I dunno if there's been one done since 2001, but I got the idea for doing this after reading some old PMs about trying to get together for chess matches and stuff.

So, all skill levels are welcome - I think the format will be World Cup style, for a total of 32 people playing anywhere from 3 - 7 matches. Since I'll be in it, I guess the next 31 people to respond in the thread get it. When you do, just add your name to the list and copy paste DUH into the bottom of your post, as well as your level of experience. After that, we'll organize into the divisions (posting your level of experience will help here, to even things out). And then we'll go from there.

Of course, if there's not enough interest, this won't happen. So get interested.

Sticky this, maybe?

1. -N-

(so next poster will post
1. -N-
2. *2nd poster's nick*

and the next should post

1. -N-
2. *2nd poster's nick*
3. *3rd poster's nick*

and so on)