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Thread: Damn Yankee Land!

  1. #61
    Banned lordblazer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gokufusionss1
    Quote Originally Posted by Traitorfish
    Quote Originally Posted by Sasquatch
    Quote Originally Posted by RPJesus
    It'll probably collapse eventually. It's rotting from the inside. Hollywood may give us this lovely, clean image of America, but inreality it's quite different- deteriorating schools, 1/3 population without healthcare, record unemployment, corporate fraud at record heights... America is strangling itself, thanks to Furher Bush and the Nazipublicans. The next big power'll be Japan or China. Japan may not be big militarily, but it's incredibly wealthy. The US prefers funding other armies to using their own, and Japan could easily do the same. Only Japan would probably be less evil. Of course, Attila the Hun was slightly less evil than Bush...
    Actually, genius. No. There is no record unemployment, so you need to do some research there. The population without healthcare doesn't matter, because it's not the government's responsibility to take care of every aspect of every private citizen. Corporate fraud has taken place for decades, it's only the media that has tried to tie Enron to Bush that those that don't know much about politics that think corporate fraud is such a new thing. Schools haven't been much good for a while, and it's because they're run by the government. But of course, you find a way to blame everything on the Republicans.

    As was mentioned before, America'll probably lose power, but never collapse. We'll end up one of the stronger countries in the world, but no longer the one superpower. The same way crazybayman said.

    And I can't stand yankee accents. But I live in Wisconsin, so there's really no way to avoid them.

    Damn it, not this guy again. We all know you're a militaristic, nationalist right-winger, so your viewpoint is not exactly fair. And the reason people blame the nazipublicans, is because all the major problems in the world can be traced to them. And the US won't go down the way of Britain and France, because it's not like that. Britain and France relinquished their empires. But the American Reich isn't like that. It'll fight to the miserable, bloody death rather than give up.
    In fact, it'll end like the Roman empire- centuries of corruption rotting it's insides. And then, some series of external events will destroy what remaining stability the US has, and the whole thing will collapse.
    Corporate fraud has been going on for years, yes, but under Bush's corporate regime, it's reached a peak. The Enron cse isn't the only example. And don't say that anyone who disagrees with you knows nothing about politics. After all, I'm sure Kier Hardie would have disagreed with you, and anyone who says he knows nothing about politics is obviously completely cluesless.
    And the welfare of it's citizens is the governments prime concern. Apart from the serious morale implications of you're declaration that we should abandon the weak and poor, because you can't be bothered to look after them (They're other human being, for god's sake! Show some compassion!), but it will cause problems for the US politically. Part of the reason Rome collapsed was plauge... and plauge (spanish flu) helped destroy the Second Reich in 1918. In a nation like the US, were the rich live off the toil of the poor, the health of the poor has a huge effect. And when it collapses it'll be the fault of you nationalists and your precious Republican party.

    Oh, and one last thing. Sarcastically calling someone 'genius'? Not vey original, or witty. Try harder, genius.
    Who is this guy?

    We didn't reliquish our empire it fell apart due to a lack of economic and military strength. Genuis.
    WOOOT trash talking Sas lol thats the funnest thing to do.

  2. #62
    Gyrating Possum Chaos's Avatar
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    Pffft I'm with the British Empire resurgance crowd on this one.
    Now we all KNOW the British are the best people in the world...we just need to own over a 1/4 of the world again so we can back it up.

    Go team UK!


    I give you stick-pokies!
    Livejournal~Elfwood Gallery~

  3. #63
    Banned lordblazer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chaos
    Pffft I'm with the British Empire resurgance crowd on this one.
    Now we all KNOW the British are the best people in the world...we just need to own over a 1/4 of the world again so we can back it up.

    Go team UK!

    SCrew the brits..

    Canada shall be the next imperial power!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11

  4. #64
    Banned Sasquatch's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Traitorfish
    You, hating the left, and any other form of common sense.
    I don't hate the left. I strongly dislike stupidity, arrogance, and dishonesty. If you incorporate that with the left...well, there you go.

    Well, I come from Britain. We're the country that produced Kier Hardie. We have a slightly different view of 'redistribution of income'. We think it should actually take place. CLinton only seems left wing because he was between two Bush administrations.
    Last I recall, Britain isn't a Socialist country, although it's working on it, just like the U.S. is. Clinton didn't "seem" left wing, he WAS left wing, it doesn't matter where who he was between.

    BUsh didn't commit the fraud. The corporations did. Hence the term 'corporate fraud' rather than 'presedntial fraud'. And, apart from 'Dead Peasants' (evidently you don't know what that is), there are huge amounts of tax evasion. I'm not going to name individual cases, because I don't go around memorizing all of them. But I think I have slightly different ideas of corporate crime than you.
    But according to you, the fraud was tied to Bush. And at record levels under Bush. So where's the evidence?

    Michael Moore. George Galloway. The Scottish Socialist Party. The Liberal Democrat party. The fact that the US media refuses to tell the truth on the War in Iraq, Bush's election, Bush's connection with the Taliban, the Saudis or al Queda.
    Alright, just because they're not as blatantly extreme left as you doesn't mean they're right-wing. And do you know why the media refuses to report things like that? Because there's NOTHING TO REPORT. Nothing's been proven (because it ain't true), and until anything IS proven, nobody will report it because, like CBS, they'll get even more of a reputation for making up bogus stories. CBS already tried making up a story to make Bush look bad, and it bit 'em in the ass. Michael Moore and George Galloway are not credible sources, by the way. How about a link? A report? Anything?

    BS. America is a cess-pit of inequality. The 'American Dream' isn't real. The poor stay poor, unless they work together to change things. Leaving your friends and family in the dirt while you strive for money and power isn't going to change anything.
    Actually, no. You show your ignorance of America quite clearly. the poor stay poor, unless they work harder, longer, or smarter, or invest, or whatever, then they make more money. Anybody and everybody in America can do just as much.

    Oh that's OK! The corporations were greedy, that's why they left! Of course... Except most of the major companies began moving jobs in the 80s, under Raegan. Not under Clinton. Get your facts right.
    Oh, those eeeevil greedy people, wanting to keep some of the money they work for! What bastards! What mean, mean people! How dare they work for themselves, instead of living in poverty and donating all of their profits!

    That was just a stream of nonsense, showing complete ignoranc eof reality. Look at Bush- his family have been wealthy for centuries! Very few of the rich started off less than upper-middle class. The idea of the poor man working hard to become rich is a lie. It also makes no sese. If millions of Americans work hard their entire lives, why are only a handful rich?
    That would depend on your definition of "rich", actually. The way the Democrats here talk about taxing the rich, they mean taking money from about a third of the population. The way it's reported, it's made to sound like it's only people like Bill Gates and a dozen of his friends that have to pay any extra. And I said it takes hard work to get rich -- if it was easy, plenty of people would be rich. Most Americans don't work to get rich, they work to survive.

    My father is a good example. He's by no means "rich", but he's pretty stable, I'd say. He came out of a broken marriage with a high school education, and decided he'd do whatever he could to raise his three children right. So he worked, and he worked his ass off. Eventually, he put himself through truck-driving school and got a CDL, so he could make a little more money. He often sacrificed time with his wife and children, because if he came home for dinner that day, there wouldn't be enough money for dinner the next week, get my drift? He'd be on the road for weeks at a time, and come home maybe twice a month. But he worked his way around, and worked his way up, and worked every way you could imagine, eventually getting a job in a trucking company as a safety instructor for recruited drivers. After barely three years with that company, they decided to give him a huge promotion and move him up to their corporate headquarters, 1100 miles away. That was a little more'n four years this point, he's one of the #3 men in the company. As in, he reports to one of the guys that reports directly to the owner of the company. He's in the third tier of management. He's the only one anywhere near that level that got there WITHOUT even an Associate's Degree from college. So don't try to tell me that somebody without an Ivy-League degree can't make it as far as somebody who struggles to put food on the table.

    The 'trickle down' theory of economics is a proven failure. Just look around you. Anyway, do we need another company? How about some health insurance for the poor? May that will provide a little more benefit to societey, hmm?
    Actually, Reaganomics works quite well, as has been proven. Why has there ALWAYS been an economy boost immediately following a tax cut? Because people get to keep more of their money, which means they spend more money, which means the government gets more in taxes.

    And do they need another company? Do they need the revenue from it? Nah, not really, they're probably well enough without it. How about some health insurance for the poor? Sure, some people -- in fact, most everybody with enough money -- like to give money to charity, help out others. Good for them. I've even given money to charity, at my own expense, and it sure as hell ain't like I'm rolling in the dough. I just strongly disagree with the idea that we should be forced into doing it. You want to give to charity, fine, give as much as you want, but if I don't want to, I shouldn't have to. It's not my responsibility to make sure my entire neighborhood has health care -- because if it was, half of my neighborhood would say "screw it, somebody else will pay for it", and not worry about getting it themselves. We already see that happening. So what should we do, let people keep some of the money they make an invest it, thus creating more revenue and more jobs, or steal more of the money people make to redistribute it to those who, for whatever reason, don't make as much?

    A black guy has more chances for education? You're either racist or ignorant. You also forget the huge amount of rascsim in America. It exists at all levels, particularly the top.
    You have no idea how the college selection system works in America. And you are completely ignorant of the racism in America, and who it's directed towards. A black person not only has more chances of getting into colleges they apply to, but more chances of having more of their college education paid for. I am nowhere near racist, I just tell it like it is.

    That sounded a little like an endorsement of slavery... And besides, at the wages many poor Americans recieve, they are virtually slaves.
    Like an endorsement of slavery? How in the hell did you get that? I simply pointed out that slaves, obviously, in whatever society/government type they're in, probably don't need to worry about getting rich.

    Aah, you implied I was a dumbass. I'm smart enough to pick up on things like that, you know.
    Good for you. You implied that I was a fool, and I'm racist. Who gives a damn if you think I might have said you might be whatever? What, am I hurting your feelings? Too bad, you don't have a right not to be offended, no matter what the ACLU tells you.

    You mean you've been banned from a whole area of the board? Maybe you should be less aggressive, then.
    I was banned because I couldn't put up with the rampant ignorance, and not just that but the arrogance that accompanied it, that usually showed itself in political debates such as this. But hey, some things just can't be escaped.

    By the way. In a Capitalist economy, there's absolutely nothing wrong with working to make money. That's the entire point of it. That's different from a Socialist economy, where you're expected to have motivation to work, even though working harder/longer/smarter won't do you any good.

    And there's a slight difference between the poor and the disabled. Yes, we should help the disabled out any way we can. They can't help it, they need help. But as I said, very few poor people are poor because they CAN'T work.

  5. #65
    Proudly Loathsome ;) DMKA's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hsu
    Whenever a heated debate such as this pops up, I generally find it soothing to listen to some <a href="">music.</a>
    You sir have won my internet.
    I like Kung-Fu.

  6. #66
    Being Pooh. Chris's Avatar
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    Pfft, a cheap midi.

  7. #67
    Banned Sasquatch's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DMKA
    It's funny cause now that everyone is getting banned from EoEO/EotW, General Chat is turning into a combination of the two, without the regulations...which I find, quite frankly, awesome.
    Just noticed this. Amen .

  8. #68
    Mr. Encyclopedia Kirobaito's Avatar
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    What I kind of find funny is that the people criticizing the way American works, at least in this thread, don't live in America.

    I would debate, but I suck at debate.

  9. #69
    Ominous Wanderer Tech Admin Samuraid's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Traitorfish
    Quote Originally Posted by Sasquatch
    Quote Originally Posted by RPJesus
    It'll probably collapse eventually. It's rotting from the inside. Hollywood may give us this lovely, clean image of America, but inreality it's quite different- deteriorating schools, 1/3 population without healthcare, record unemployment, corporate fraud at record heights... America is strangling itself, thanks to Furher Bush and the Nazipublicans. The next big power'll be Japan or China. Japan may not be big militarily, but it's incredibly wealthy. The US prefers funding other armies to using their own, and Japan could easily do the same. Only Japan would probably be less evil. Of course, Attila the Hun was slightly less evil than Bush...
    Actually, genius. No. There is no record unemployment, so you need to do some research there. The population without healthcare doesn't matter, because it's not the government's responsibility to take care of every aspect of every private citizen. Corporate fraud has taken place for decades, it's only the media that has tried to tie Enron to Bush that those that don't know much about politics that think corporate fraud is such a new thing. Schools haven't been much good for a while, and it's because they're run by the government. But of course, you find a way to blame everything on the Republicans.

    As was mentioned before, America'll probably lose power, but never collapse. We'll end up one of the stronger countries in the world, but no longer the one superpower. The same way crazybayman said.

    And I can't stand yankee accents. But I live in Wisconsin, so there's really no way to avoid them.

    Damn it, not this guy again. We all know you're a militaristic, nationalist right-winger, so your viewpoint is not exactly fair. And the reason people blame the nazipublicans, is because all the major problems in the world can be traced to them. And the US won't go down the way of Britain and France, because it's not like that. Britain and France relinquished their empires. But the American Reich isn't like that. It'll fight to the miserable, bloody death rather than give up.
    In fact, it'll end like the Roman empire- centuries of corruption rotting it's insides. And then, some series of external events will destroy what remaining stability the US has, and the whole thing will collapse.
    Corporate fraud has been going on for years, yes, but under Bush's corporate regime, it's reached a peak. The Enron cse isn't the only example. And don't say that anyone who disagrees with you knows nothing about politics. After all, I'm sure Kier Hardie would have disagreed with you, and anyone who says he knows nothing about politics is obviously completely cluesless.
    And the welfare of it's citizens is the governments prime concern. Apart from the serious morale implications of you're declaration that we should abandon the weak and poor, because you can't be bothered to look after them (They're other human being, for god's sake! Show some compassion!), but it will cause problems for the US politically. Part of the reason Rome collapsed was plauge... and plauge (spanish flu) helped destroy the Second Reich in 1918. In a nation like the US, were the rich live off the toil of the poor, the health of the poor has a huge effect. And when it collapses it'll be the fault of you nationalists and your precious Republican party.

    Oh, and one last thing. Sarcastically calling someone 'genius'? Not vey original, or witty. Try harder, genius.

    Save it for EoW.

  10. #70


    I'd debate about it, but I suck at debating, and I hate it when people basically call me an idiot for what I think and such. Although I am of the mind that nothing America has done in the last 50 years or so has been that good.

    We need another Roosevelt.
    lol signature

  11. #71
    Mr. Encyclopedia Kirobaito's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jebus
    I'd debate about it, but I suck at debating, and I hate it when people basically call me an idiot for what I think and such. Although I am of the mind that nothing America has done in the last 50 years or so has been that good.

    We need another Roosevelt.
    To have another Roosevelt, we would need another collapse of the economy.

  12. #72
    Ominous Wanderer Tech Admin Samuraid's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jebus
    I hate it when people basically call me an idiot for what I think and such.
    Every side is guilty of that unfortunately.

  13. #73
    Proudly Loathsome ;) DMKA's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chris
    Pfft, a cheap midi.
    Have an MP3 then.
    I like Kung-Fu.

  14. #74


    Quote Originally Posted by Kirobaito
    To have another Roosevelt, we would need another collapse of the economy.
    Well, I don't like how our current economy is looking. So hopefully that can be something to look forward to, right?

    Bad economy -> next Roosevelt.

    Of course it could also be:

    Bad economy -> another Harding -> economic collapse
    lol signature

  15. #75
    absolutely haram Recognized Member Madame Adequate's Avatar
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    The only good thing to come out of this thread is what Hsu posted.

    Traitorfish has induced palpable and tangible terror in me.

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