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Thread: Star Wars: Revenge Of The Sith

  1. #106
    Lumberjack Recognized Member RSL's Avatar
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    How come I've never heard of these clone wars cartoons?

  2. #107
    Quack Shlup's Avatar
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    Because you're a poop.

    I downloaded them off

    When the text was scrolling at the beginning of RotS I was like "Hey! That was on Clone Wars yesterday!"

  3. #108 hot, salty nut! Recognized Member fire_of_avalon's Avatar
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    :<3: Obi Wan. So much :<3:

    And how hot is Anakin in the black leather, I mean REALLY?

    Signature by rubah. I think.

  4. #109
    Mr. Smiles Kossage's Avatar
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    RSL: Clone Wars chapters 21-25 (small size) can be viewed on website under the Clone Wars section.

    After seeing Clone Wars I was expecting Grievous to be a total killing machine, but he wasn't like that in the movie. In a way I felt sorry for him because of his constant coughing and such: he just seemed so miserable in the movie when compared to the Clone Wars (although Grievous did have his moments in the movie, like when he used four lightsabres at the same time).
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  5. #110


    Also, there must of been some Jedi that tried to fight Darth Vader and the Sith Lord in that 20 year gap.
    there are no jedis apart from yoda and ben who go into exile and Luke who doesnt know. remember all the council were killed and anakin attacked the temple and killed all the younglings

  6. #111
    Recognized Member TheAbominatrix's Avatar
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    There are no Jedi that we're told about. But countless Jedi were on missions, and I doubt all of them were killed by Clone Troopers. Even Obi-Wan and Yoda acknowledge it, when they change the broadcast message to tell any other Jedi to stay away from the temple. Not to mention we only see a few Council members killed, not all.

    I believe in the books, there's mention of other Jedi who survived and tended to the Jedi holocrons. edit: And I am aware that Yoda tells Luke he's the last of the Jedi. That is, however, 20 years later. Anyone else who had survived the initial purge could have been caught later, or died of age, or whatever.

    And by the way, Jedi is the plural of Jedi.

  7. #112


    did anyone else go blind when the two lightsabre fights started? so many flashing lights!

  8. #113
    Banned nik0tine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kyuzo
    did anyone else go blind when the two lightsabre fights started? so many flashing lights!

  9. #114
    Banned Itsunari 2000's Avatar
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    Yeah , I saw it last night - and I loved it.The action was , in typical Lucas form , absolutely spectacular , the drama was intense and dark and some stunning performances from the main characters.This was a vey emotional element in the Stars Wars saga - something I've not seen in any great extent since the original trilogies.Lucas has almost certainly delivered a fitting final instalment in his epic saga.Seeing it rekindled good memories of my childhood experiences with the franchise, and this has really led me to rediscover the on-screen magic which captured my attention as a boy.

  10. #115


    Quote Originally Posted by Tenacious M

    ok last thing i didnt like. mace windu vs. palpatine fight scene. i am a mace windu fan, and since episode 1 i wanted to see him fight someone. episode 2 was ok cause he saw some action, but still no lightsaber duel. this one it started happening and i was like "OMFG!#$!% IVE ALLWAYS WANTED THIS#@$~!@#%#$" then it ended in about 5 seconds after that. should have been alot longer...... i mean come on its the highest sith lord vs. the best jedi lightsaber duelest.
    I felt the same way as you did, in wanting to see Mace mix it up. We Windu fans have to take solace in the fact that the very reason this battle didn't last that long is that Mace was just head and shoulders above Palpi when it comes to lightsaber use. You had already given yourself the reason why it was so brief... Palpatine and Yoda are both amazingly talented when it comes to the mental aspects of the force, while Mace and Darth Maul are the two most physically talented force users (aka most skilled with lightsabers). The wild card here is of course Anakin/Vader, as he had the potential to be the best at everything. You could argue that by this movie he was actually the most gifted Jedi fighter, as recall he even tells Windu that his help will be needed to take down Palpatine (perhaps it's Anakin's arrogance, or perhaps it's just true that he's supposedly a better fighter by this point... I mean, he DID wipe the floor with Dooku).
    But that withstanding, when you look at the Palpatine versus Windu duel, it was simply no contest due to Windu's superior fighting abilities. Sidious didn't really ever have to use the lightsaber in the past, as his mental powers were quite formidable.
    But 100% agreed that Mace was the man!

    Quote Originally Posted by TheAbominatrix
    There are no Jedi that we're told about. But countless Jedi were on missions, and I doubt all of them were killed by Clone Troopers. Even Obi-Wan and Yoda acknowledge it, when they change the broadcast message to tell any other Jedi to stay away from the temple. Not to mention we only see a few Council members killed, not all.

    I believe in the books, there's mention of other Jedi who survived and tended to the Jedi holocrons. edit: And I am aware that Yoda tells Luke he's the last of the Jedi. That is, however, 20 years later. Anyone else who had survived the initial purge could have been caught later, or died of age, or whatever.

    And by the way, Jedi is the plural of Jedi.
    Yeah, there were other Jedi who survived the Purge. That series that Lucas is supposed to come out with is going to tell some of their stories, as it takes place in the period between Episodes 3 and 4.
    The Lucas camp even tells us about the fate of these other Jedi. If anyone has the VHS of Episode 2, it tells you right at the beginning, in that little segment with R2 and 3PO, how Vader hunts them all down. I don't know if it's on the DVD version as well, as I haven't bought it yet.. I'm waiting 'til there's a package deal with all three of the new trilogy ones.
    Not to get off topic, but I REALLY wish that Lucas'd devote some episodes of the tv series to telling some stories of the heroic Jedi we've seen throughout the movies.... a few Mace Windu tales would be much more entertaining than telling of some Jedi who couldn't hold a candle to any of the ones we meet in the movies.

    Also a quick note...that scene of the Jedi Purge was AMAZING! The music flowed so well with it... I actually got teary-eyed, and the entire theater was absolutely hushed and motionless through the whole thing.

    Please don't double post.-- foa

  11. #116


    There was a handful of Jedi that did survive the Jedi Purge, as it's officially titled. Most, as Obi-Wan and Yoda, went into hiding for years. Some died naturally, while others were killed by Darth Vader. One famous one was the Dark Woman, who was killed a few months prior to A New Hope.

  12. #117
    Feel the Bern Administrator Del Murder's Avatar
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    I was impressed with the movie, but then again I am impressed with most movies after I see them in the theater the first time. I'll have to see it again before I get a clear read on how good I really think it is. It took me a few viewings for me to realize that Phantom Menace was the worst one and that Attack of the Clones was hindered by its poor dialogue.

    For what it set out to do it delivered very well. Everyone was in their right spots for part IV, the Organa-General Kenobi relationship was established, and even that little problem of 3PO knowing too much was taken care of with one simple line. I really like Bail Organa. He sure has an important role in both series for someone who didn't get much screen time. Got to love the brief Chewbacca cameo.

    The only inconsistency I can still think of was Leia's memory of her mother. I'm pretty sure when Return of the Jedi was first made that quote was meant to refer to her real mother, and that it implied she had knowledge of being adopted. Obviously she can't have any memory of Padme, and I think this is just something that has to slip by. Sure, you could argue that she was referring to her adopted mother, and maybe that's what it was the whole time.

    I didn't like the way Padme was treated in this film. She had really established herself as a strong-willed character in Episodes I and II, but in this one she was just sort of there. I guess it makes sense that she would take a back seat since this was supposed to be the Anakin/Palpatine show. I like how his vision of her death is what led him to the dark side, but the reason she died was because he abandoned her for the dark side. Good stuff.

    Palpatine was awesome. Playing possum with Windu was great, as well as the fight scene with Yoda in the senate arena. He is easily one of the best villains ever. He had everything planned and everyone in his pocket from the start.

    The most important thing was that the way it all went down was pretty believable. Anakin's passion for Padme led him down the dark path, and his mind was easily warped into thinking the Jedi were responsible for everything, since they hadn't given him what he wanted most, the power to save her. The clones turning on all the Jedi made sense and was a great scene. I was wondering how Anakin and the Emperor were going to kill them all, but this made it so they didn't have to, and partially explained some of Palpatine's motives behind the clone army and the war in the first place.

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  13. #118
    Mr. Encyclopedia Kirobaito's Avatar
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    OK, I saw it today with my friends. I am not afraid to say that I enjoyed this movie more than I enjoyed even The Empire Strikes Back, which if you know me as a Star Wars fan, is really something.

    Just about everything was perfect in this movie...the way in which Anakin was led to the Dark Side was a very plausible one, to say the least. I watched Episode I tonight with my dad (I'm gonna go see RotS again with him this weekend, like a good son), and just watching it again made my heart hurt for two reasons.

    1) The Phantom Menace was a terrible, terrible movie.
    2) Watching everything work out the way it did made me so sad.

    There was one thing that was weird...were the two droids animated in? It appeared that way, because some of the ways in which they moved were nothing similar to the ways in which they should have, primarily when Threepio was boarding the Naboo just seemed weird to me. I also find it funny, knowing that Artoo, throughout the entire original trilogy, knew everything. What a little stud.

    Chewie KNEW Yoda? That seems a bit weird to me. Of course, they never meet in the original trilogy, but suddenly Chewie seems to have a much more important role to me in the originals. Heh.

    You know what's going to happen, yet, you were still on the edge of your seat, praying that maybe, just MAYBE, the movie would screw up and Anakin would let Mace kill Palpatine. Just like in Titanic. She always lets go, every time you watch the movie. That fact alone showed just how incredibly good RotS is.

    Having never even heard of these Clone War comics until reading this thread, General Grievous seemed like a very random and very weird enemy. Not really cool at all. I must now see these comics.

    Though this movie was in all INCREDIBLY FREAKIN' AWESOME, there were a couple of things that were too corny. Primarily the final scene with Vader. Geez, I was half expecting to see a bolt through his head and for Palpatine to scream out "IT'S ALIVE! IT'S ALIIIIVE!!!!" Oh wait, Vader probably did have a bolt through his head.

    See this movie and witness its awesomeness.

  14. #119
    Quack Shlup's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Walker Texas Ranger
    You know what's going to happen, yet, you were still on the edge of your seat, praying that maybe, just MAYBE, the movie would screw up and Anakin would let Mace kill Palpatine.
    I felt the same way. In my mind I was just BEGGING for it to turn out totally different, even though there's no way it could have. xD


    And, BTW, Clone Wars is a cartoon.

  15. #120
    Mr. Encyclopedia Kirobaito's Avatar
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    Comics, cartoons, close enough.

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