xbox GPU is more powerful than the Gamecube's GPU. Although, both are significantly better than the PS2's GPU.

  2. #137
    KentaRawr!'s Avatar
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    I have become another person. I will now post my opinions on the REV.

    The controller seems like it can be used for many cool things, but I am worried about it ACTUALLY being revolutionary. I want to be able to play games normally! Of course, I do like the controller idea. I am also looking forward to downloading NES-N64 games. n_n

    Opinions on the controller, it seems quite good. With RPG's it could be used to use certain skills and/or magic depending on how you swing it. In FPS's it could be used to aim, while the Analog Stick add-on can be used for moving. In platformers... well it depends on the game. Let's say you had the ability to fly. You could aim around with the controller to decide where you fly. Double tap the Up motion to flip. Double tap it left or right to do barrel-rolls. Double tap down to stop flying, and switch to walking mode where you would use the Analog Stick for moving. If you were ground-bound, you could use the Analog Stick for moving, the 2 buttons for w/e, and the Remote for attacking. (If your character had a sword it would work well.)

    Of course, I would love an exaggeration mode for the remote. (For games that may require full-arm swings. Instead of full-arm swings, you could just move your wrist, and the game would read it as a full-arm swing.)

    The downloadable games is t3h roxorz. n_n All I have to say about that.

  3. #138
    Banned Lychon's Avatar
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    I think a lot of people are under the impression that Nintendo is struggling in the gaming industry. The sales of its handheld systems alone are providing large profits for the company, not to mention its market share in the main console wars.

    I have no doubt that Nintendo will continue to do well and have quality products, as well as Nintendo classics, on its next generation gaming devices. Since the Nintendo 64, the company has not only oriented itself to an audience of greater age range, but also contracted much support from third party developers which is key to success.

    Personally, I love the way the Revolution looks. It's freaking sexy, to tell you the truth. Also, not to brag or anything, but when I went to E3 last year, I noticed that Nintendo had pretty much occupied the entire section of one of the larger rooms, and it appeared to have the biggest area coverage in all of E3 (with the possible exception of Microsoft).

    So I say NINTENDO REVOLUTION FOREVER!!! Let's get more Final Fantasy on that thing!

  4. #139
    THE JACKEL ljkkjlcm9's Avatar
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    I'd just like to say, the more Gamecubes were sold in December than 360s, so I don't think the Revolution will do bad sales wise, especially when it'll be like, half the price


  5. #140
    Must change name: NikoKun Tidus Andronicus's Avatar
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    There was a recent patent that seems like the Nintendo Revolution will have a microphone for online games, but instead of actually sending the voice over the net, to save bandwidth, and your ears (stupid screaming kids), the console will convert voice input into text!!! No more stupid keyboard either! ^_~
    More info at that link, including links to the patent.
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  6. #141
    Ominous Wanderer Tech Admin Samuraid's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ljkkjlcm9
    I'd just like to say, the more Gamecubes were sold in December than 360s
    Actually, there's a strange explanation for that: Xbox 360s were backordered and grossly understocked, so many people who wanted to actually buy one couldn't...but that's just details.

  7. #142
    THE JACKEL ljkkjlcm9's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Samuraid
    Actually, there's a strange explanation for that: Xbox 360s were backordered and grossly understocked, so many people who wanted to actually buy one couldn't...but that's just details.
    then they should'nt have sent so many to Japan, they were all over the place there, cause no-one bought one haha
    (Note: I have a 360 and GC in my room here at school)


  8. #143


    Just me, or is the Revolution just a joke?

    I buy new consoles to play new games...when they focus a fraction of their time to making old games downloadable, I'm not a happy customer. They should be spending that time with perhaps a new Online system, or more exclusive games.

    The've gotta be kidding me? I think it will be fun and innovative, but it definitely ain't gonna get them nowhere when games that require a real controller come along. And a LOT of games need that.

    I doubt I'll be buying it.

  9. #144
    KentaRawr!'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AdVincent
    Just me, or is the Revolution just a joke?

    I buy new consoles to play new games...when they focus a fraction of their time to making old games downloadable, I'm not a happy customer. They should be spending that time with perhaps a new Online system, or more exclusive games.

    The've gotta be kidding me? I think it will be fun and innovative, but it definitely ain't gonna get them nowhere when games that require a real controller come along. And a LOT of games need that.

    I doubt I'll be buying it.
    Well, if I remember correctly, Nintendo did say they are focussing more on online with this one. If memory serves me right, it should be using Wi-Fi similar to the DS's.

    Also, there will be a controller shell, which you put the remote into. Once you do, this controller-shell will work like a regular controller. We don't know what this controller-shell looks like quite yet, though. But once you put the remote into the controller, it not only works like a regular controller, but it still has the motion detection. (I hope that part is optional. >_>) However, I doubt that every game for the revolution will actually use this shell. We will just have to wait and see. o.o

    I don't want to shift your opinion or anything. I just remembered these things when you posted. o.o

  10. #145
    Ten-Year Vet Recognized Member Kawaii Ryűkishi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AdVincent
    I buy new consoles to play new games...when they focus a fraction of their time to making old games downloadable, I'm not a happy customer. They should be spending that time with perhaps a new Online system, or more exclusive games.
    Yeah, downloading games has nothing to do with an online infrastructure.

  11. #146
    THE JACKEL ljkkjlcm9's Avatar
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    let's see, someone already mentioned the shell, making ports quite easy, plus it can use the GC controller too, also making ports easy. Downloading games, where would you download games from? Maybe, somewhere ONLINE, so yeah, it definitely has online capabilities. AND, as far as I've heard, tons of gaming companies are looking forward to this new controller and the options it gives them to make exclusive games. It may be a huge success, or just do fine, but I sincerely doubt it'll flop completely.


  12. #147
    Banned Death Penalty's Avatar
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    This will end up just like the Xbox.
    All my friends got a PS2 but I got an Xbox. They get all the brand name games and I got a lot of crappy games. But when it came down to it there were a bunch of good games for the Xbox but I didnt get them cus they didnt look good. But now I bought a PS2 and I am happy.

  13. #148
    I might..depend on you.. Lionx's Avatar
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    Lol if you buy the console for new games only then good for you, but i am sure alot of people would be pissed if PS3 cant play older games.

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  14. #149
    cyka blyat escobert's Avatar
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    I personally think this is going to be pretty cool. I only hope ther are some good games out for the system since that's basically what killed the GC.

  15. #150
    Banned Lychon's Avatar
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    Default What are you talking about though?

    Quote Originally Posted by Bert
    I personally think this is going to be pretty cool. I only hope ther are some good games out for the system since that's basically what killed the GC.

    Killed the GC? Nintendo's made hella profit on this console, and recent sales figures show it being close in overall sales to the XBOX. I heard a study that Sony and Microsoft actually LOST money on their systems in 2005, while Nintendo made a small profit.

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