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Thread: Rate the movies you watched recently out of five - NO SPOILERS.

  1. #76
    <3 Recognized Member Jess's Avatar
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    Final Destination 3

    I went to see this today. I haven't seen the other two yet, but it turned out I didn't really need to, to grasp the concept of the film. I liked it, but it was a little predictable. If you like blood & gore and thrillers then this is a good movie to see. Not having seen the other two yet, I'm not sure whether it will be a let down to people who have.

  2. #77
    Back of the net Recognized Member Heath's Avatar
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    The Producers (1968 version)

    Had never seen it before, but read a synopsis of the plot and had an urge to buy it. Went out and bought the DVD and loved it. Not a laughing from start-to-finish thing, but definitely has some quality stuff in there, if only for the line:

    "Don't be stupid, be a smarty. Come and join the Nazi Party."

    Though admittedly, the entire opening scene of Springtime for Hitler was brilliant.

    Not my words Carol, the words of Top Gear magazine.

  3. #78
    Asshole X-Master's Avatar
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    Final Destination 3. 5/5. Freaking awesome movie. Freaking brutal too in terms of gore and <img src="/xxx.gif"><img src="/xxx.gif"><img src="/xxx.gif"><img src="/xxx.gif">, way way way more gory then the second and the first one.

    Nail guns, the girl still tries to cry. Brutal!
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  4. #79
    Fluttershy Recognized Member Ashi's Avatar
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    I watch an average of one movie a week.

    November: 4/5
    Saw this a while ago. It keeps your mind going even after you've watched the movie. "Rewatch" is needed in most cases, if people have the time. Not 5/5 because it confuses the audiance too much at the beginning and only has them going "ohhh so that's what it mean..." after the movie is over.

    Flightplan: 4.5/5
    Not 5/5 because I probably won't watch it again for a very long time (you know, "rewatch" value). The turn of events was quiet surprising yet, it was one of the things that I actually expected to happen. Maybe I just ruin my movie experience by trying to think of "what will happen next".

    The Excorcism of Emily Rose: 2/5
    Kudos for making me sleep in someone else's room that night! But it didn't give me the reaction I expected to get from watching. The special effects were good, but that's probably all that's good about it. The story was pretty boring. I found myself not being able to wait for it to finish.

  5. #80
    Banned The Devourer Of Worlds's Avatar
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    Clockwork Orange 4/5

    You can’t go wrong with a movie with the tagline “being the adventures of a young man whose principal interests are rape, ultra-violence and Beethoven.”

  6. #81
    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    Tristan + Isolde - A romance movie that guys can watch, 'cause it has swords and fighting and all that stuff. I quite liked it - something different to most other movies I've seen lately. They're quite right in saying it's on par with Romeo + Juliet, definitely the same kind of story. Nothing hugely spectactular but I just can't really think of anything that was wrong with it. 4.5/5.

    Hotel Rwanda - Oh man, that was pretty heavy stuff. It's like a Schindler's List movie in the way of "one man does everything he can to save as many as he can in a dire situation", only this time it's in a country that so few people knew about, and the first world generally didn't care about. Some parts were pretty intense and, well, for lack of a better word, I'll say 'heavy' again. I'll give this 5/5, actually.

    Doom - Okay, that was totally not Doom. It was like the writers of Resident Evil wrote the script. To be fair, it's better than a lot of other video game movies, but still... if you're looking for a good sci-fi movie, don't watch this. It isn't frightening in any way either. The special effects are there but generally put to the side in favour of concentrating on the characters or the story, which some might say is good but in this case it really isn't. The only redeeming part of this movie is the end of it all when it gets a bit more into it's video game roots - sort of like the writers were saying "Yes, we admit it, this is just another half-decent video game movie and if you got this far expecting something epic, you're stupid, but hey, you probably watched this for Doom fan service and here we go!" 1.5/5
    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

  7. #82
    PSP IZ DA DAWGZ!!!!!!! Cid Vicious's Avatar
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    Show Me Love: 5/5
    A coming of age film about two girls who fall in love, if it had been a British or American movie it would have been tacky and immature, thankfully it was a Scandinavian film and it was awesome. Well writen and acted, if you want to watch a good teen movie, watch this.

    Runaway Train: 4/5
    I taped this ages ago but only just watched it, it's from the eighties and is about two convicts who escape jail and board a runaway train, hench the title. That's about it, it sounds boring but was a decent movie. Well acted with some good dialogue.

    Ice Age: 5/5
    My favourite of all those video animations, i watched it on tv with my little cousin, i thought i'd hate it but it was brilliant, i'm taking her to see the second one soon, although it's me who really want's to see it. :D
    Last edited by Cid Vicious; 04-21-2006 at 05:47 PM. Reason: remembered another one.

  8. #83


    Quote Originally Posted by Loony Bob
    Hotel Rwanda - Oh man, that was pretty heavy stuff. It's like a Schindler's List movie in the way of "one man does everything he can to save as many as he can in a dire situation", only this time it's in a country that so few people knew about, and the first world generally didn't care about. Some parts were pretty intense and, well, for lack of a better word, I'll say 'heavy' again. I'll give this 5/5, actually.
    Yeah I saw that about a year ago, and thought that was really, really well done, and even had me on the verge of tears a few times. Not many movies can do that to me.
    I'm trying to watch the movies nominated for best picture in the recent Oscars. So far, I've seen

    Crash- Great movie, unorthodox method of filming, worked great though. Deserved the Best Picture Oscar it received. 5/5

    Good Night, and Good Luck- Again, unorthodox method of filming, but again, worked. It was a little short, and the viewer is left wanting more insight into Ed Murrow, his character is not explored as much as I would have liked. Other than that, great movie, Clooney proves he can direct, as well as act. 4/5

  9. #84
    No More, Little Girl Jack's Avatar
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    Garden State: 5/5
    This film really moved me, and thats saying something. I felt the acting was excellent (Special note to Natalie Portman who after the Star Wars movies I really didn't like, but she surprised me) Zach Braff proves that a little indie gem can be more fufilling and visually arresting than most blockbusters. Some of the visuals in this film were great. As for comedy, it's slow building (unlike Scrubs) but when you accept it, you giggle away, accepting the film's world with joy and happiness. This film made me smile.
    What more can you ask?

    Secretary: 4/5
    Another indie flick. This time, Maggic (Sister of the more famous Jake) stars as the title character. A deep expolration of the themes of love and the physical side of passion. Contains some scenes of a sexual nature which are like the sides of a coin; some will find them distasteful, some will accept them as part of human nature. What's more important, its is a real treat for those who enjoy their humour black.

    "I think you'd make any (nice) woman happy... & I think you really deserve for someone to make you happy too for a change"

  10. #85

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    The Transporter 2- 4.5-5

    Great action movie with a plot that was interesting but had been done before. The whole bad guy has something that can kill alot of people now stop him plot. Jason Statham IMO is right up there with Jackie
    Chan as far as doing your own stunts go. Fire house scene was awesome.

    Memoirs of a Geisha- 4-5

    It was an awesome look into one part of the Japanese culture of the late 20's, 30's, and then early 40's. I love everything about this movie but the only thing is that it drags on and on. It's hard for the average person to sit down and appreciate this movie
    'You want apologies, girl you might hold your breath, until your breathing stops...forever,forever. The only thing you'll get, is this curse on your lips, I hope it tastes of ME forever.'~ Falloutboy

  11. #86
    Jäästä Syntynyt GooeyToast's Avatar
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    Barton Fink: 3.8/5
    Interesting movie from the Coen Bros. Definetly not their best work, but interesting and unorthodox none the less.

    The Machinist: 3.7/5
    Chrisitan Bale went MAJOR skinny here. Too bad the film doesn't quite deliver as much as I wanted it to. I felt it was a bit stupid how they just ride everything off as "He was just imagning things", although the style used was pretty cool.

  12. #87
    Super-Rad Recognized Member Spatvark's Avatar
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    Shimotsuma Monogatari: 4/5
    Random Japanese live action (with a few animated scenes) film recommended to me on IRC a while back. It's about a Lolita (as in, the dress style) who ends up becoming friends with a biker (IT'S A SODDING MOPED!) chick. Doesn't really sound like much, but it seriously had me laughing like mad in how utterly bizarre it all is, especially in the side characters Unicorn and Inobe-san, as well as all the gratuitous headbutting. Gotta dig that. It's bizarre, it's funny, but the first twenty minutes are weird as hell; while it works out in the end, the beginning makes it tough to stick with the film - bear it out and you should have some good laughs.
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  13. #88
    Proudly Loathsome ;) DMKA's Avatar
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    Chicken Little: 4/5
    Saw it last night. Certainly not one of Disney's finest, but it made me laugh quite a bit and entertained me throughly. I had to see it after playing Kingdom Hearts II.
    I like Kung-Fu.

  14. #89
    Pretty Cool Dolentrean's Avatar
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    Fun with Dick and Jane: 3/5 (pretty good)
    Kung Fu Hussle: 4/5 (very funny if you like the movie)
    2BLK: 4/5 (Very strange japanise movie, part of a low budget challange with certain rules)
    Oh, did I mention I'm awesome?

  15. #90
    'Gabby Hayes' big Bart's Friend Milhouse's Avatar
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    TV: Max Keeble's Big Move 3/5
    Cinema: Munich 4/5

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