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Thread: Harry Potter and the half blood prince (possible spoilers)

  1. #46
    Banned Hawkeye's Avatar
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    I am too afraid to read all of your posts so I wont

    Right now, I am around page 200, first meeting with Dumbeldore (private lessons) and things have been arousing like crazy. Cant wait till I finish it I suppose, to see who hit Professor Klump with a candle stick

  2. #47


    I will probably be picking this up later today. My store is selling it for only 17 bucks. Even though some worthless POS spoiled it for me on the gamefaqs message board (he posted the death spoiler in the topic title on the FRIGGEN RESIDENT EVIL BOARD). Its pretty sad when you cant even visit a RE board w/o having something like this spoiled. And not just that. Someone here also has it in their sig. Even though it is hidden by the "spoiler tags", I still saw it by accident while trying to scroll down the page. Tis a very sad group of people.

  3. #48
    Back of the net Recognized Member Heath's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kirobaito
    R.A.B. is obviously Regulus A. Black. I hope that everybody realized that.
    Not nessecarily. The signs point that way, but let's remember: Regulus was described as a coward. He left the Death Eaters and was elmimated because of it. It's for that reason I'm skeptical. I don't believe anyone, other than Slughorn, Dumbledore and Harry had any idea that Riddle planned on creating/created Horcruxes, and it would seem a little out of the way for Regulus to go hunting for something that would appear to have been a worthless item.

    I personally think it IS Regulus, and the thought popped into my head almost instantly, but I just thought I'd provide some counter-argument.
    Last edited by Heath; 07-17-2005 at 09:34 PM. Reason: Fixed spelling and grammar
    Not my words Carol, the words of Top Gear magazine.

  4. #49
    Blademaster of Northland DeBlayde's Avatar
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    well, it ain't coldest Hel no more. :D


    boy what a book.

    It never ceases to amaze me the depth and breadth of Rowling's understanding of the teenage male psyche. Order of the Phoenix was jam packed with the whole adolescent "NObody understands me, I'm too unusual and unique and nobody understands me, I want to die, my life is hell, there's nobody who's had it as bad as me," thing.

    And now this book focuses around Dumbledore's belief in love. The whole book revolves around it, well, adolescent relationships at least, but it seems like everybody's getting together. If love is truly as powerful as Dumbledore's always saying it is, or if Love truly is the fueling of BM's hadoken on 8-bit theatre, then Voldemort will be vanquished in no time.

    But it's funny how Rowling portrays the teenage mind. Right around 16, we suddenly cannot focus on anything other than the opposite gender around us. Harry paid almost no attention in his classes, and way too much attention to girls. kinda funny, really.

    Makoto, Honesty.

  5. #50
    Zachie Chan Recognized Member Ouch!'s Avatar
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    Got it in the mail the around 1:00 PM yesterday and finished it just after midnight--not straight reading mind you, many interuptions with a dinner party, but I'm still proud for finishing it in only a couple hours reading time.

    I've been thinking along the same lines as KB as far as Snape's actions go. I can't seem to think that Snape really is a bad guy. Fact is, after making the Unbreakable Vow (which he had to make to prove his allegience) he had no choice but to kill Dumbledore. It just doesn't seem to add up. I just get the eerie feeling that Dumbledore wanted Snape to kill him. I'm not going to bother reinterating KB's points, but I agree with all of them.

    As far as Regulus Black, that never even popped into my head, but at the same time I don't think he would have been so clearly pointed out without a reason.

  6. #51
    permanently mitten
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    I don't think that Dumbledore's death came as a surprise to Dumbledore himself. He trusted Snape and there has to be reason for that. More of a reason than simply because Dumbledore likes to see the best in people. There has to be more to the story. Dumbledore knew that Snape had taken an unbreakable vow, he knew that something was up, he has to have known of the possibility that Snape was two-timing the Order. I don't care if he was getting old, or if he was losing his touch, Dumbledore wasn't an idiot. I refuse to believe that Dumbledore could've been blindsighted by this.

    And my theory on the whole thing is pretty much in line with KB's theory that Dumbledore wasn't pleading for his life with Snape. There was something more going on there.

    I was surprised when Harry said that he wouldn't be coming back to Hogwarts, but thinking about it, it makes so much sense.

    Also, did anyone try and count the number of deaths in the book? I mean, sheesh. The book was pretty depressing all around. Cried my eyes out at the end.

    Oh and even if Snape turns out to be one of the good guys, I'll still hate him forever for killing Dumbledore. People have mentioned that he had no choice after taking the vow, well OF COURSE he had a choice. He could've chosen to die himself rather than to kill Dumble-freakin-dore.

    Edit: Harry and Ginny. Say it with me: awwwwww!
    Last edited by Miriel; 07-17-2005 at 09:54 PM.

  7. #52
    Blademaster of Northland DeBlayde's Avatar
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    well, it ain't coldest Hel no more. :D


    snape must die. for a very very long time.

    and then be brought back only to be killed again. They need to go find Fawkes and take some of his down so that they can revive snape over and over again.

    Makoto, Honesty.

  8. #53
    Mr. Encyclopedia Kirobaito's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Heath
    Quote Originally Posted by Kirobaito
    R.A.B. is obviously Regulus A. Black. I hope that everybody realized that.
    I don't believe anyone, other than Slughorn, Dumbledore and Harry had any idea that Riddle planned on creating/created Horcruxes, and it would seem a little out of the way for Regulus to go hunting for something that would appear to have been a worthless item.
    What do you mean? Here's a copy of the parchment:

    To the Dark Lord
    I know I will be dead long before you read this
    but I want you to know that it was I who discovered your secret.
    I have stolen the real Horcrux and intend to destroy it as soon as I can.
    I face death in the hope that when you meet your match,
    you will be mortal once more.

    Whoever replaced the Horcrux already DID know of their worth. Sirius wouldn't have been aware of Regulus's actions when he called him a coward. He was only aware that Regulus "backed out" and was killed. He appeared to have very limited knowledge of Regulus's fate - it's entirely possible that Regulus destroyed it, then appeared to flee the Death Eaters and was then killed. That would make him look like a coward, even though it was a noble deed.


    Quote Originally Posted by Order of the Phoenix, Page 116, American edition
    …also a heavy locket that none of them could open
    That was taken from when Harry was cleaning in the chapter <i>The Noble and Most Ancient House of Black</i>. Interpret it how you want.
    Last edited by Kirobaito; 07-17-2005 at 10:52 PM.

  9. #54
    Soylent green is people! Wiegrahf42's Avatar
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    I came across an interesting theory, though I doubt J.K. would actual use a plot device like this. Dumbledore has killed dark Wizards and is very powerful, so is it possible that he himself could have a Horcruxe? As I said, J.K. will most likely leave Dumbledore (and Sirius for that matter) dead to give their deaths more meaning and it's doubtful Dumbledore would be involved in Dark magic. I second the theory about Snape being bound by his vow.
    On a lighter note I greatly appreciated Harry gaining some maturity and not continuing the Hayden Christian crap.
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  10. #55
    The King's Shield The Summoner of Leviathan's Avatar
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    KB makes a real interesting point. If Snape really sincerely did feel guilty about killing the Potters, maybe that is why he did not take his old Potions book away from Harry, for as they said it was evident that Snape knew he had it.

    I still think Snape is on Voldy's side, yet I find redeeming qualities in him (more in his relationship towards Malfoy and at times when he actually seems to have a heart). I know chapter two maybe seemed too obvious but maybe it was to seem to obvious so that people would discreditted as so (or maybe I am thinking too much).

  11. #56
    DaggerFlux's Avatar
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    I finished the book yesturday. And i was actually quite shocked about the ending. I still actually thought that Snape was on the good side, despite all the evidence suggesting otherwise.

    Although i think there must be more to Snape killing Dumbledore then JK is letting on, I don't know what, but Dumbledore always had this weird reason for trusting Snape, so that must be revealed in the seventh book, I hope so anyway.
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  12. #57 hot, salty nut! Recognized Member fire_of_avalon's Avatar
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    I have never cried so hard over a book in my entire life, INCLUDING OotP.

    Also, KB = high fives for thinking like me. Truth is, we're not gonna know whether or not Snape is a good guy or a bad guy until, probably, the final showdown. Just because he fed that line of bull to Narcissa and Bellatrix means exactly poopy in the long run, because we all know Snape is a master of hiding his true intentions. Personally, I think the twist KB described is just the sort of thing Rowling is acclaimed for, and the hopeful part of me desperatly wants to see at least one person out of the entire series find redemption.

    Of course the vengeful part of me wants massive destruction.



    Signature by rubah. I think.

  13. #58
    Marble's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DeBlayde
    But it's funny how Rowling portrays the teenage mind. Right around 16, we suddenly cannot focus on anything other than the opposite gender around us. Harry paid almost no attention in his classes, and way too much attention to girls. kinda funny, really.
    Pfft, speak for yourself, DeBlayde.

    Personally, I thought almost all the love-related scenes in the book were, as in OotP, a bit awkward, except for those with Harry and Ginny (which actually came off as quite pretty writing). The Tonks and Lupin pairing just breached my ridiculousity border, although I trust Rowling to make something good of it in the next book. Tonks and Lupin both got way too little development/pagetime in this book... it came off quite halfhearted. I was actually expecting Tonks to be under something along the lines of an Imperius curse, the way she was behaving.

    But I'm sounding grumpy - hey, the book in general was fantastic, like all the others. I especially liked how it went back in time and strung together so much from the earliest books, not least Chamber of Secrets, which had always seemed to me to have the least relevance to the rest of the series. Lucius Malfoy even managed to get quite some motive development despite being locked up during the entire story...

    Kirobaito is posting some brilliant deductive arguments here, and I'm prepared to support quite a few of them. Dumbledore realising that Snape had to kill him would be a great twist; in fact I'm almost expecting something like it to be revealed in the finale, considering how silly the whole deal of Snape completely passing Dumbledore by would appear.

    Finally, am I the only one who's tired of the Harry Potter novels being referred to as children's reading? With all the stuff going on in the latest books - in my opinion, and I wouldn't be surprised if Rowling has planned for it somewhat that way, each book is suitable for readers approximately Harry's present age. I certainly wouldn't let my ten-year-old child read Half-Blood Prince, while Philosopher's Stone I would... yeah well. Fun thread, this is.
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  14. #59
    My dream will never fade! MoonZapdos's Avatar
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    Why is there such a fuss because of this book? -_-

  15. #60
    dizzy up the girl Recognized Member Rye's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DeBlayde
    Finally, am I the only one who's tired of the Harry Potter novels being referred to as children's reading? With all the stuff going on in the latest books - in my opinion, and I wouldn't be surprised if Rowling has planned for it somewhat that way, each book is suitable for readers approximately Harry's present age. I certainly wouldn't let my ten-year-old child read Half-Blood Prince, while Philosopher's Stone I would... yeah well. Fun thread, this is.
    Yeah. Though if I had a 10 year old, I would let them, if they could read through 600 pages. It makes me happy that so many kids are happy to read instead of being like "lolz readin iz gay i burn libraries!"

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