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Thread: Beautifull

  1. #151
    The giver of *hugs* boys from the dwarf's Avatar
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    someone has a lot of time on their hands.
    ...*holds up free hugs sign.*

  2. #152


    more like alot of pot on their hands

  3. #153
    My hair is soft. G SpOtZ's Avatar
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    somebody throw FE into an insane asylum.

    Thank you Hysterian!

  4. #154


    ill pay $500[USD] for a straight-jacket for him

  5. #155


    To Crazybayman:
    If that is your definition of retardedness then you are right.
    You didnīt replied to the quote about the shaft.It clearly passes through the floor.Thatīs visible on the game.
    Flo:Honey,the clock is late.Go out fix it.
    Mayor Dobe:What hours is it?
    Flo: 15:30
    Mayor Dobe:Hey do you wanna to send the Estharians to Centra or what?
    Flo:Ok,let it be on 3:45

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    Big D

  6. #156
    Gobbledygook! Recognized Member Christmas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Future Esthar
    Nearly all persons on FF8 world are Thruman and the audience were the Estharians(although only Adel and itīs subordinates knows about it, not all Estharians).The rest of it is correct.
    The film is SIMILAR TO THE GAME not EQUAL.
    You are going to base it on one control panel and a movie to support this theory?

    Quote Originally Posted by Future Esthar
    The sorceress war is not to take over the world.Itīs just a ploy to distract people until Adel recovers the Crystal Pillar left on the floor AFTER she SECRETELY used the Pandora to generate the Lunar Cry which destroyed Centra.Deling sent spies (Including Laguna and Company) to get the false information that the Crystal Pillar is just being excavated.
    Since people thinks that Deling and Adel are enemies (which is false) it would seem as thruth.
    This one is as good as fanfiction since there isn't anything that imply anywhere that prove your story and:

    Quote Originally Posted by Ultimania
    A Sorceress' lifespan is the same as a normal human's
    Centra was destroyed 80 years ago and if Adel is already around by that time, how old will she be in Squall's time? She had normal lifespan as a normal human so it is not really possible for her to use the lunar cry 80 years ago and dug it up again 80 years later.

    Also, the lunatic pandora was built after the crystal pillar was dug up from the earth by Esthar.

    It is then the start of Esthar's plan to create artifical lunar cry and the first experiment that they conduct could just be Trabia which resulted in the crater.

    All these can be seen in Laguna's dream sequence.

    Quote Originally Posted by Future Esthar
    Didnīt played FF X.Explain it to me please.
    It is about a guy that is like Truman but he left the "dream world" at the start of the game and went to the real world. Later in the game he realized that his world is just a dream world and him along is a dream himself.

    Quote Originally Posted by Future Esthar

    I see no problem.The bridge behound the wall is glued to the wall.The bridge on the Galbadia side is glued to the wall also.Since the wall allways projects a film of what is happening on the other side the thickness of the wall is not spotted.
    You dun build bridges with superglue. You need to be on one edge at least to build it so people will contact with the wall while building it.

    You still haven't answer the other questions on the bridge.
    Last edited by Christmas; 09-13-2005 at 07:32 PM.

  7. #157


    I have no idea what this thread is about. I looked at the first post, and didn't have the foggiest idea of what it was about.
    But the fact that someone has taken the time to analyse FF8 so thoroughly impresses me.

    (SPOILER)Oh how I weep.


  8. #158
    Funkadelic Jammer crazybayman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Future Esthar
    To Crazybayman:
    If that is your definition of retardedness then you are right.

    Quote Originally Posted by Future Esthar
    You didnīt replied to the quote about the shaft.It clearly passes through the floor.Thatīs visible on the game.
    How in the name of @#$% can you prove that it passes through the floor by magic? I don't disctinctly remember exactly how that FMV goes. However, if no debris appears to fly around, when the shaft broke through the floor, its a programming convienience. I highly doubt the creators used such a tiny detail to help show something other than what the game directly implies.

  9. #159
    Gobbledygook! Recognized Member Christmas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by crazybayman
    . I highly doubt the creators used such a tiny detail to help show something other than what the game directly implies.
    True. When the theory just practically affected the plotline so much like the plotline we knew is totally different from the "Real" one.

    And if they use this tiny detail to link to your walls, WOTC...etc, then why didn't they give a small minor tiny details about Laguna and Squall's relationship instead of making it so obvious?

  10. #160


    To me it looks more like Truman Show than Dream Zanarkand.Why do you think the opposite?Because an area is glued to another like the dream is a continuation of the earlier one,is that it?

    The Pandora and the Crystal Pillar already existed 80 years ago.Sorceress Adel was born and the controlled Centra Soldiers were told by Adel how to construct the Lunatic Pandora.They made it then.I think the Crystal Pillar was made artificially using compressive methods in whch the minerals,mainly carbon composites evolved to crystal.Itīs shape was also masterminded.Later,Adel sends Esthar soldiers to excavate the Crystal and made people think it was from the moon.The Pandora was deconstructed just before Deling sends the spies and then constructed again.


    Ulti to Seifer-"Find the LEGENDARY Lunatic Pandora said to be hidden benneath the ocean"

    Itīs Legendary Pandora not Legendary Crystal Pillar.

    Itīs impossible for a thing to became a legend just in 17 years.
    A legend requires long time.

    Definitive evidence:

    Looking at the base (lower side) of the Pandora from the outside we see strange letters written on it.This was written by an ancient civilization.We know for instance that the writing of the Estharians is similar to ours.

    Why do you say Adel canīt be more than 80 years old?

    Look,the bridge is supported by pillars which means that itīs not too difficult to make it along with the wall.

    About the straight walkways on the sides of the bridge:

    Even though one can walk on the sideways of the bridge there is no brick wall to prevent people to fall on water.So itīs dangerous to walk on the sideways anyway.A train passing produce a side wind which can pull them out.
    Flo:Honey,the clock is late.Go out fix it.
    Mayor Dobe:What hours is it?
    Flo: 15:30
    Mayor Dobe:Hey do you wanna to send the Estharians to Centra or what?
    Flo:Ok,let it be on 3:45

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    Big D

  11. #161
    Skyblade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Future Esthar
    To me it looks more like Truman Show than Dream Zanarkand.Why do you think the opposite?Because an area is glued to another like the dream is a continuation of the earlier one,is that it?

    The Pandora and the Crystal Pillar already existed 80 years ago.Sorceress Adel was born and the controlled Centra Soldiers were told by Adel how to construct the Lunatic Pandora.They made it then.I think the Crystal Pillar was made artificially using compressive methods in whch the minerals,mainly carbon composites evolved to crystal.Itīs shape was also masterminded.Later,Adel sends Esthar soldiers to excavate the Crystal and made people think it was from the moon.The Pandora was deconstructed just before Deling sends the spies and then constructed again.


    Ulti to Seifer-"Find the LEGENDARY Lunatic Pandora said to be hidden benneath the ocean"

    Itīs Legendary Pandora not Legendary Crystal Pillar.

    Itīs impossible for a thing to became a legend just in 17 years.
    A legend requires long time.

    Definitive evidence:

    Looking at the base (lower side) of the Pandora from the outside we see strange letters written on it.This was written by an ancient civilization.We know for instance that the writing of the Estharians is similar to ours.

    Why do you say Adel canīt be more than 80 years old?

    Look,the bridge is supported by pillars which means that itīs not too difficult to make it along with the wall.

    About the straight walkways on the sides of the bridge:

    Even though one can walk on the sideways of the bridge there is no brick wall to prevent people to fall on water.So itīs dangerous to walk on the sideways anyway.A train passing produce a side wind which can pull them out.
    You're a frelling dumb@$$, do you know that? What, do you think that Laguna built the Lunatic Pandora? What makes you think that the thing was created in during the flashback period? Hell, Doc Odine says that he studied it before then. He only stopped working with it when he found Ellone and realized the potential of her power, which happened during the flashback. Which means that he had to have known of it before the flashback, so your point is totally invalid.
    My friend Delzethin is currently running a GoFundMe account to pay for some extended medical troubles he's had. He's had chronic issues and lifetime troubles that have really crippled his career opportunities, and he's trying to get enough funding to get back to a stable medical situation. If you like his content, please support his GoFundMe, or even just contribute to his Patreon.

    He can really use a hand with this, and any support you can offer is appreciated.

  12. #162


    Where do I said Laguna created the Pandora?
    The Pandora was created before the Centra Lunar cry by the Centra soldiers under Adelīs orders.

    To Crazybayman:

    Unlike field events there werenīt bugs on FMVīs.

    Do you know,a FMV is something easy to program.Itīs just a film.There were no "if" commands nor things like that which can complicate the program making it difficult for the programmers (even the best ones) to detect some errors.A FMV is a straight movie.
    And they created the magic on the floor to show the users that the shaft will pass through the floor as a ghost.So itīs not that they "forgot" about the debris.
    Also,a FMV needs to be realistic.Itīs not like the world map which isnīt at scale nor the field.
    Flo:Honey,the clock is late.Go out fix it.
    Mayor Dobe:What hours is it?
    Flo: 15:30
    Mayor Dobe:Hey do you wanna to send the Estharians to Centra or what?
    Flo:Ok,let it be on 3:45

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    Big D

  13. #163
    Skyblade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Future Esthar
    Where do I said Laguna created the Pandora?
    The Pandora was created before the Centra Lunar cry by the Centra soldiers under Adelīs orders.

    To Crazybayman:

    Unlike field events there werenīt bugs on FMVīs.

    Do you know,a FMV is something easy to program.Itīs just a film.There were no "if" commands nor things like that which can complicate the program making it difficult for the programmers (even the best ones) to detect some errors.A FMV is a straight movie.
    And they created the magic on the floor to show the users that the shaft will pass through the floor as a ghost.So itīs not that they "forgot" about the debris.
    Also,a FMV needs to be realistic.Itīs not like the world map which isnīt at scale nor the field.
    It's the only logical conclusion I can make from your post. You conclude that it takes more than 17 years for something to become a legend, which means that it has to have been made 17 years ago. Which is entirely false.
    My friend Delzethin is currently running a GoFundMe account to pay for some extended medical troubles he's had. He's had chronic issues and lifetime troubles that have really crippled his career opportunities, and he's trying to get enough funding to get back to a stable medical situation. If you like his content, please support his GoFundMe, or even just contribute to his Patreon.

    He can really use a hand with this, and any support you can offer is appreciated.

  14. #164


    It's the only logical conclusion I can make from your post. You conclude that it takes more than 17 years for something to become a legend, which means that it has to have been made 17 years ago. Which is entirely false.
    No,it means it has to be made MORE than 17 years ago.
    It canīt be made on less than 17 years.

    Because the game implies it is legendary.
    Flo:Honey,the clock is late.Go out fix it.
    Mayor Dobe:What hours is it?
    Flo: 15:30
    Mayor Dobe:Hey do you wanna to send the Estharians to Centra or what?
    Flo:Ok,let it be on 3:45

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    Big D

  15. #165

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