Ok I think Xenogears is the best game ever made. I think Xenosaga 1 is a great game, completely different but good. One of the many reasons 2 is not nearly as good is that 4 of the main characters have different voices. Shion, Momo, Kosmos, and Chaos all have different voice actors and none better then the originial. Not to mention: Tony, Shelley, Mary, Wilhelm, Jin, Vanderkam, Kevin, Hammer, Juli Mizrahi, Nephilim. That leaves Jr, ziggy, albedo and gaignun(same guy), captain matthews, and allen. I mean how can you do a sequel with almost none of the originial voice actors. It made it nearly impossible for me to really get into it (that and the new look) plus the fact that much of the story is boring as [img]/xxx.gif[/img][img]/xxx.gif[/img][img]/xxx.gif[/img][img]/xxx.gif[/img]. Maybe there are some voice actor union things that got in the way, I don't know, but you can't do that [img]/xxx.gif[/img][img]/xxx.gif[/img][img]/xxx.gif[/img][img]/xxx.gif[/img] and expect people to get into it.