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Thread: Who thinks Seymour's Battles are easy come here

  1. #1
    Banned Lady Pain's Avatar
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    Jun 2005

    Who thinks Seymour's Battles are easy come here

    Do you think Seymour's Battles are alittle to easy

  2. #2


    Seymour is the most annoying final fantasy boss ever!!!!!

    The first battle is pretty easy if your prepared, so is the second.
    The third battle is absolute hell, and the last battle is simple.
    come now if you want it, the otherworld awaits you...

  3. #3


    i agree with ya, the third battle with seymore is annoying! took me about 20 times to beat him! i hate that final attack of his. but the other battles are fairly simple

  4. #4


    Seymour + Guado Guardian x2/Anima/Seymour = Easy. Anima is a little hard, but nothing serious.

    Seymour Natus + Mortibody = Easy if you get his trick. still challenging.

    Seymour Flux + Mortiorchis = O_O HARD

    Seymour Omnis + Mortiphasm x4 = Hard as well. I still have more nightmares with Yunalesca, though. He should be like Trance Kuja, second to Final Boss. Yu Yevon is just idiot. XD
    Quote Originally Posted by yours truly
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  5. #5
    Old-Ones Studios Cruise Control's Avatar
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    Most definitely, especially since he's vulnerable to poison, and wastes time dismissing aeons.
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  6. #6
    300dpi in a 72dpi zone Slade's Avatar
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    First Seymour was annoying....mainly cos of those two Guado dudes casting crap on him non stop. damn guados!

    Second Seymour was easy.....cast poison + beat the crap outa him

    Third Seymour is freakin hard. Hardest boss in the game for me. Curse that cross cleave!

    Last Seymour was pretty easy.....without null-shock, tide, frost and the other one he would be near impossible.

    Thats basically how i saw them....

  7. #7
    SeeDRankLou's Avatar
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    If you don't know what you are doing (i.e. first playthrough, no guide), then Seymour Flux was freakin' impossible. Seymour Natus was annoying, but not that difficult, as long as he didn't crush one of your petrified characters. The other two were not that hard. But Seymour Flux was impossible my first time playing.

    Now that I know what I'm doing however, Seymour never gives me any problems.

  8. #8


    Theres and easy way to kill seymor Flux all u have to do is use Zombie strike and Holy/pheonixdown. I think thats how I did it :P (works on lotsa things.

  9. #9
    Banned Lady Pain's Avatar
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    the last battle was vary easy took me 4 overdrives to beat him because I use overdrives first.

  10. #10


    Seymour never really gave me any problems.If you know how to counter his strategy's he's simple.That Total Annihilation was a bastard though.Need a Mega-Phoneix after that attack.

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    I am the light in the darkness!
    I am truth.

  11. #11


    the last seymour was really easy. all u have to do is if he is using fire attacks, bring out ifrit and physical attack him untill he uses ultima, then ifrit will have a overdrive. then, when he swiches, bring out the next aeon with the same element and physical attack him. then on the second time around, when he starts all over with the elements, use your overdrives that corespond with his current weakness. after all ur aeons die he should be in really bad shape, so finish him off any way u like. and yea i konw it sounds confusing, but i kicked his @ss doing it.
    Sam = Ax = MAS82587 = PedroXC = DistanceRunner = Cloud of SOLDIER

  12. #12


    First Battle: Easy.
    Second Battle: Easy.
    Third Battle: A little annoying and a little hard, nothing serious tough.
    Fourth and last: Fun and a medium fight.

    The truth within other mostly lies within your own
    truth wich only can be discovered by yourself wich
    means you have to discover your own truth to get to
    the truth within other that only the bearer himself can
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    wich means I'm not talking any sense now.

  13. #13


    All of them were easy. Besides, I always did my best, without even thinking of losing (I believe in the power of positive thoughts, you know) and, well, I didn't.

  14. #14


    hmm....still don't get why you're all fussing over the battle with the third seymour. It was the easiest battle against him ever! I just took around 7-8 minutes and BOOM! he's gone... and it was my first battle only! (without game over)
    "The people and the friends we have lost, or the dreams that have faded... Never forget them."

  15. #15


    I recently played throught ff10 and I defeated Seymour with money. Yes I through my gil at him but it was worth it. It was funny to see him get killed by gil.

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