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Thread: Sephiroth VS Seifer

  1. #31
    Chocobocconcini Doomie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ansem
    The answer is Sephiroth
    Coming from the Sephiroth fan-boy?

  2. #32
    Skyblade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Del Mordor
    Quote Originally Posted by Skyblade
    Quote Originally Posted by Del Mordor
    Quote Originally Posted by crazybayman
    Quote Originally Posted by Del Mordor
    Actually, the only REAL one one one fight we see between Squall and Seifer is in the first FMV, where Seifer wins.
    Actually they fight one on one at Deling, during the attempt to assassinate the Sorceress.

    And Squall proceeds to open up a can of whoop-a$$ on the Chicken Wuss.

    I meant in a real life, not in one of those battle scenarios where you are forced to win to advance.
    Yet you accept the one where Seifer is forced to win in order to advance? Logical fallacy there, buddy. Seifer's victory there is as much preordained as Squall's victory every other time.

    Besides, Seifer didn't really "win". He cheated by using his limit against Squall, and Squall immediately countered. Both wound up with nearly identical scars, so I don't see why people keep saying that Squall lost.
    1. FMV and battle are two different things. Both are preordained victories, but one of them you are forced to lose. Even early on in the game, you can easily compare the two of them and see that Seifer is much better. Besides, battle KO and real life videogame death are two different things. (ie Aeris and General Leo vs. using a Phoenix Down)
    And how is using a Limit Break cheating?

    2. Squall ended up in the infirmary.
    If somehow Squall would "win" the battle with Seifer, your game would be over as surely as if you lost in battle, because a glitch that bad would totally freeze the game. Um, how can you see that Seifer is better? The FMV was a fight with set rules that Seifer broke. You are not supposed to actually harm your sparring partner. Fairly standard for training matches. The two were fencing, and Seifer got the touch. You don't then follow up and actually drive your sword through your opponent. Hell, Seifer doesn't even deny that he cheated when they get to Dollet. He just says that Squall will thank him for it one day. Squall was following the rules, and Seifer wasn't. That doesn't mean Squall is any less capable than Seifer. And since Seifer gets a royal @$$ kicking every other time they meet, it seems fairly clear that when both characters are playing by the same rules, Seifer is no match for Squall.

    2. Having the sense to go to the infirmary when you get your face torn open has nothing to do with the outcome of the match. Seifer prefers to play it tough. Well, one day one of Seifer's wounds will get infected and he'll wind up dead because of his refusal to see the doctor. Common sense is a survival trait, and it is one that Seifer lacks.
    My friend Delzethin is currently running a GoFundMe account to pay for some extended medical troubles he's had. He's had chronic issues and lifetime troubles that have really crippled his career opportunities, and he's trying to get enough funding to get back to a stable medical situation. If you like his content, please support his GoFundMe, or even just contribute to his Patreon.

    He can really use a hand with this, and any support you can offer is appreciated.

  3. #33


    I just have to say to whoever was doing the whole
    cloud>sephiroth therefore..etc.
    a 3 person party beat sephiroth not Cloud

  4. #34


    OK, let us state Squall is as good as Cloud.
    Squall never beats Seifer. Not alone. They are equally strong. The opening video shows us their fight. It ends to tie.
    As we all know, Cloud is a smurf of a lot stronger than Sephiroth. (I have been told[HAVEN'T PLAYED THAT FAR MYSELF] that somewhere in FFVII you get to beat Sephy with Cloud alone)
    And then to BTWs...
    How many summons did Sephy kill? (SPOILER)Seifer slices Odin. HE KILLS A GF!!!
    BTW, Squall didn't kill Ulti alone. He had his posse with him.(SPOILER) If Seifer hadn't been caught off guard on the first place when Edea possesses him, he would pry have been able to kick Ulty's sorry butt to um.

  5. #35
    Gobbledygook! Recognized Member Christmas's Avatar
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    Let's analysis this properly...

    There is one and only one Seifer
    There is tons of Sephiroth clones thanks to (SPOILER)Hojo
    Sephiroth gather the other Sephiroths and fight Seifer...
    In term of numbers, Sephiroth outnumber Seifer..
    Most likely Sephiroth will win since there are so many of him out there...

    Sephiroth use a very long sword.
    Seifer has him regular gunblade.
    Sephiroth has the great advantage from attacking form a long distance due to the length of his sword.
    (SPOILER)You know how annoying it is when fighting Sephiroth in KH due to the length of his weapon
    (SPOILER)If the KH Sephiroth is included, we all know the that one Sin Harvest can send Seifer to heaven..

  6. #36
    Funkadelic Jammer crazybayman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by theoryonlyworksintheory
    I just have to say to whoever was doing the whole
    cloud>sephiroth therefore..etc.
    a 3 person party beat sephiroth not Cloud
    Didn't you see the very last battle? After you defeat Safer Sephiroth and Bizzaro? Cloud destroys him alone with Omnislash.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ace-eye
    Squall never beats Seifer. Not alone. They are equally strong.
    Squall beats Seifer alone during the attempt to assassinate the sorceress as Deling as I said before. And yes, this is just as legit as went they fought in the opening CGI sequence.

    When Squall unleashes Lionheart on anyone or anything, it dies. End of story.

    Squall > Seifer and Cloud and Sephiroth and Ultimecia and Kefka and Chaos and Sin and etc

  7. #37


    Sephiroth in that last fight after his two other forms get defeated by the WHOLE party, when Cloud finally fights him alone, only has like 1 HP. If you don't use Omnislash, Sephiroth will attack and Cloud will always counterattack, even without the materia, and kill Sephiroth in one hit. That's SO doesn't make Cloud stronger than Sephiroth. I could beat up Mike Tyson if I had a bunch of people beat him until he was pretty much dead first. That doesn't mean: Me > Mike Tyson. Anywho, Sora can beat Sephiroth by himself in KH. Does that mean: Sora > The whole FF7 party? This stuff is pointless. The main character always wins. If they made a game where you play as Seifer and Sephiroth is a boss who you have to beat to progress, Seifer would beat him. Vice versa.
    Not ALL White Mages are girls!

  8. #38


    This isnt even a match.Sephiroth by a mile.Seifer is a pitiful excuse for a villian.

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  9. #39


    Quote Originally Posted by Cyraniel
    I could beat up Mike Tyson if I had a bunch of people beat him until he was pretty much dead first.

    Judging by Tysons last few fights a 6yr old would kill him.

    I am the hope of the universe!
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  10. #40
    Chocobocconcini Doomie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Del Mordor
    Quote Originally Posted by Skyblade
    Quote Originally Posted by Del Mordor
    Quote Originally Posted by Skyblade
    Quote Originally Posted by Del Mordor
    Quote Originally Posted by crazybayman
    Quote Originally Posted by Del Mordor
    Actually, the only REAL one one one fight we see between Squall and Seifer is in the first FMV, where Seifer wins.
    Actually they fight one on one at Deling, during the attempt to assassinate the Sorceress.

    And Squall proceeds to open up a can of whoop-a$$ on the Chicken Wuss.

    I meant in a real life, not in one of those battle scenarios where you are forced to win to advance.
    Yet you accept the one where Seifer is forced to win in order to advance? Logical fallacy there, buddy. Seifer's victory there is as much preordained as Squall's victory every other time.

    Besides, Seifer didn't really "win". He cheated by using his limit against Squall, and Squall immediately countered. Both wound up with nearly identical scars, so I don't see why people keep saying that Squall lost.
    1. FMV and battle are two different things. Both are preordained victories, but one of them you are forced to lose. Even early on in the game, you can easily compare the two of them and see that Seifer is much better. Besides, battle KO and real life videogame death are two different things. (ie Aeris and General Leo vs. using a Phoenix Down)
    And how is using a Limit Break cheating?

    2. Squall ended up in the infirmary.
    If somehow Squall would "win" the battle with Seifer, your game would be over as surely as if you lost in battle, because a glitch that bad would totally freeze the game. Um, how can you see that Seifer is better? The FMV was a fight with set rules that Seifer broke. You are not supposed to actually harm your sparring partner. Fairly standard for training matches. The two were fencing, and Seifer got the touch. You don't then follow up and actually drive your sword through your opponent. Hell, Seifer doesn't even deny that he cheated when they get to Dollet. He just says that Squall will thank him for it one day. Squall was following the rules, and Seifer wasn't. That doesn't mean Squall is any less capable than Seifer. And since Seifer gets a royal @$$ kicking every other time they meet, it seems fairly clear that when both characters are playing by the same rules, Seifer is no match for Squall.

    2. Having the sense to go to the infirmary when you get your face torn open has nothing to do with the outcome of the match. Seifer prefers to play it tough. Well, one day one of Seifer's wounds will get infected and he'll wind up dead because of his refusal to see the doctor. Common sense is a survival trait, and it is one that Seifer lacks.
    If Seifer had lost the match, perhaps because he may not have cheated, then I'd be saying Squall is stronger. And hadn't Squall passed out or something? Wasn't that why he was in the infirmary? And if you ask me, if Squall had the chance to use his limit, he would have.

    And what do you mean playing by the same rules? It is always 3 against one, except for the first one. Also, in the first one, Seifer asks that no GFs be used. Yet you still have the ability to use that command. The fact that you always have GFs and their abilities, and the abilitiy to junction, when he doesn't, makes it obvious that it WASN'T playing by the same rules.
    P.S. Wakka > Any other Final Fantasy Character. <3

  11. #41
    Banned Kakashi509's Avatar
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    ok heres my point of view:
    now we all know seifer is one of the worst villians there is right? well maybe it just appears that way since if Squall used lionheart he would be superiour to cloud, and Cloud is superiour to Sephiroth. So maybe Seifer could beat since he had to put up a fight with someone who is superiour to cloud who is superiour to Sephiroth. Though then remembering theres more than one sephiroth so that can multiply his power, the size of his blade is incredibly lond so he can use long distance techniques and the fact that when he revives he becomes stronger. Plus seifers to stupid to be able to beat Sephiroth. So Sephiroth should win.

  12. #42


    The fact that Lionheart does more hits than Omnislash doesn't make Squall stronger than Cloud, as the person on the receiving end would be dead within 2-3 anyway.

    Squall maybe a bit stronger than Seifer but Cloud is way stronger than Sephiroth. Seifer may not have a plot to destroy the Universe, and he may be a complete tool but what does that have to do with his fighting capabilities?

  13. #43
    Banned Kakashi509's Avatar
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    Well the fact of being a pawn and a has a lot because the pawn would have taken orders and in a tight situation wouldn't be as capabl as thinking of a good plan as a free man since pawns take orders, they don't think up their own. Though to tell you the truth Seifer would be no match for Sephiroth.

  14. #44


    Sephiroth would win.

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  15. #45


    I beat Sephiroth with a dead Yuffie and Vincent in my party.


    Stop being so mechanistic about it. First of all, Seifer gets his ass kicked so many times obviously he can restart after game over, not so for Sephiroth. Secondly, you must remember that at the end of FFVIII, Seifer and his two sidekicks Fujin and Rajin were raising their fishing skills and Seifer smiled like he was a retard like Squall at the beginning of the game. If Sephiroth decides to run through Seifer with his long sword then one of Seifer’s sidekicks would just revive him and go back getting exp from fishing. Then after they are level 99, and you have been convinced your characters have gone through the linear trials and tribulations you think necessary to make it in this world as drilled into you since you were born, they will triple-team Sephiroth and you will think that’s very good indeed. Hey, they should do that. I want to see Seifer developed. Sephiroth can’t stand the smell of fish, and Seifer is a fisherman. Who wins 1v1? Tough decision.

    Cloud definitely beats Squall because Squall’s story is finished. He has a girlfriend already and closure and the only thing left for him to do is fade away and die.

    Isn’t it the point of FF storytelling? So if Sephiroth does win he better be one of my characters.

    But personally, I think Cait Sith has been working behind the scenes nonstop and controls everything, even Earth.

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