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Thread: Memories of the Ancients

  1. #1

    Memories of the Ancients

    Within the houses in the City of the Ancients, there are glowing apparatuses that have the memories of the ancients (or something to that affect). When you examine them, Cloud (or whever is your party leader at the time) says they can't understand them.

    But I seem to recall there being a point in the game where somebody could understand them, like you could bring Bugenhagen with you and he could translate them for you. Note that I'm not talking about the big device in the center of the city, but the smaller ones in the houses. Am I just imagining that I did this before, or is it possible with one of the characters to find out what they're saying?
    "You may say that though Zanarkand is gone from this world, it lives on in the song."

  2. #2


    It is not possible, the only way would be to have Aeris look at them but shes busy at the time, its both a background to give a bit of life to the anicents and a kick in the pants.

    "NPC: Sorry this house is sealed off because of Blight"

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