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Thread: Creation of the Universe

  1. #1
    Nulli Secundus Primus Inter Pares's Avatar
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    Default Creation of the Universe

    Creation of the Universe

    Right, I have been pondering this question for years and my biggest question is: According to the “Law of Conservation of Matter and Energy”; matter and energy cannot be created or destroyed. This leads me to the question one cannot answer: “The universe must have started with nothing, so then, how can there be something here?” I can however attempt to answer another question, in relation to the creation of this universe.

    Primus Inter Pares' Theory on the Creation of the Universe:

    To accurately explain my theory on the creation of the universe I have to establish certain things:

    1. Black Holes: First we need to establish what *I* believe black holes to be, my interpretation of black holes is quite standard: Black holes are simply an area of super compressed matter, in a very small space, thus leading to impossibly high gravity according to the equation: GM1M2/R^2 Thisis means that not even light can escape from this mass, my theory is based on the concept that black holes have no limit to their mass (*), and that the density of black holes either remain the same or increase with the size

    2. Anti-Matter: This one is a bit simpler; many people want to believe that before there was matter, there was anti-matter. This has one major flaw, even anti-matter is a form of matter, and to start with there was NOTHING! Also you cannot have anti-matter without matter to start with, I heard a good analogy the other day: “Think of a coin factory, first the metal is melted down into sheets and then the coins are punched out, you can refer to the remainder as an anti-coin” although the intricacies of coin making are not accurate in this area the point is well made, let’s stick with that model for my theory.

    My theory that does NOT account for the original creation of matter is as follows:

    Let us say that this is not the first time the Universe has been created, and that this is simply on of the many ages of the universe, let us call the age which we are living in “Age x” I will try to explain how we got to “Age x” by going from the present to “Age x+1”

    We know of the existence of black holes in out universe to date, and the awesome destructive power they posses, eating entire solar systems in the matter of moments, we have also determined the existence of much bigger black holes than what seems to be the norm, we do not however know what will happen if two black holes meet. My theory is that they combine to become a much greater black hole, now in regards to (*) I stated that the black hole has an infinite growth, I believe that this is not exactly true, however I needed to state that black holes have to grow to the size needed. So with this, how we go from “Age x” to “Age x+1” is this:

    Black holes have already been established in our universe so that aspect has already happened, what I believe will continue, will be the expansion in number and size of these black holes over time, until the numbers cease to grow, and the black holes start combining at a higher rate, increasing the average size. Now, the black hole cannot (*) reach a certain size, this is because the “Law of Conservation of Matter” states that matter cannot be created or destroyed, therefore, when one black hole eventually consumes all matter, it will not stay that way, become unstable and explode, this will be the “Big Bang” scientists refer to, and that big bang, similar to the one that hailed in “Age x” will also hail in “Age x+1”

    Another theory is that black holes DO have a limiting size within realistic limits, and continually the cycle of implosion and explosion happens, this would account for the universe continually expanding AND the fact that matter cannot be created or destroyed.

    Thank you, see if you can rip it apart
    Last edited by Primus Inter Pares; 07-07-2005 at 05:36 PM.

  2. #2
    Being Pooh. Chris's Avatar
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    I don't know what to say, but the universe was created with the big bang. That's shaking it all, I'm thru' to y'all hear me?!

  3. #3
    purple Alive-Cat's Avatar
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    Hmmm, this is all getting way too complicated. There must of been something before the big bang other wise it couldn't of happened. Poopdydoop.
    Last edited by Alive-Cat; 12-28-2005 at 05:03 PM.

  4. #4
    Polaris's Avatar
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    Have u ever heard of 'Big Bang'?!

  5. #5
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    The Jatravartid People of Viltvodle Six firmly believe that the entire universe was sneezed out of the nose of a being called The Great Green Arkleseizure. They live in perpetual fear of the time they call The Coming Of The Great White Handkerchief.

  6. #6
    Nulli Secundus Primus Inter Pares's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sweet_Angel
    Have u ever heard of 'Big Bang'?!
    Did you read my post?

    Quote Originally Posted by Primus Inter Pares
    Black holes have already been established in our universe so that aspect has already happened, what I believe will continue, will be the expansion in number and size of these black holes over time, until the numbers cease to grow, and the black holes start combining at a higher rate, increasing the average size. Now, the black hole cannot (*) reach a certain size, this is because the “Law of Conservation of Matter” states that matter cannot be created or destroyed, therefore, when one black hole eventually consumes all matter, it will not stay that way, become unstable and explode, this will be the “Big Bang” scientists refer to, and that big bang, similar to the one that hailed in “Age x” will also hail in “Age x+1”
    Quote Originally Posted by Alive-Man
    Not the first time the universe has been created???
    A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...
    Errrr... yes!

    Quote Originally Posted by Alive-Man
    Hmmm, this is all getting way too complicated. There must of been something before the big bang other wise it couldn't of happened.
    Yeah, my theory does not account for the original creation of matter thus:

    Quote Originally Posted by Primus Inter Pares
    My theory that does NOT account for the original creation of matter is as follows:
    My Theory brings us all the way up to "square one" so to say, all you have to find now is how matter was originally created. The only plausible explaination I can provide is that "empty space" is itself matter and can be converted (ie. the fabric of space) However, using the Law of Conservation of Matter, even that is impossible unless the fabric of space does not obey the laws of physics. Even then it would have to start at "nothing" which would mean nothing at all, not even space, because space is still something

  7. #7
    Old-Ones Studios Cruise Control's Avatar
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    Hmmm.... You make some points and back them up with facts in a logical manner... I like this guy
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  8. #8
    Pat Fenguin Xaven's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Primus Inter Pares
    “Law of Conservation of Matter and Energy”; matter and energy cannot be created or destroyed.
    Just so you know, there are exceptions to this. Nuclear fusion and fission and the process of creating atoms though extreme amounts of energy (I don't know the name of this process) do not abide by this law. However, these processes can just be seen as transforming matter to energy and vice versa.

    That's a nice theory by the way.

  9. #9
    Northern String Twanger Shoden's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Psychotic
    The Jatravartid People of Viltvodle Six firmly believe that the entire universe was sneezed out of the nose of a being called The Great Green Arkleseizure. They live in perpetual fear of the time they call The Coming Of The Great White Handkerchief.

    thats from the hitch hikers guide to the galaxy lol

    very interesting that is also technically denying a creator


  10. #10
    Draw the Drapes Recognized Member rubah's Avatar
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    I find it rather well explained in Genesis, myself~

  11. #11
    Δ As above, so below ∇ crashNUMBERS's Avatar
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    Kishi mae it all!!

  12. #12
    Old-Ones Studios Cruise Control's Avatar
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    So do I but still, I enjoy logical thinking...
    Leave some shards under the belly
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    And the makings of a good plan

  13. #13


    It's certainly an interesting idea. The thing is, extremely massive black holes don't explode - their gravity is just too high for that kind of large scale energy release. That being said, they can and do evaporate over time - virtual particles, which appear and disappear continuously in a vaccuum, appear near the event horizon of a black hole, and gain just enough of a boost from its gravity and in the right direction that they become real particles. This steals a bit of energy from the black hole, and causes it to lose mass. It's known as Hawking Radiation.

    As for where it all came from in the first place, I think one of the prevailing theories is that the universe is basically a virtual particle; a quantum fluctuation, that as long as the net energy gain remains zero, our universe may continue to exist as it is. I *think* that's how the theory goes.
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  14. #14
    ..a Russian mountain cat. Yamaneko's Avatar
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    The universe is supported on the back of a tortoise, which is in turn supported by an infinite number of other tortoises.

  15. #15
    Triple Triad Ace Ultima Shadow's Avatar
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    No matter how hard we try, we won't find the an answere that we can say is the correct one.

    The more you think about it and tries to figure it out, the more un-answerable questions you'll come up with. And then you'll, eventually, go insane.

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