View Poll Results: Did Square put details on the game so hidden that they are to remain nearly unnoticed

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Thread: About Square´s intentions.

  1. #46
    Banned ThroneofDravaris's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gilgamesh of Legends
    and the mods deleted my petition WHY?!
    Because you’re a horrible, spiteful person that only seeks to ruin FE so people will like you, which didn’t really work out if I remember the posts you received in that thread correctly…

    Quote Originally Posted by Future Esthar
    Agreed completely.

    If this is true,if time slowly change things then another ever more interesting conclusion can be taken here.

    By the way,the quote from the man at Balamb clearly says that there were many hidden things on the world of FF8.
    And the pollution subject is one of these.
    This guy must had travelled around the world and found these secrets.

    Yeah, ok you picked up on the wrong part of my post. The main point I was trying to get across was that there are unlimited ways to interpret the multitude of non-essential lines within the game, thus without any real evidence it is impossible to state that ‘that definitely means this…”. The man himself does NOT say that there are many hidden things in the world, he is saying that many things change without people noticing. It is also evident that this man has NOT traveled the world, since he does not realize that the colour of the water within his home town is any different to that of the outside world. He can’t possibly have seen THAT much of the world if he has just come to the realization after seeing the water within Balamb…

  2. #47
    Funkadelic Jammer crazybayman's Avatar
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    FE. Go look at the obel lake penninsula in the game. The ground is the same elevation all the way out, from the shore of the lake, out to the end where you talk to the shadow. Therefore, if what you call the "channel" was flooded, then everthing else, including the penninsula where you talk to the shadow, would be flooded. Therefore, its not flooded, and there's no reason to believe they time travelled.

    Man, you are a fool. To think that all these silly points must mean something so concrete that they can mean only one thing, when really, they are really open to many interpretations, and have many reasons behind them. No one else here is stupid enough to research these little details, and try to find hidden meaning behind them. We all enjoy the game, and realize that being a PS1 game, it is certainly NOT a perfect piece of software that has zero flaws and no programming conviences, but is very prone to graphical inaccuracies. As well, it is very prone to random things tossed into the dialogue, to fill gaps in the storyline, and just create a line for some background character to say. Or these lines could mean many other things, and not necessarily "OMG IT DEFINITELY MEANS SQUARE PUT HIDDEN MEANING INTO IT, THERE'S A CONSPIRACY IN THE FFVIII WORLD!!!1"

    The reason why everyone stopped refuting your stupid MEGA IMPORTANT BULL$Hit is because its pointless, and a waste of time arguing with you over this nonesense. Its like getting into an argument with a five year old over who has nicer crayons. Or like trying to sell pig$hit to a farmer. Completely pointless.

    And reading that last post of yours is a complete waste of time.
    Last edited by crazybayman; 09-28-2005 at 12:58 PM.

  3. #48
    Friendship *is* magic. MJN SEIFER's Avatar
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    Trust me Sqaure DO put hidden things in. And Why don't you people READ Future's post, They make sense to me!

  4. #49
    Banned ThroneofDravaris's Avatar
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    They make sense, but they are rather improbable and most of the time, impossible to prove.

  5. #50
    Funkadelic Jammer crazybayman's Avatar
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    OK, I did just read that "essay", and I must say, you are a complete fool to believe such things. If the creators of the game went out of their way to create such an explanation to how and why the whole Lunar Cry happened, why would they keep it a secret? As well, why are you the ONLY one to figure it out?

    If they did create the game with this in mind, don't you think they would have focused on the fact that when travelling into space (they did make a big deal of this), they would have also made a big deal of the fact that they travelled into time?

    The answer to my above questions, is that NONE OF YOUR SO CALLED "THEORIES" ARE TRUE.

    Honestly, if you have spent "many" years playing FFVIII, and coming up with these pointless theories, maybe you should take a long look at yourself, and get a life.

    Quote Originally Posted by MJN SEIFER
    Trust me Sqaure DO put hidden things in. And Why don't you people READ Future's post, They make sense to me!
    I read it, it can make sense (based on ingame graphics), but is highly unprobable, and impossible to prove (as Throne of Dravaris said), as there could be an infinite amount of other reasons behind it. Why would Square waste their time on this, and not make any mention of it in the game? If Square spent the same amount of time FE spent on analyzing FFVIII, they could have released FFXII, and FFXIII by now.
    Last edited by crazybayman; 09-28-2005 at 12:57 PM.

  6. #51
    Gobbledygook! Recognized Member Christmas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Future Esthar
    Well,that´s your opinion.

    1)Yes,they witness one from the past.
    2)The evidence is shown on the very FMV.Since there is no water on the present then they were on another time(in which there is water.
    3)Every vehicle time travel when they pass a certain dome boundary over Esthar.
    The vehicles were created by Adel and some Eliminators(cyborg Esthar soldiers).
    They program the vehicles with an internal mapping which identifies the places in which they should time travel.It´s kinda like a GPS.
    However this remains as a government secret.Civils don´t knew about it.
    This can be seen on Ragnarok which has automatic pilot.
    4)One would argue that Adel´s tomb was created by civilians to contain Adel so it can´t time travel.
    However the Ragnaroks were created by Adel and they time travel.They form a rigid body with the Tomb which enables it to time travel with them.
    So Adel´s tomb is also there.
    5)This one would require me to proceed with the Mega Topic thread (it has a continuation,do you remember?).This one is complicated.
    I will try to resume.
    Basically,the space suits people dress were also creatd by Adel.So they also had a GPS and they time travel when they pass a boundary.
    You know,they can´t go out without a space suit.
    Basically there is no moon.What we see is really Earth but on another era.
    A glaciar era.The white surface of the "moon" is snow and the grey surface is ice (frozed oceans) like the ones we see on Winter
    There is a vulcan somewere on this planet that is going to erupt.
    The lava from this vulcan would turn ice into water which would concentrate on the middle.
    Let´s now consider the "Galbadia" and "moon" eras.
    Lunatic Pandora also existed on these eras.
    On "Galbadia" the Pandora was near the surface and it´s transparent property is activated(remember seeing it when Zell falls on the Memorial?) so the Pandora is not seen.
    On "moon" the same thing happens.
    However the Pandora here is near the surface.
    All the monsters on Esthar were sucked by the Pandora there.
    The Pandora sends them to the Pandora on another era,the "moon".
    On the "moon" all the "Esthar" monsters disembarks from the Pandora into the water.
    At the same time the lava is sucked to the Pandora along with the water.
    The lava transports fire resistant monsters which were born on the "moon" era.
    As soon as the lava with the monsters get inside the Pandora it sends those to the Pandora of the "Galbadia" era.This is the exact moment were the
    flood of monsters were bright.Then the Pandora goes to deep space and throws all the monsters to the Earth.
    The Pandora of the "moon" then goes to Space higher than the orbital circle of Adel´s tomb.
    After that many different eruptions will take place.One of these is sucked to the Pandora throwing Adel´s tomb on it´s direction.As soon as the tomb enters the Pandora it time travels to the "present" era (Esthar).
    The Pandora of the "moon" probably generated a spotlight hologram to made it look like the Tomb was falling straight on Earth.
    But since the pandora of the "moon" is on Space and the Pandora of the "present" is on land near Tear´s Point the Tomb will not be inside the Pandora of the "present" after time traveling.It will appear suddenly on midair and then will fall to the Pandora.That´s what we see on one of the FMV´s.
    Also,there is no monsters over the Pandora.It is the holographic projection of an holographic dome that exists over Esthar.
    To explain how we see the moon and the Earth at the same time is difficult.
    Maybe some other time.
    Nice story.With just one little FMV is enough to make you think of all this. But it is not enough to prove all this especially the "era" thing, and pls dun mention the space suit and vehicles since the FMV did not prove any of that.

    I have a simple explaination to this.

    IF the lunar cry is heading towards Galbadia, meaning monsters will flood the Galbadian continents.

    Galbadians are the one who control the Lunatic Pandora to generate artificial lunar cry, will they be crazy enough to let monsters to drop onto their own homes and destroy themselves?

    The Lunatic Pandora can generate artificial lunar cries, there is no telling what another functions the pandora can do about the lunar cries.

    So the Galbadia uses the special functions in the Pandora to generate the monsters waves towards Esthar when it reaches the planet.

    Quote Originally Posted by Future Esthar
    Then why is it that no one appears on FF7 saying things like that.On FF7 there were a lot of hidden details( I also played it ).

    But on FF7 there is not so much secrets on the storyline as on FF8.
    Yes,I also had theories on FF7 but they are just about four:location of promised land,the true villain of FF7(who is really controlling who in Shinra),True identity of the father and brother of Cloud and the "puppet family" theory.
    However I found hundreds for FF8.

    Considering that FF8 duration (considering sidequests also) is much less than FF7 a person should also appear on FF7 saying that.

    Which means the guy is referring to storyline secrets which were far more on FF8.
    Look, there is also a Zone wannabe and a Quistis/Rinoa admirer in Timber when you revisit it. Does that also link a lot to the storyline?

    And pls keep your FF VII theories to yourself.
    Last edited by Christmas; 09-28-2005 at 01:15 PM.

  7. #52
    Friendship *is* magic. MJN SEIFER's Avatar
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    As I study writing storys myself (Films, Games etc) What Future and I are "acusing" Sqaure of is very factual, Writers do things like that.

  8. #53


    In fact your argument will just help to proof my theory.
    Rocks degenerates with time.So even if the elevation is the same it will not be on the future.
    So even if Skyblade is right and the monsters generates tidal waves they will not produce that flood due to your argument.
    Unless we are seeing an era in which the elevation differs,of course.
    1-The channel cannot exist since the elevation is the same.
    2-We see a channel from Space.
    Conclusion1-The elevation is not the same when they were on Space.
    Conclusion2-This discrepancy means that they time travelled since rocks degenerate with time(erosion).

    Many thanks for showing that Skyblade´s arguments weren´t enough to refute my theory.

    Trust me Sqaure DO put hidden things in. And Why don't you people READ Future's post, They make sense to me!
    Are you referring to post 43?
    Flo:Honey,the clock is late.Go out fix it.
    Mayor Dobe:What hours is it?
    Flo: 15:30
    Mayor Dobe:Hey do you wanna to send the Estharians to Centra or what?
    Flo:Ok,let it be on 3:45

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    Big D

  9. #54
    Banned ThroneofDravaris's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MJN Seifer
    As I study writing storys myself (Films, Games etc) What Future and I are "acusing" Sqaure of is very factual, Writers do things like that.
    Hmmm, since you seem to know what exactly Future Esthar is talking about, perhaps you could explain it to us…

    Anyway, whether or not Square puts secret messages into its games is not the issue here. This issue is whether the quote provided by Future Esthar is one of these ‘secret messages’ and what I (and almost everyone else here) am saying, is that this cannot be proven with the information that has been presented thus far. I have no idea what he is trying to say about the Moon though; as far as I can tell it’s kind of off topic…

  10. #55
    Funkadelic Jammer crazybayman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Future Esthar
    Rocks degenerates with time.So even if the elevation is the same it will not be on the future.
    So even if Skyblade is right and the monsters generates tidal waves they will not produce that flood due to your argument.
    Unless we are seeing an era in which the elevation differs,of course.
    1-The channel cannot exist since the elevation is the same.
    2-We see a channel from Space.
    Conclusion1-The elevation is not the same when they were on Space.
    Conclusion2-This discrepancy means that they time travelled since rocks degenerate with time(erosion).
    Rocks will erode, but over hunders of thousands, or millions of years. ARe you saying they travelled that far into time? If this were the case, we'd see even more differences.

  11. #56
    Gobbledygook! Recognized Member Christmas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Future Esthar
    In fact your argument will just help to proof my theory.
    Rocks degenerates with time.So even if the elevation is the same it will not be on the future.
    So even if Skyblade is right and the monsters generates tidal waves they will not produce that flood due to your argument.
    Unless we are seeing an era in which the elevation differs,of course.
    1-The channel cannot exist since the elevation is the same.
    2-We see a channel from Space.
    Conclusion1-The elevation is not the same when they were on Space.
    Conclusion2-This discrepancy means that they time travelled since rocks degenerate with time(erosion).

    Many thanks for showing that Skyblade´s arguments weren´t enough to refute my theory.
    Ok, I really have no idea what you are talking about this time. What had rocks do with the whole thing this time?

    Maybe we really need someone that understand to explain this.

  12. #57
    Banned ThroneofDravaris's Avatar
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    Seriously, is ANYONE debating the original topic of this thread? Because if not tell me and I won’t waste any more time here…

  13. #58
    Old school, like an old fool. Flying Mullet's Avatar
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    Future Esthar, you do realize that this is just a game, thus making it fiction, so that there is no right or wrong, only opinion, right?
    Figaro Castle

  14. #59


    This is going off topic of course.

    I already know that the guy says that some things will change with time and be unnoticed.

    To crazybayman-
    No one can predict the future.If it don´t erode then some other things will happen.
    It don´t matter.
    If we see the channel from space it means that the elevation is different making it impossible to be on the present.End point.

    To Unknowns-The post 43 is not based only on the Obel Lake picture.It is based on all the pictures I post on the "Lunar Cry(no theory)" thread.
    I was to post all these on the "Mega Topic" thread but people stop posting there.
    Flo:Honey,the clock is late.Go out fix it.
    Mayor Dobe:What hours is it?
    Flo: 15:30
    Mayor Dobe:Hey do you wanna to send the Estharians to Centra or what?
    Flo:Ok,let it be on 3:45

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    Big D

  15. #60
    Funkadelic Jammer crazybayman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Future Esthar
    I was to post all these on the "Mega Topic" thread but people stop posting there.
    That's because its pointless arguing it. We should all just do the same here. Stop posting in reply to your nonesense. Maybe you'll shut up then.

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