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Thread: Lulu

  1. #31


    I prefer Rikku. She's cute and fun

    Though I'll admit I stared when she took off that suit

    Never found Lulu worth staring at though

  2. #32
    Famine Wolf Recognized Member Sephex's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kawaii Ryűkishi
    Lulu is currently the greatest embodiment of Tetsuya Nomura's profound preoccupation with belts, which goes back to Squall; whenever he feels one of his designs is looking kind of plain, he just tosses some belts on. Nooj is the best example of stray belts just hanging off a character in impractical, random arrangements, but when it comes to sheer volume, nothing beats Lulu's full-length skirt made entirely out of belts. Next up is a character wearing nothing but belts, and then a character who is nothing more than a shambling, sentient belt-mass.
    Funny you should mention this becuase they were planning on having a character named "Belto Maxson" join Yuna's Guardians. You would run into him in the calms. Also, Funny you should mention Lulu and the belt fetish because he was supposedly going to be very perverted and always ask if he could stap himself onto Lulu's belt skirt. His catch phrase would have been "BELTO MAXSON TO THE MUTHA****ING MAX!" This was very different from the japanese version where he said "FRUIT POWERS GO-GO RADISH!"

    Squaresoft later decided that Belto should be a hidden character instead, much like Yuffie and Vincent in the past. He would carry on the Lulu belt fetish, but his character would be a little more rough around the edges. Whenever you talked to him, he would constantly pick on Tidus. One scene involved a 40 minute Tidus crying FMV where he threw trash and bricks at him (Radishes and Fruit in the japanese version). Belto would have then proceeded to bend Tidus over and belt Tidus using his entire body.

    It was later thought that instead of making Belto a secret character, Belto should be Lulu's partner (still with the fetish). It would work the same way that Interceptor worked in FFVI. Sadly, Belto Maxson was scrapped. Nobuo Uematsu was angered by this because he spent months on the 7 hour theme song for Belto Maxson. Parts of that theme was later reused in the track "Tidus can cry all he wants, but he isn't going to score with Yuna no matter what".

    One last quick fact about Belto here...Belto Maxson was Tetsuya Nomura's favorite character ever. He even gave him a necklace, which he usually reserves for main characters. He demanded that Belto get his own spin-off game, and he was going to be alongside Yuna and Rikku in Final Fantasy X-2, but he was forced to put Paine in the game instead. However, in some FFX-2 artwork, if you look closely, you can see Belto Maxson in Paine's character design.

    It's really a shame Belto Maxson wasn't a part of FFX or FFX-2. Maybe if we write to Square-Enix or our congress man, Belto Maxson will get the game he deserves.

    Here are some screen shots:

    Last edited by Sephex; 08-29-2005 at 09:07 AM.

  3. #33
    An Ogrish One MoonsEcho's Avatar
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    I chuckled profusely at that, Sephex. xD Belto Maxson.

    And yeah, it's not at all inconceivable for someone like Lulu to exist. Trust me.


  4. #34
    Paganini is a bastard. Rengori's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sephex
    Somehow Tidus being bullied by a belt doesn't surprise me.
    JOY IS A BITCH, but she is so adorable!
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    Kaycee says (12:06 AM):
    whos' obama?

  5. #35
    Famine Wolf Recognized Member Sephex's Avatar
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    Wow. Belto Maxson killed the thread. Come on people, you know he would have been an awesome character.

  6. #36
    01Princessguard's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rengori
    Somehow Tidus being bullied by a belt doesn't surprise me.

    x x Thanx xXGldenCatXx for the brill sig! x x

  7. #37


    Belto= Probably best FF character, EVER.

  8. #38
    Famine Wolf Recognized Member Sephex's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TurkSlayer
    Belto= Probably best FF character, EVER.
    I KNOW! Aren't you pissed he didn't make it in FFX now? Any of those idea's would have made it the best FF EVER!

  9. #39
    guffman's Avatar
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    please tell me you thought of better names than "belto maxson" but decided to keep it juvenile for comic reasons.

  10. #40
    Paganini is a bastard. Rengori's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by guffman
    please tell me you thought of better names than "belto maxson" but decided to keep it juvenile for comic reasons.
    But he didn't make Belto up.
    JOY IS A BITCH, but she is so adorable!
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    Kaycee says (12:06 AM):
    whos' obama?

  11. #41
    Pyramid Head is l.o.v.e Social Moon Firesky's Avatar
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    It's almost impossible for her boobs to be held in place like that. I mean, her corset's so low down, she's practically exposing herself! Maybe she uses tape? Personally, I don't think her boobs look that big, but considering she's wearing a corset, that would push her puppies up, thus giving her more cleavage and making it look like she had big boobs.
    ~MaelstrÜm Fury~

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  12. #42
    Famine Wolf Recognized Member Sephex's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by guffman
    please tell me you thought of better names than "belto maxson" but decided to keep it juvenile for comic reasons.
    What are you talking about? Belto Maxson does exist. I didn't make anything up.

    On a totally unrealated note, I think you might want to get your sense of humor checked.

  13. #43
    A Big Deal? Recognized Member Big D's Avatar
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    I am officially entertained. Muchly. Sephex, you oughta make an entire thread of this stuff.

    As for Lulu... she's something of a rarity, as FF women go: she's not wafer-thin. It's kind of hard to see, because of the voluminous dress and the restrictive corset, but she's got broader hips and a bit more body fat than any other woman in the series, basically. Not only is this a good thing, it also provides a partial explanation for her buxomness.

    That corset would indeed help to contain matters; but she'd have to be awfully careful during that victory pose, to avoid accidental spillage. However, she's a very collected and in-control woman, so it's likely she knows what she's doing.

    It'd be interesting to find out how she lost her left eye. Now, we're never actually told she's missing an eye, but I figure she must've lost her left one during one of her earlier pilgrimages. She always keeps it completely covered with her hair. If she's got a left eye, she can't see out of it - and no sensible warrior would deliberately sacrifice use of an eye just for fashion's sake. Two eyes are better than one, for reasons of peripheral vision and judging distances - essential on the battlefield. So I figure Lulu's hair is styled that way to cover the scar, since she obviously puts a lot of time and effort into her appearance, as shown by her hair, make-up, jewelry and generally refined bearing.

    While it may look odd, Lulu's 'skirt of belts' would be quite good. Belt leather is thick, so her legs would be well protected. Same goes for the corset, and the thick sleeves of her dress. She's actually quite well 'armoured', despite appearances.

  14. #44
    Ten-Year Vet Recognized Member Kawaii Ryűkishi's Avatar
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    An eyepatch means a character has lost an eye; hair covering one eye is just a hairstyle. Unless proven otherwise, of course, but considering the FFX story seems to be all finished, that's how it is.

  15. #45
    A Big Deal? Recognized Member Big D's Avatar
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    Yeah, but Lulu has brains and a reasonable degree of common sense. I still maintain she's likely to be short of one eye.

    Auron, notably, doesn't wear an eyepatch, merely sunglasses. However, since Auron's damaged eye is permanently closed and has a bad-ass vertical scar rather than an empty socket, the absence of an eyepatch simply adds to his 'aura'.

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