I keep looking at threads about the latest movies and wonder "oo-er, will reading that thread spoil the movie much?" so I just don't bother. So! To keep things simple, this is a thread where you simply state the name of a movie which is currently screening and give it a rating out of five. Throw in a few words such as "utter crap" "breathtaking scenery" and "lead has a face that reminds me of my pitbull terrier" but keep all spoilers out of this thread - even when using spoiler tags! No spoilers at all is the main idea. You don't even have to say more than the movie title and rating if you don't want to. Hopefully this thread can stick around for a long time, too.

So, with that said, I haven't seen any of the currently released movies so I'll let you guys start it all off.

EDIT: This thread can now be used for all movies, old and new.