NOTE: I'm talking about the normal ending, not the fancy one.
Okay, I just beat Ansem, the easiest boss ever. yay? I dint get it really. Riku goes with Mickey do to.....whatever they were gonna do. Then Sora goes to Kairi and they get seperated. You see Kairi on her Island and she goes to the secret place. She sees the picture sora drew of them sharing that star fruit, and then she starts to cry and... the credits roll. During the credits my PS2 decided it hates me and it froze. I took the game out washed it, put it back in and the game went back to the title screen automaticallly. So I broke my controller and flipped off my PS2 for a little while realizing that the last bosstook me 45 minutes.

Okay could someone explain to me this whole thing?