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Thread: Beautifull

  1. #91


    The script sugests that the centra shelters were the most ancient ones.
    Why are you being sarcasting this time Unknowns?

    Well,let me try not to go unlogic here.
    I think the FOLLOWING statements donīt violate logic.

    I will define UC regions as regions which were never implied on the game that someone had ever crossed by foot.Some of these regions werenīt really possible to cross on foot.These ones I call GUC.Others were geographically possible to cross on foot.These I call SUC.Examples of SUC were the underwater tunnel of Balamb,the Galbadia side of the Horizon bridge,the Trabia Crater(I think we can consider this one a GUC on some sence).The opposite of a UC region is a NUC.

    Hypothesis:The lines on the hexagonal shape were holographical walls worldwide.
    First argument:The panel was inside of the holographic wall and it has functions related to the holographic wall.
    Colorary:If there is a system of holographic walls then the walls canīt pass on places our characters cross on foot.Otherwise they would touch the wall.Our characters pass on all NUC places.So if there is a system of holographic wallīs they must pass on UC regions.
    What about vehicles?
    Additional information:The Ragnarok pass through holographic walls.
    Sub arguments:The world map is not drawn at scale but it needs internal consistency.
    On FF8 we see that the technology of passing through this wallīs exist.
    This makes it possible to had the holographic wall system (HWS) worldwide.
    Second argument:Taking the previous conditions into consideration one sees that the hexagonal shape can easily fit the world map.It could not fit any other map.
    Flo:Honey,the clock is late.Go out fix it.
    Mayor Dobe:What hours is it?
    Flo: 15:30
    Mayor Dobe:Hey do you wanna to send the Estharians to Centra or what?
    Flo:Ok,let it be on 3:45

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    Big D

  2. #92
    Gobbledygook! Recognized Member Christmas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Future Esthar
    The script sugests that the centra shelters were the most ancient ones.
    Why are you being sarcasting this time Unknowns?
    Finally you are saying that. Then did you realize a lot of your stuffs are not suggest by the script? I won't say much about the rest.

  3. #93


    Quote Originally Posted by Future Esthar
    The script sugests that the centra shelters were the most ancient ones.
    where? direct quotes, please?

    Quote Originally Posted by Future Esthar
    Second argument:Taking the previous conditions into consideration one sees that the hexagonal shape can easily fit the world map.It could not fit any other map.
    exactly. ONE sees that. as for the rest of us, we're wondering how you could come up with so many random connections, and so many random excuses for them.
    G SpOtZ is god.
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    and i.....i am their Ruby Weapon.

  4. #94
    Banned nik0tine's Avatar
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    Okay, I see how they could match up if you put the hexagon over the world map. However, what relation is there between the hexagon and the world map? (sorry if this has already been answered. I refuse to read every single post in this thread.)

  5. #95


    Nikotine,the lines on the hexagon were holographic walls.Which means there is a system of invisible holographic walls worldwide.
    Flo:Honey,the clock is late.Go out fix it.
    Mayor Dobe:What hours is it?
    Flo: 15:30
    Mayor Dobe:Hey do you wanna to send the Estharians to Centra or what?
    Flo:Ok,let it be on 3:45

    Images removed for being utterly colossal. Please use images that conform to the size limit.

    Big D

  6. #96


    Then what the hell is the point of that? A personal question here, how much CRACK do yuo smoke to come up with these "theories". I can give a copy of FFVIII to a 63 year old mental patient, and even he would understand that your theories are nothing but brain damage.


  7. #97


    Well,at least I took the time to show the evidence.You didnīt do that.You just appears saying they are crack which isnīt productive on a forum.
    Why canīt you learn the example of Unknowns?
    Flo:Honey,the clock is late.Go out fix it.
    Mayor Dobe:What hours is it?
    Flo: 15:30
    Mayor Dobe:Hey do you wanna to send the Estharians to Centra or what?
    Flo:Ok,let it be on 3:45

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    Big D

  8. #98
    Gobbledygook! Recognized Member Christmas's Avatar
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    I guess I would say it afterall.

    Quote Originally Posted by Future Esthar

    I will define UC regions as regions which were never implied on the game that someone had ever crossed by foot.Some of these regions werenīt really possible to cross on foot.These ones I call GUC.Others were geographically possible to cross on foot.These I call SUC.Examples of SUC were the underwater tunnel of Balamb,the Galbadia side of the Horizon bridge,the Trabia Crater(I think we can consider this one a GUC on some sence).The opposite of a UC region is a NUC.
    Anyway, this is what you said earlier

    Quote Originally Posted by Future Esthar
    I said the lines need to pass on regions in a way we canīt overpass them by foot(letīs call them unachievable regions-UC regions
    Well, if you keep on changing here and there to fit your theories in, I will say it is pretty pointless and didn't you said the most things in the game is lying? So why would you bother with what imply in the game? Or those that support your theory isn't lying those that didn't are lies?

    Quote Originally Posted by Future Esthar
    -I think the DSRC area was an area whichwasnīt supposed to be found.
    Thatīs why they didnīt include it on the symbol
    Isn't the world artifical? So everything that existed had been pre-planned so it should be included in your hexagon.

    Quote Originally Posted by Future Esthar
    -I donīt think there was an underwater civilization on this section.
    The region was flooded.But this civilization lived on surface not underwater.
    Vascaroon painted the "flood" paint on Ultiīs castle after Ellone send his consciousness to the future.
    He knows the castle would be flooded underwater.
    Now you said deep under Deep Sea Research Center had a civilization and is flooded underwater. So it is not included? But do you realize that the facility that is above sea level is built by a group of researchers to research your "civilization" or what so ever.

    So we are talking about the facility and not your "civilization" here. And once again I repeat myself, if the world is artifical and everything that is happening is pre-planned, then whoever that created the world know that some researchers will build the facility over your sunken civilization and should include it in your hexagon.

    Quote Originally Posted by Future Esthar
    They only cross it on trains.
    There is a great wind near the Galbadia edge of the bridge.
    This wind is so strong that people canīt walk toward them.
    Only fast strong trains and ships can go through it.
    This wind also exist near Ballamb and FH.People even feels a breeze coming from it.
    Making up this silly story won't work. As you say it yourself:

    Quote Originally Posted by Future Esthar
    There is nothing on the game suggesting someone ever did.
    And the same apply. But still, I will offer some questions for you. So "X" made this wind appear? Then how is the FH bridge connected to the Galbadia edge in the first place since there is great wind at the Galbadia's edge? Workers can't work if there is this great wind blowing.

    If the railway is damaged or is in need of maintence or any accident happens to the train in the middle of the railway near the Galbadia edge, how is the rescuers going to neutralize the problem if they can't cross from the Galbadia edge? They are going to take a ship to FH then walk from there to the train/damaged railway?

    And if the bridge is meant to connect Galbadia to Esthar, then why would "X" made it impossible for humans and instead let trains pass just so it isn't access by FOOT. I will said this is pretty pointless. Whether you access by your own FOOT or on a TRAIN you still can reach Esthar. It is not like it is being blocked by a mountain or an ocean. Delibertly making a wind blowing there is particularly pointless since bridge is meant to be CROSSED like what Squall did when he journey to Esthar. So what is the point of having the FH bridge in the first place?

    Quote Originally Posted by Future Esthar
    You canīt overpass this section by foot nor with the Garden.The Garden will use itīs special technology spending a lot of energy (Reserve steam pressure) and the gauge will go berserk.
    The gauge will go berserk every time it passes through a line.
    However most of the lines were on the sea and the gauge is covered by water.
    On the line between Winhill and Galbadia the gauge will not go berserk because the Garden needs to spend less energy.The Garden is one of the first vehicles ever created.
    More advanced vehicles were able to overpass this problem
    If you insist this is what Garden is all about, the my Zero Genesis system had as much "backing" as yours theory and can easily overwrite what you think about Garden's special technology unless you can have some proof or what so ever.

    Even if the Garden is the most ancient vehicles created, your "technology" about Garden still can't apply.

    Quote Originally Posted by Future Esthar
    Hypothesis:The lines on the hexagonal shape were holographical walls worldwide.
    First argument:The panel was inside of the holographic wall and it has functions related to the holographic wall.
    Colorary:If there is a system of holographic walls then the walls canīt pass on places our characters cross on foot.Otherwise they would touch the wall.Our characters pass on all NUC places.So if there is a system of holographic wallīs they must pass on UC regions.
    Did you realize that Squall and CO did touch the walls when they reached the Esthar edge of the FH bridge. No matter if it is the blue line or the red line doen't matters cause both of them touched the edges of the Esthar continents which connect the FH bridge.

    Quote Originally Posted by Future Esthar
    What about vehicles?
    Additional information:The Ragnarok pass through holographic walls.
    Sub arguments:The world map is not drawn at scale but it needs internal consistency.
    On FF8 we see that the technology of passing through this wallīs exist.
    This makes it possible to had the holographic wall system (HWS) worldwide.
    Second argument:Taking the previous conditions into consideration one sees that the hexagonal shape can easily fit the world map.It could not fit any other map.
    And also my Squall pass through Rinoa while climbling the ladder too. I guess the Human wall system exist too.

  9. #99


    The characters overpass each other for programing convenience.
    But for obvious reasons this is not the case with the holographic walls.
    Common sense explains the difference.
    We just donīt wanna to collide with our friends everytime we wanna to go to a certain place.
    But to go over the walls donīt represent so much difficulty.
    The concept of passing through walls and floors is nothing new on FF8.
    For instance the control elevator which takes our heros from the MD level to the headmasters office went through the officeīs floor.And this was a FMV.

    And yes,they touch the walls of Esthar.This was an exception.It was a mistake of mine(DONīT YOU MAKE MISTAKES?).
    But this donīt change the validity of this theory anyway.
    Flo:Honey,the clock is late.Go out fix it.
    Mayor Dobe:What hours is it?
    Flo: 15:30
    Mayor Dobe:Hey do you wanna to send the Estharians to Centra or what?
    Flo:Ok,let it be on 3:45

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    Big D

  10. #100


    you still havent explained the POINT of an invisible holographic wall. your theories are still crack.

  11. #101
    Skyblade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Future Esthar
    The characters overpass each other for programing convenience.
    But for obvious reasons this is not the case with the holographic walls.
    Common sense explains the difference.
    We just donīt wanna to collide with our friends everytime we wanna to go to a certain place.
    But to go over the walls donīt represent so much difficulty.
    The concept of passing through walls and floors is nothing new on FF8.
    For instance the control elevator which takes our heros from the MD level to the headmasters office went through the officeīs floor.And this was a FMV.

    And yes,they touch the walls of Esthar.This was an exception.It was a mistake of mine(DONīT YOU MAKE MISTAKES?).
    But this donīt change the validity of this theory anyway.
    And if you had an FMV of things passing through the holographic walls, people would believe you.

    The fact is, the only FMV we have of the holographic walls seem to indicate that they are solid objects which have to be removed to allow things to pass through them. Remember when you first come to Esthar? You go up that elevator, and it opens out to a panaromic view of the city, and then you see the holographic hexagons seperate to allow the elevator platform to go through. Why would they bother with that if they could just go through it?
    My friend Delzethin is currently running a GoFundMe account to pay for some extended medical troubles he's had. He's had chronic issues and lifetime troubles that have really crippled his career opportunities, and he's trying to get enough funding to get back to a stable medical situation. If you like his content, please support his GoFundMe, or even just contribute to his Patreon.

    He can really use a hand with this, and any support you can offer is appreciated.

  12. #102


    this isnt a theory esthar, this is just the ramblings of a madman. Whatever your on ill take 2 plx

  13. #103
    My hair is soft. G SpOtZ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gilgamesh of Legends
    this isnt a theory esthar, this is just the ramblings of a madman. Whatever your on ill take 2 plx
    umm.. i'll take 3. with a side of fries, and extra ketchup plz.

    Thank you Hysterian!

  14. #104
    Banned nik0tine's Avatar
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    Nikotine,the lines on the hexagon were holographic walls.Which means there is a system of invisible holographic walls worldwide.
    What? What suggests that there is a system of invisible holographic walls worldwide? Just because you can place each section of the hexagon on a different region does not mean that there are a bunch of holographic walls all over the world.

  15. #105


    But this donīt change the validity of this theory anyway.
    Only because it didn't have any to begin with.

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