What do you think about making a new EOFF CD? With so many people it would be hard to choose who gets a song but we could just have staff members pick a song to put on the CD, and possibly certain other people. We would need a volunteer to make the CDs. I would do it myself but can't with where I'm at. I'm willing to front the money needed to buy the burnable CDs at first and send it to the volunteer via paypal. Then we could just charge the cost of the CD and postage. With so many good artist here we could get an interesting cover made. What do you think, staffers?


<B>Edit by Necronopticous:</B>

I'll going to be putting the CD together and distributing the copies.

If you have a song that you've made yourself, whether it's instrumental, karaoke, acapella, or a whole original song that you want to be on the compilation send it to me via AIM, MSN, or of course, E-Mail:

AIM - Pretty Pixelist
MSN - necronopticous@gmail.com
E-Mail - necronopticous@gmail.com

Please send the files in MP3 format, or if you don't know how to convert it to MP3, you can just send the WAV, or whatever you have and I'll convert it for you.

Since there is only a limited amount of space on a CD, I am asking for each member who wants to submit a song to choose only one song.