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Thread: Beautifull

  1. #166
    Skyblade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Future Esthar
    It's the only logical conclusion I can make from your post. You conclude that it takes more than 17 years for something to become a legend, which means that it has to have been made 17 years ago. Which is entirely false.
    No,it means it has to be made MORE than 17 years ago.
    It canīt be made on less than 17 years.

    Because the game implies it is legendary.
    Yes, but where does the game imply that it is only 17 years old? Your comment would indicate that someone or something implied that it was 17 years old, because otherwise there would be no reason to bring up its age.
    My friend Delzethin is currently running a GoFundMe account to pay for some extended medical troubles he's had. He's had chronic issues and lifetime troubles that have really crippled his career opportunities, and he's trying to get enough funding to get back to a stable medical situation. If you like his content, please support his GoFundMe, or even just contribute to his Patreon.

    He can really use a hand with this, and any support you can offer is appreciated.

  2. #167


    The Centra destruction was more than 17 years ago.I mentioned this age because this was when Laguna found the excavation.
    What I am saying is that the Pandora was not made here but much earlier(before Centra was wiped out).

    By the way,give atleast one more reply to the thread "Lunar Cry(no theory)" please.
    Flo:Honey,the clock is late.Go out fix it.
    Mayor Dobe:What hours is it?
    Flo: 15:30
    Mayor Dobe:Hey do you wanna to send the Estharians to Centra or what?
    Flo:Ok,let it be on 3:45

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  3. #168
    Skyblade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Future Esthar
    The Centra destruction was more than 17 years ago.I mentioned this age because this was when Laguna found the excavation.
    What I am saying is that the Pandora was not made here but much earlier(before Centra was wiped out).

    By the way,give atleast one more reply to the thread "Lunar Cry(no theory)" please.
    Yes, but we all knew that, and no one tried to say otherwise, so what's your point?

    Also, what is there to respond to there? Putting responses in won't help the thread die, which is what you asked about.
    My friend Delzethin is currently running a GoFundMe account to pay for some extended medical troubles he's had. He's had chronic issues and lifetime troubles that have really crippled his career opportunities, and he's trying to get enough funding to get back to a stable medical situation. If you like his content, please support his GoFundMe, or even just contribute to his Patreon.

    He can really use a hand with this, and any support you can offer is appreciated.

  4. #169
    Funkadelic Jammer crazybayman's Avatar
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  5. #170
    Gobbledygook! Recognized Member Christmas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Future Esthar
    To me it looks more like Truman Show than Dream Zanarkand.Why do you think the opposite?Because an area is glued to another like the dream is a continuation of the earlier one,is that it?
    Go play FFX and figure in out yourself.

    Quote Originally Posted by Future Esthar
    The Pandora and the Crystal Pillar already existed 80 years ago
    There is no telling when the Pandora existed. We know that the Estharians built it to generate artifical lunar cry.

    So you are implying that the Centra is destroyed by an artifical lunar cry?

    First thing, why did they only start digging it out 80 years later?

    And why is it buried in the first place since people inside the pandora can just move it back to after they are done with Centra.

    Quote Originally Posted by Future Esthar
    Sorceress Adel was born and the controlled Centra Soldiers were told by Adel how to construct the Lunatic Pandora.They made it then.
    So now we are having Centra soldiers being controlled by Adel then they build the lunatic pandora and destroy themselves?

    Quote Originally Posted by Future Esthar
    I think the Crystal Pillar was made artificially using compressive methods in whch the minerals,mainly carbon composites evolved to crystal.Itīs shape was also masterminded
    So the game info is lying as usual? Here what the game said about the crystal pillar:

    And how do these components you mentioned react to the moon in the first place?

    And how is going to cause lunar cry with the components you mentioned?

    I hope you are not going to said Lunar cries had nothing to do with the crystal pillar.

    Quote Originally Posted by Future Esthar
    Later,Adel sends Esthar soldiers to excavate the Crystal and made people think it was from the moon.The Pandora was deconstructed just before Deling sends the spies and then constructed again.
    And they deconstruct it and construct it again just for the sake of distracting people?

    BTW, do you know that the exacuation of the pandora is a secret which actually not many people know so what is there to distract people since nobody knows.

    Zell: That Lunatic...whatever, that big thing!? What the hell is that!?
    What the hell is going on!?
    It show that at least someone outside of Esthar is ignorant about the lunatic Pandora itself.

    Quote Originally Posted by Future Esthar

    Ulti to Seifer-"Find the LEGENDARY Lunatic Pandora said to be hidden benneath the ocean"

    Itīs Legendary Pandora not Legendary Crystal Pillar.
    Itīs impossible for a thing to became a legend just in 17 years.
    A legend requires long time.
    This is what the dictionary said about legendary:

    Of, constituting, based on, or of the nature of a legend.

    Celebrated in legend.
    Extremely well known; famous or renowned
    That isn't really any time limit set for being legendary.

    So if there is, what is your time limit? Anything after 17 years and why? Cause anything major happen before Squall is born can be classified as "legendary".

    And take note that it is Ultimecia that live far beyond the future that said that. So in her time it is deemed the time limit you set for "legendary".

    Quote Originally Posted by Future Esthar
    Definitive evidence:

    Looking at the base (lower side) of the Pandora from the outside we see strange letters written on it.This was written by an ancient civilization.We know for instance that the writing of the Estharians is similar to ours.
    All strange letters are written by an ancient civilization, what give you these ideas anyway? Just because you THINK Estharians' writing is similar to ours?

    And beside, if what you say is truth, then this Pandora is only around 17 years old since it had been reconstructed by the Estharians and since they were the one that built it,why do they include writings from some ancient civilization in the new pandora which they cannot understand since you claim that the Estharians' writings is similar to ours.

    Quote Originally Posted by Future Esthar
    Why do you say Adel canīt be more than 80 years old?
    Cause Sorceress had normal lifespan as human beings like I stated in my previous posts.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ultimania
    A Sorceress' lifespan is the same as a normal human's
    Judging from what you said of Adel already controlling the Centras before the lunar cry to Esthar, she might be over a 100 years old in the game.

    And if you think she can live that long and her black magic caused her to "deform" making her doesn't look 100+ years old, then suit yourself.

    Quote Originally Posted by Future Esthar
    Look,the bridge is supported by pillars which means that itīs not too difficult to make it along with the wall.
    No matter what, people will have to be on the edges of the Galbadia or Esthar to oversee and work on the bridge which mean they contacted with the wall ages ago.

    And there is also a abandoned train station built at the edge of the Esthar's side of your wall. And I think it is directly on/in the wall.

    Quote Originally Posted by Future Esthar
    About the straight walkways on the sides of the bridge:

    Even though one can walk on the sideways of the bridge there is no brick wall to prevent people to fall on water.So itīs dangerous to walk on the sideways anyway.A train passing produce a side wind which can pull them out.
    Look, we have Squall carrying Rinoa on his back walked all the way to Esthar without falling into the water.

    And I did prove that no trains function in the horizon bridge anymore.

    So what makes it impossible?
    Last edited by Christmas; 09-14-2005 at 06:14 PM.

  6. #171


    Will go back here after my next thread(not the one about the year of the events on FF8).This one will provide unrefuting evidence for itīs statement(at least people inconsciously showed me that they will not be able to refute it). Keep an eye on it because it will provide the answer for nearly all the questions people asked me on this forum.It will explain the meaning behind the holographic walls.
    This is an important one because it refers to an overall phenomena of the world of FF8.I hope my previous theories became more clear after I made it.
    Last edited by Future Esthar; 09-14-2005 at 08:28 PM.
    Flo:Honey,the clock is late.Go out fix it.
    Mayor Dobe:What hours is it?
    Flo: 15:30
    Mayor Dobe:Hey do you wanna to send the Estharians to Centra or what?
    Flo:Ok,let it be on 3:45

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    Big D

  7. #172
    Skyblade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Future Esthar
    Will go back here after my next thread(not the one about the year of the events on FF8).This one will provide unrefuting evidence for itīs statement(at least people inconsciously showed me that they will not be able to refute it). Keep an eye on it because it will provide the answer for nearly all the questions people asked me on this forum.It will explain the meaning behind the holographic walls.
    If that's true, why don't you post it in here? Why make another thread?
    My friend Delzethin is currently running a GoFundMe account to pay for some extended medical troubles he's had. He's had chronic issues and lifetime troubles that have really crippled his career opportunities, and he's trying to get enough funding to get back to a stable medical situation. If you like his content, please support his GoFundMe, or even just contribute to his Patreon.

    He can really use a hand with this, and any support you can offer is appreciated.

  8. #173


    Long time that I donīt post a new thread.And the subject is different so it should be posted on another thread.
    Flo:Honey,the clock is late.Go out fix it.
    Mayor Dobe:What hours is it?
    Flo: 15:30
    Mayor Dobe:Hey do you wanna to send the Estharians to Centra or what?
    Flo:Ok,let it be on 3:45

    Images removed for being utterly colossal. Please use images that conform to the size limit.

    Big D

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