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Thread: Beautifull

  1. #61
    Recognized Member Jessweeee♪'s Avatar
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    OH! I see! Since these that thing looks like the world map...this means that Squall is really the greek mythologic god Atlas!!

    It's just a transparent hexagon split into six differently colored pieces.

    Please, do not say this has some sort of signifigance to the story...

  2. #62
    My hair is soft. G SpOtZ's Avatar
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    O_O what if future esthar is right?! what if the hexagon IS correspondant to the world map!?!??

    somebody seriously answer that question. what does it mean if he was right?
    Last edited by G SpOtZ; 08-27-2005 at 11:32 PM. Reason: wrong topic -_-;;

    Thank you Hysterian!

  3. #63
    Skyblade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by G SpOtZ
    O_O what if future esthar is right?! what if the hexagon IS correspondant to the world map!?!??

    somebody seriously answer that question. what does it mean if he was right?
    If he was right, it means that all possible definitions of the word "logic" are completely wrong, that the laws of physics have been repealed, and that the fabric of space-time has become so warped that intelligent life would no longer be able to survive. So let's just say that he's wrong.
    Last edited by Skyblade; 08-28-2005 at 02:22 AM.
    My friend Delzethin is currently running a GoFundMe account to pay for some extended medical troubles he's had. He's had chronic issues and lifetime troubles that have really crippled his career opportunities, and he's trying to get enough funding to get back to a stable medical situation. If you like his content, please support his GoFundMe, or even just contribute to his Patreon.

    He can really use a hand with this, and any support you can offer is appreciated.

  4. #64
    Gobbledygook! Recognized Member Christmas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by G SpOtZ
    O_O what if future esthar is right?! what if the hexagon IS correspondant to the world map!?!??

    somebody seriously answer that question. what does it mean if he was right?
    The dudes in Esthar used a hexagon to represent the world map and keep it so secretive that only themselves or someone that can analysis so well which is Future Esthar himself will know.

    And also came a possibilty that the world map is actually artificial and someone that is powerful and might be related to Esthar is manipulating everything.

    And my personal guess is Dr Odine since he is the one that invented all this stuff and programmed it.

    For further references, go read his older theories threads.

    Quote Originally Posted by Future Esthar
    How could a world geography conform to an artificial drawing so perfectly?
    This made us think if the world of FF8 could be artificial IN SOME SENSE.
    The colors are also symbolical.One just need to think about the physics of colors to realize what is happening here
    Drawn perfectly? Not quite. I took a look at your picture.

    (1) Why is the Balamb Continent and the Trabia Continent in the same region?

    (2) Do Fisherman Horizon being in the center of the Hexagon marks any significant value and role? If not, then it is the specific region allocated for it then....

    (3) Why is there an isolated region between Galbadia and Centra marked in Red?

    (4) Why is Winhill seperated from the Galbadia's region and instead in the isolated region?

    (5) Why is there another isolated region marked in purple between Centra and Esthar?

    (6) What about the Deep Sea Research Center?

    Sorry, but if someone did made the world map, it will be more perfect instead of having all this flaws as he/she will seperated it perfectly as no continents/regions get left out and fit in as pretty as possible. The Galbadia continent will had a region for itself while the Esthar Continent will have a region for itself instead of a cut in the south resulting in an isolated area between southern Esthar and Centra since Fisherman's Horizon had a special region allocated just for it.. Same goes for Winhill as being isolated from the rest of the Galbadia's continent and Trabia continent merging with the Balamb's continent.

    Also, if someone mastermind it, it will take in the consideration of Deep Sea Research Center.

    So this isn't artificial enough and at the most it can only be use to represent the world map that's all.
    Last edited by Christmas; 08-28-2005 at 03:42 AM.

  5. #65
    My hair is soft. G SpOtZ's Avatar
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    so... if he was right. that would change the game how?

    it wouldn't. exactly.

    and if he was right... what would that change about the actual plot of the whole game?

    nothing. thank you.

    but u know what? i'm pretty sure you can do that corresponding thing with any map. lets go ask the designers about this whole thing. see what they say.

    EDIT: seriously somebody email them or something

    EDIT 2: i'm too lazy, but someone do it lol.

    EDIT 3: also mention the other theories of future esthar. i wonder if the designers and such will flame him.

    Thank you Hysterian!

  6. #66
    Gobbledygook! Recognized Member Christmas's Avatar
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    It is not how it will change the plot but how it let us understand the truth behind the plot.

    And the real "plot" Future Esthar had in mind can be found in one of the theory threads.

  7. #67
    Skyblade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by G SpOtZ
    so... if he was right. that would change the game how?

    it wouldn't. exactly.

    and if he was right... what would that change about the actual plot of the whole game?

    nothing. thank you.
    If he was right, the plot would be very different from what we understand it to be currently. Read this thread all the way through. The fact that you could find some correlation between the hexagon and the world map after smoking crack for 3 hours isn't the main issue, it's what that fact would mean that has been the subject of discussion. If there actually was a correlation between the two, then Esthar would have had to have a reason for putting it there (hence my "conquering the world with little hexagons" idea). The idea that the correlation would exist and yet there would be no reason for it is just plain stupid. Even Future Esthar tries to give reasons for it (however flawed and insane those reasons may be).
    My friend Delzethin is currently running a GoFundMe account to pay for some extended medical troubles he's had. He's had chronic issues and lifetime troubles that have really crippled his career opportunities, and he's trying to get enough funding to get back to a stable medical situation. If you like his content, please support his GoFundMe, or even just contribute to his Patreon.

    He can really use a hand with this, and any support you can offer is appreciated.

  8. #68


    <QUOTE> EDIT: seriously somebody email them or something

    EDIT 2: i'm too lazy, but someone do it lol.

    EDIT 3: also mention the other theories of future esthar. i wonder if the designers and such will flame him.</QUOTE>

    Donīt do that,please.(cries)

    <QUOTE> If he was right, the plot would be very different from what we understand it to be currently. Read this thread all the way through. The fact that you could find some correlation between the hexagon and the world map after smoking crack for 3 hours isn't the main issue, it's what that fact would mean that has been the subject of discussion. If there actually was a correlation between the two, then Esthar would have had to have a reason for putting it there (hence my "conquering the world with little hexagons" idea). The idea that the correlation would exist and yet there would be no reason for it is just plain stupid. Even Future Esthar tries to give reasons for it (however flawed and insane those reasons may be).</QOUTE>

    The graphical arguments takeīs priority.
    And this is no random graphical comparison.
    I am using geometry here.
    This is near as valid as my word riddles.

    To Unknowns:

    1-I said the lines need to pass on regions in a way we canīt overpass them by foot(letīs call them unachievable regions-UC regions).
    However the opposite implication donīt needs to be true.
    Not all UC regions needs to had lines passing on them.
    2-The area around FH was flooded many years ago.
    That is what make it easy to construct a bridge passing on it.
    I believe that Fishermans Horizon was constructed over a ruin.
    And maybe one day it will become an excavation site.
    3-Between Galbadia and Centra?Between Trabia and Mordred you mean.
    I already explained that.
    Sorceress Adel tried to make successive Lunar Cries artificially to fulfill her plan.However meanwhile Laguna reached Esthar and sank the Pandora on the ocean.
    Adel plan was not fulfilled and the red lines represent the true lines while the blue ones representīs what Adel planned.
    4-Because you canīt go from Galbadia to Winhill on foot.And Winhill is a country independent from Galbadia.
    5-Because that region is not Esthar Country.Similar to 4.
    6-I think the area around DSRC is what is left if you take the plane of the hexagon and turn it into a sphere.I donīt know if it is possible to make a perfect sphere without holes this way.If there was a hole this hole would be DSRC area.If not,there is a possibility that this area is the one at the south of Esthar.
    Flo:Honey,the clock is late.Go out fix it.
    Mayor Dobe:What hours is it?
    Flo: 15:30
    Mayor Dobe:Hey do you wanna to send the Estharians to Centra or what?
    Flo:Ok,let it be on 3:45

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    Big D

  9. #69
    Gobbledygook! Recognized Member Christmas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Future Esthar

    2-The area around FH was flooded many years ago.
    That is what make it easy to construct a bridge passing on it.
    I believe that Fishermans Horizon was constructed over a ruin.
    And maybe one day it will become an excavation site.
    FH is flooded many years ago? I think I might missed out this part. Care showing me some thing to prove it?

    FH constructed over a ruin?
    And it will became an excavation site someday?....

    What have that got to do with what you are trying to tell?

    Quote Originally Posted by Future Esthar
    3-Between Galbadia and Centra?Between Trabia and Mordred you mean.
    I already explained that.
    Sorceress Adel tried to make successive Lunar Cries artificially to fulfill her plan.However meanwhile Laguna reached Esthar and sank the Pandora on the ocean.
    Adel plan was not fulfilled and the red lines represent the true lines while the blue ones representīs what Adel planned.
    What plan do she masterminded?

    Quote Originally Posted by Future Esthar
    4-Because you canīt go from Galbadia to Winhill on foot.And Winhill is a country independent from Galbadia.
    We have Galbadian soldiers stationed in Winhill in one of Laguna's dream sequence. Why were they there? And we dun see any Winhill's soldiers around.I dun really think Winhill is a country itself. It is just a small village. Here is something to prove it.

    And if Winhill is independent so it get seperated, then what about Dollet, and Timber which was once independent?

    Quote Originally Posted by Future Esthar
    5-Because that region is not Esthar Country.Similar to 4.
    Here is something to prove it:

    That is my location on the world map.

    And this is what shown on the menu. Try it yourself if you think I am lying.

    Quote Originally Posted by Future Esthar
    6-I think the area around DSRC is what is left if you take the plane of the hexagon and turn it into a sphere.I donīt know if it is possible to make a perfect sphere without holes this way.If there was a hole this hole would be DSRC area.If not,there is a possibility that this area is the one at the south of Esthar.
    In short, it is not perfect.

    If someone did mastermind everything, then it will be more "perfect" than this. It doesn't seem artifical in anyway.

  10. #70


    2-The bridge is too long.In order to construct it a low sea level is needed.
    Maybe the bridge was a remodelation of an ancient bridge (somekind of Roman aquedut).TREE-LINED ROAD.
    This bridge will be distorted by eathquakes somewhere on the future.Believe-me,Ican predict the future of that bridge(I am not a fortune teller nor I am kidding)
    3-She plans to generate that artificial thing I am talking about .This isnīt about the red area you are showing.Last time there was an error and I was unable to see the map.And I am not able to see the pictures you post now.
    The isolated regions you mention were semi-flooded regions.
    DSRC area and FH area were flooded regions.
    4-Look,you canīt go from Galbadia to Winhill on foot.You can go from Dollet and Timber to Galbadia on foot,though.
    5-If you guess what is the nature of this lines you will understand why canīt they be crossed by foot.You will understand also why is there a separate region south of Esthar.Also there is a separate region because the polygon dictates it.
    6-I think the DSRC area was an area whichwasnīt supposed to be found.
    Thatīs why they didnīt include it on the symbol.But this secret area can be found turning the symbol into a sphere.Itīs the hole that is left.

    Conclusion-You think this isnīt artificial because it divides regions which were related someway (culture,weather,soil color,name,etc...).
    Well,people around the world will never realise this due to the same reason.And this was Xīs real intention.
    Remember,the lines were supposed to cross UC regions.And thatīs it.There were just a few exceptions but I know the lines pass there due to the nature of the lines.
    Flo:Honey,the clock is late.Go out fix it.
    Mayor Dobe:What hours is it?
    Flo: 15:30
    Mayor Dobe:Hey do you wanna to send the Estharians to Centra or what?
    Flo:Ok,let it be on 3:45

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    Big D

  11. #71
    My hair is soft. G SpOtZ's Avatar
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    i find this very interesting. it's interesting because it's amazing how one person could come up with several insane theories and say them so calmly and positively.

    Thank you Hysterian!

  12. #72
    Skyblade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by G SpOtZ
    i find this very interesting. it's interesting because it's amazing how one person could come up with several insane theories and say them so calmly and positively.
    I second that opinion.

    Who wants to chip in to buy a straight-jacket for Future Esthar?

    Quote Originally Posted by Future Esthar
    The isolated regions you mention were semi-flooded regions.
    See that? Someone points out something that demonstrates how clearly flawed his theory is, and he dismisses it by saying "oh, that area was just flooded".

    If the area was flooded, why didn't the hexagon pattern get changed? Why would an artificially constructed world be able to be so terribly deformed by natural disasters? Why do you persist in thinking that Dr. Odine masterminded everything that happened on the entire world (funny, he's not saying that his brother was the one spreading that lie about his theories anymore. Did anyone else notice that?)? Why can't you ever accept that the connections that your diseased brain spots between two completely unrelated things might not actually exist? Why do you persist in thinking that the 500 other people who post in this forum and who think that your theories are total bull are so stupid that they don't notice such an important plot point? Why are you the only one who is able to pick up on these things? (And I'd be very careful about how you answer those last two...)
    Last edited by Skyblade; 08-30-2005 at 07:07 AM.
    My friend Delzethin is currently running a GoFundMe account to pay for some extended medical troubles he's had. He's had chronic issues and lifetime troubles that have really crippled his career opportunities, and he's trying to get enough funding to get back to a stable medical situation. If you like his content, please support his GoFundMe, or even just contribute to his Patreon.

    He can really use a hand with this, and any support you can offer is appreciated.

  13. #73
    Gobbledygook! Recognized Member Christmas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Future Esthar
    2-The bridge is too long.In order to construct it a low sea level is needed.
    Maybe the bridge was a remodelation of an ancient bridge (somekind of Roman aquedut).TREE-LINED ROAD.
    This bridge will be distorted by eathquakes somewhere on the future.Believe-me,Ican predict the future of that bridge(I am not a fortune teller nor I am kidding)
    3-She plans to generate that artificial thing I am talking about .This isnīt about the red area you are showing.Last time there was an error and I was unable to see the map.And I am not able to see the pictures you post now.
    The isolated regions you mention were semi-flooded regions.
    DSRC area and FH area were flooded regions.
    4-Look,you canīt go from Galbadia to Winhill on foot.You can go from Dollet and Timber to Galbadia on foot,though.
    5-If you guess what is the nature of this lines you will understand why canīt they be crossed by foot.You will understand also why is there a separate region south of Esthar.Also there is a separate region because the polygon dictates it.
    6-I think the DSRC area was an area whichwasnīt supposed to be found.
    Thatīs why they didnīt include it on the symbol.But this secret area can be found turning the symbol into a sphere.Itīs the hole that is left.

    Conclusion-You think this isnīt artificial because it divides regions which were related someway (culture,weather,soil color,name,etc...).
    Well,people around the world will never realise this due to the same reason.And this was Xīs real intention.
    Remember,the lines were supposed to cross UC regions.And thatīs it.There were just a few exceptions but I know the lines pass there due to the nature of the lines.
    You know, I just came up with other story after seeing this. It had been so long since I last post my story.

    Narrator: I am back from the mental institute and the doctor say I am perfectly heathly and stable for my current job again. Anyway, so the heros reached the "northern crater" to look for Unknowns' son....

    Xaven: Wow, get a load of all this.......junks...
    Sir Bahamut: Look more like a rubbish burying pit to me here...
    crazybayman: Huh? didn't we killed you the last time?

    Unknowns' son: Mwahahahaha, it is too late. You can't stop me and Mama from summoning the giant watermelon and destroying every toliet papers in the process.

    Xaven: What had summoning a giant watermelon from outer space had to do with destroying the toliet papers?
    Sir Bahamut: Dun you know? Didn't you study chemistry? Watermelon's juice DISSOLVE toliet papers. Kids nowadays.
    SquallofSeeD:Wish it will dissolve you.....
    crazybayman: No more toliet papers anymore???? NOOOOOO!!!!! well, anyway, I dun wipe my butt after [img]/xxx.gif[/img][img]/xxx.gif[/img][img]/xxx.gif[/img][img]/xxx.gif[/img]ting anyway.

    Unknowns' son: Slience!!! Now you taste the blade of my MAMAMUNE!!!!

    Narrator: Unknowns' son dashed forward with energy glowing on the nine foot long Mamamune's blade and an golden aura surrounded him with the theme "One winged angel" playing on the background.........but he tripped onto a banana skin and have a fall.

    Xaven: Now our chance!!! Let's gang bang him!!!!
    Sir Bahamut: This is not an act of a honourable warrior like me....but who care!!! Let's bash him up while we can!!!
    SquallofSeeD:....*whip up nailbat and ran forward*
    crazybayman: Now we are talking!!

    Narrator: The heroes surrounded Unknowns' son and beat him to a pulp with blood splitting all over the place and cries of agony heard in the air.

    Unknowns' son:WAIT!!!!!!!!! Before you all kill me, I have something to say!!!

    Xaven: Not this again!!!!
    Sir Bahamut: Wait!! Dun let him say it and we will all lose like the last time!!!
    SquallofSeeD:.......*Pull out Unknowns' son tongue and sliced it off...*
    crazybayman: You are sick.....

    Narrator: Gyahahahaha!!! Whether he said it or not doesn't matter cause you all LOST!!!! and I repeat you all LOST to Unknowns' son!!! And his tongue grew back!!!

    Unknowns' son: That's right suckers!!!!

    Xaven: What????? WHY????....*Drops dead out of a sudden*
    Sir Bahamut: Even if I die, my pure and mightly spirit of justice and light will prevail and will...*Drops dead out of a sudden*
    SquallofSeeD:....I hate my life.....*commits sucide*
    crazybayman: Wait, can we have a deal? In exchange for my life, I give you my secret and limited collections of porn on...*Drop dead out of a sudden*

    Narrator: Now do you all understand??? I SET THE RULES AROUND HERE!!! I DETERMINE ALL OUTCOMES NO MATTER HOW OR WHAT THE PROCESS IS LIKE!!! NOTHING YOU SAID REALLY MATTERS!!!! So what if the bad guy win again this time? Mwahahahaha!!! Revenge is sweet!!! *Dance off laughing like a maniac*


    Do you realize each time I point up a flaw, you will come up a story of your own to twist and cover things up. First you say FH is flooded now you said it will be hit by earthquake in the future. You are basically setting all the "rules" in favour to you.

    And why must it be seperated by whether to be access by foot or not. If that is the case, Esthar can be go on foot from FH since Squall did carry Rinoa there through the bridge. So Esthar, Galbadia and FH should be group into one region.

    You can access Esthar from Trabia from the path which Laguna's movie is flimed. So, Trabia and Esthar should be grouped into one region.

    And I can even say someone crazy enough might go through the train's tunnel in Balamb and walk all the way to the Galbadia. So Galbadia and Balamb should be grouped as one region.

    Lastly, if you want to say they are flooded or some ruins, please provide some backups evidence.

  14. #74


    QUOTE Do you realize each time I point up a flaw, you will come up a story of your own to twist and cover things up. First you say FH is flooded now you said it will be hit by earthquake in the future. You are basically setting all the "rules" in favour to you.QUOTE

    That means they were irrefutable.

    You can only refute them if you can come up with an irrefutable argument.

    I said there were some exceptions to the "UC" thing.

    The exceptions were Esthar and some others.

    Galbadia/FH-You canīt go from FH to Galbadia on foot.
    There is nothing on the game suggesting someone ever did.
    They only cross it on trains.
    There is a great wind near the Galbadia edge of the bridge.
    This wind is so strong that people canīt walk toward them.
    Only fast strong trains and ships can go through it.
    This wind also exist near Ballamb and FH.People even feels a breeze coming from it.
    Other way to explain this:
    If you try to go to FH through Galbadia a wind will blow you out.
    Trabia/Esthar-As I explained earlier the red line is the real thing and not the blue line.
    The red line pass on the middle of Trabia Crater.
    You canīt overpass this section by foot nor with the Garden.The Garden will use itīs special technology spending a lot of energy (Reserve steam pressure) and the gauge will go berserk.
    The gauge will go berserk every time it passes through a line.
    However most of the lines were on the sea and the gauge is covered by water.
    On the line between Winhill and Galbadia the gauge will not go berserk because the Garden needs to spend less energy.The Garden is one of the first vehicles ever created.
    More advanced vehicles were able to overpass this problem.
    Balamb/Galbadia-No one is crazy enough to go through the tunnel.People would be smashed if a train comes.Even if they do they will notice something strange.
    (I am not refferring to winds this time).
    Now that I think about it maybe there were a door that closes and opens automatically when a train passes.Who knows.
    Esthar/FH-This is an exception.I will explain this on another thread.

    Flood backups

    FH-Already gave a backup

    DSRC-I donīt think there was an underwater civilization on this section.
    The region was flooded.But this civilization lived on surface not underwater.
    Vascaroon painted the "flood" paint on Ultiīs castle after Ellone send his consciousness to the future.
    He knows the castle would be flooded underwater.

    To skyblade-Unrelated?Try to fit this symbol with any other world map.I challenge you to paste that picture here if you can do that.I took the effort to show my picture and now is your time.Donīt forget the UC restrainings.

    Also,didnīt I said that X was the responsible for Lunar Cry?
    The floods and earthquakes were all the result of the Lunar Cry.
    And It wasnīt performed by random.
    X knows how to shape the soil and how that.
    He/she even shaped the Esthar soil to prevent it to had beaches.And shaped mountains also.That way he/she prevents people to reach Esthar region.
    Flo:Honey,the clock is late.Go out fix it.
    Mayor Dobe:What hours is it?
    Flo: 15:30
    Mayor Dobe:Hey do you wanna to send the Estharians to Centra or what?
    Flo:Ok,let it be on 3:45

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    Big D

  15. #75
    Skyblade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Future Esthar
    To skyblade-Unrelated?Try to fit this symbol with any other world map.I challenge you to paste that picture here if you can do that.I took the effort to show my picture and now is your time.Donīt forget the UC restrainings.

    Also,didnīt I said that X was the responsible for Lunar Cry?
    The floods and earthquakes were all the result of the Lunar Cry.
    And It wasnīt performed by random.
    X knows how to shape the soil and how that.
    He/she even shaped the Esthar soil to prevent it to had beaches.And shaped mountains also.That way he/she prevents people to reach Esthar region.
    Despite the extreme stupidity shown in the other parts of your post, I will content myself with complaining about the idiocy in the part you directed at me.

    For starters, I could overlay that hexagon on a map of Earth with little trouble, and it would probably have more correlation than yours does. I could also match it to a map of FFVII's world map with equal ease.

    Also, the idea that Dr. Odine would create the world in such a perfect hexagonal design, and then ruin it with a flood is stupid. If the world was designed to fit a pattern, why would the person who designed it then ruin the pattern? That's stupid even by your standards (which is saying something).
    Last edited by Skyblade; 08-31-2005 at 06:53 AM.
    My friend Delzethin is currently running a GoFundMe account to pay for some extended medical troubles he's had. He's had chronic issues and lifetime troubles that have really crippled his career opportunities, and he's trying to get enough funding to get back to a stable medical situation. If you like his content, please support his GoFundMe, or even just contribute to his Patreon.

    He can really use a hand with this, and any support you can offer is appreciated.

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