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Thread: I want to talk to you about something.

  1. #1

    Default I want to talk to you about something.

    Racism. It is obviously an issue that has affected me a lot, hence why I chose this screen name. I've never really been here before, so this is a big step for me to come to one of the more serious forums and bring forth a serious topic like this, but what do you think about racism? Affirmative action?

    Does racism still exist? Many people think discrimination is a story of the past, but really, it continues to this day. My dad has faced age-based discrimination, and I have faced race-based discrimination, both among my peers and my superiors. It is difficult for me to deal with.

    Do you think racism still exists here even on this oasis in the raging seas of the Internet? I bet it does.

    So share your experiences, and let's see what we can do about this plague.

  2. #2
    Ten-Year Vet Recognized Member Kawaii Ryűkishi's Avatar
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    Racism certainly still exists. Indians are the worst off, really, and they definitely have copious reparations coming their way if justice is ever served.

  3. #3
    Who's scruffy lookin'? Captain Maxx Power's Avatar
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    You mean the irrational fear/hatred of others based purely on the fact that they are of a different creed/colour? Of course there is, you'd be ignorant/naieve to claim otherwise. It's part of our human nature, the same thing that makes us afraid of the unknown. What makes us different is whether or not you're prepared to understand/accept others and forego that initial reaction of fear.
    There is no signature here. Move along.

  4. #4
    toothpaste kisses Resha's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Walter
    Racism certainly still exists. Indians are the worst off, really, and they definitely have copious reparations coming their way if justice is ever served.
    I agree!

    No, but seriously; yeah it still exists! In more ways than one, too. >=/
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  5. #5

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    Quote Originally Posted by Walter
    Racism certainly still exists. Indians are the worst off, really, and they definitely have copious reparations coming their way if justice is ever served.
    Are you talking about American Indians???

  6. #6


    I also want to know if he was talking about American Indians.

    I think with a lot of my otherracial friends, we joke about racism a lot more. Its more of a laugh at matter when your in a group you feel comfortable with. Calling some random black guy the naughty naughty word isn't suggested, and will prolly land you in trouble. However, I think when people are comfortable with themselves, racist behavior is not an issue. Unless you specifically are talking about negative only behavior sparked by racism. Then it just sucks.

    I know Native americans take a lot of heat, and I think its just sad. I know we forced ourselves in and took advantage of them, but the Natives taught the ignorant white colonists many lessons. So with that I will always treat a native just as well - if not with more respect than most others. My bloodline sets me at either an 1/8 or 1/4 Native american, but you could never tell with my German, irish, norwiegen bleeched skin..

    People from India are often deiscriminated by for a few reasons . Many Indains come over to America, and some people belive that they get too spoiled by the government. free college, tax free living for 7 years or whatev. Honestly I do not know all the facts. I am not too against this, as I feel for the people who up and left thier country to come here. I guess this is a whole nother debate in its own. I am just stating that this causes some hatred among people, and instead or responsibly taking it to thier represntatives, they take it out on the people themselves. Ignorance... ugh. (The above is true for people of all ethnic groups)

    Please don't take anything i said here the wrong way I am hopying it was a constructive post. [edit] Being in the programming industry, I hear a lot of the third paragraph events happending as Indians are often attracted to the IT fields. Leaving some others feeling... screwed. I persoanlly don't aggree with that outlook and really think that we should be beyond that.

    I would like to say this is not a typecast fact, and is only factualy to my personal experiences.


  7. #7
    Banned lordblazer's Avatar
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    Most poeple hate eastern indians because some are dirty.I mean seriously. During my week in DC there were 4 people to the room.

    two americans one jordanian and one indian.

    Anyway the indian room when he used the bathroom would pee all over the toilet stoll or not flush when he used the bathroom and took a dump..He wouldn't clean it up. It pissed the heck out of the three of us. We started using the bathrooms done stairs int he lobby area..I know I know we should've said something or done it ourselves. But lol you can see a big cultural difference right their.

    Also another reason why a lot of people hate eastern indians is because The ones who work at convient stores. Whenever they say no change or osmething.

    Well this happened once.

    This one time my step mom went to go get her osmething to drink now she paid her drink with a 5 dollar bill.It was only 1.25. Anyway this guy an indian refused to give her change. Then he went from speaking great english.To "I don't understand english."

    That crap pisses people off. How can oyu live in america and work at a convient store in a English speaking community. In which this community you live in. Yet speak great english, but when the time fits you. You pretend not to know English to avoid confrontation.

    Now not all indians are dirty and not all indians do that "I don't understand english ploy." Unless they really don't speak veryg ood english. But oyu know what.Once oyu come to the conclusion of

    People suck!!!!! then you start to realise that lol we all equally hate each other.

    Thats what anyone would say. Anyway I'm moving to canada as a form of running away from the problem int he USA so hahahahahhahahahahahhaha.

  8. #8
    Banned nik0tine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lordblazer
    Most poeple hate eastern indians because some are dirty.I mean seriously. During my week in DC there were 4 people to the room.

    two americans one jordanian and one indian.

    Anyway the indian room when he used the bathroom would pee all over the toilet stoll or not flush when he used the bathroom and took a dump..He wouldn't clean it up. It pissed the heck out of the three of us. We started using the bathrooms done stairs int he lobby area..I know I know we should've said something or done it ourselves. But lol you can see a big cultural difference right their.

    Also another reason why a lot of people hate eastern indians is because The ones who work at convient stores. Whenever they say no change or osmething.

    Well this happened once.

    This one time my step mom went to go get her osmething to drink now she paid her drink with a 5 dollar bill.It was only 1.25. Anyway this guy an indian refused to give her change. Then he went from speaking great english.To "I don't understand english."

    That crap pisses people off. How can oyu live in america and work at a convient store in a English speaking community. In which this community you live in. Yet speak great english, but when the time fits you. You pretend not to know English to avoid confrontation.

    Now not all indians are dirty and not all indians do that "I don't understand english ploy." Unless they really don't speak veryg ood english. But oyu know what.Once oyu come to the conclusion of

    People suck!!!!! then you start to realise that lol we all equally hate each other.

    Thats what anyone would say. Anyway I'm moving to canada as a form of running away from the problem int he USA so hahahahahhahahahahahhaha.

    Wow... I think that was the most racist post since Paulus Ceasar.

  9. #9
    lomas de chapultepec Recognized Member eestlinc's Avatar
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    RACISM was banned because he's a second account of -N- made during the fun times, but it was decided that this discussion could continue anyway.

    lordblazer, I bet you seem weird to them too. We're all just people.

  10. #10
    Banned lordblazer's Avatar
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    Wellt he issue iwth our indian room mate was a cultural issue.I only say that because every person who had an indian room mate said that they peed all over the stool and didn't clean it up or stuffed the toilet.
    Remmeber 4 people are sharing this room and the bathroom with one toilet ok. There were 450 people there.Anyway we had to share this for over 3 weeks.

    Anyway My friend eric,rishi,and this japaneese guy(forgot his name.)WEll they had an indian roomate. And I was int here room one day and the indian roommate used the restroom left and Eric said it happened again. Anyway Rishi started laughing(he's eastern indian but lgrew up in canada.). The japaneese guy saw it and man. He jsut said F it I'm tired of this BS. When there indignious india roomate came back. Man the Japaneese guy went off on him. OMG man you guys should've been their.
    IT was a culture clash. The point was he was tired of people teling him(Sumiko told him to let it be and just use the restrooms downstairs in the lobby area.Sumiko being his classmate in japan normally.).Anyway he got fed up with people saying let it be and respect his culture blah blah blah you know the whole thing. Also Rishi bbought it up on the third day to the indian roomate and he just ignored it. Anyway Japaneese guy got just man furious. He said

    "clean your **** up after your done using the ********* restroom I mean its not *********** hard just get a ****** toilet paper and wipe the 'insert japaneese curse word here' seat off."

    I laughed because I never seen anyone get so mad before. Everyone else and inclkuding myself man we were kinda lifeless. He said something everyone else wanted to say. Anyway he almost got kicked out of hte program for "not respecting cultures" Which I think if he would've gotten kicked out it should've been for out bursting like that.

    I bet I do seem weird to them but did I say they were weird? no...your just putting words in my mouth now.

    First of all you guys really can't discuss racism/cultural differences/cultural clashes. Mainly because you generalise. I mean wtf? I didn't say all indians do this heck I said so myself in my previous post. I never claled them weird did I? Anyway I'm done trying to explain myself here. What I said is what I said. If it offends you then get bent.I mean seriously. Do you like roomates who piss all of oyur stool and oyu end up having to clean up their own piss. Sure janitor's do this job. But heck Id ont wanna do this job. Which is why I'm NOT becoming a Janitor.

  11. #11
    toothpaste kisses Resha's Avatar
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    Is this a let's-slam-Indians-and-drag-up-all-their-sins-LOLZOLZOZL thread, now? Because being Indian, I'm going to hate that.

    We're all people, we all make mistakes. Tons of us have cultural differences. Why pinpoint Indians, specifically? And it's not even funny, if you're intending it to be a joke.
    This subliminal message could be meant for YOU. But it's probably not. Move along ;D

  12. #12


    Seriously, I mean, some cultures have their own features, like italian kids that blast my ear-drums everytime they say something, but Lordblazer, you really are talking this too far.

  13. #13


    The only reason Indians got anyattention from me in my post was because they were mentioned in the thread specifically. (see above)

    I thought I would post my Ideals and see what anyone thoght of them. Its a touchy subject, and I really would hate to see it dealt with via flaming anyone who posts somthing that might be considered racist.. just my thoughts though. Calling the kettle black doesn't help its contents boil.


  14. #14
    Banned lordblazer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Resha
    Is this a let's-slam-Indians-and-drag-up-all-their-sins-LOLZOLZOZL thread, now? Because being Indian, I'm going to hate that.

    We're all people, we all make mistakes. Tons of us have cultural differences. Why pinpoint Indians, specifically? And it's not even funny, if you're intending it to be a joke.
    Well I'm not racist well I'll be lying if I said that lol. I get nervious when I stop at a small town in the Sotuh(On my way to atlanta.) Now depending on were your at white people int he south are either nice or bastards. Mostly bastards if your black.Yeah YOu know int he south there ar emore nice people than horrible mean people. Well anyway I got hte luck of hte draw and stopped at a gas station for of bastard biggots. Made me nervious as heck. Then I get accused of stealing. Anyway 2 hours laterat the police stations I get released. Nothing on my record no charges. Actually that gas sation was nortorious for oding hwat they did. Which is why they let me go lol.

    Never again...I hate the south.

    Anyway I can say one thing about my race(black). In places like the Southeastern regions were there are a high percentage of blacks. Well they back stab each other. ITs either htat or we are just too ignorant to see that everyone is making money but us because we back stab,kill each other,can never come to an agreement. Then when someone black does find success. Those person has to deal with BS and sometimes losing their family members.(Meaning the family just doesn't consider that person family anymore.). They get caled sell outs and all that BS. As a race we are worth nothing but for us to buy things form other people. Weare like stocks. Give us money and you get back twice as much you gave us. Thats us right their.

    There I talked crap about my race and brought up some of the problems so it wouldn't seem I was bashing Indians.

    BTW when i said that room mate the guy was actually from India and lives their.

  15. #15
    toothpaste kisses Resha's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bipper
    The only reason Indians got anyattention from me in my post was because they were mentioned in the thread specifically. (see above)

    I thought I would post my Ideals and see what anyone thoght of them. Its a touchy subject, and I really would hate to see it dealt with via flaming anyone who posts somthing that might be considered racist.. just my thoughts though. Calling the kettle black doesn't help its contents boil.

    Well, I wasn't really talking about you. You did try to be constructive and your arguement wasn't completely one-sided. And the post above you was probably just 'Kishi joking about with Neel. I bet it was, anyways. xD

    Lord blazer, I'm not asking you to bash your own race! I'm asking you not to bash anyone. This thread is about racism, so bash the racists and not the races.
    This subliminal message could be meant for YOU. But it's probably not. Move along ;D

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