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Thread: Who would make the best couple in seven?

  1. #211


    Your point that Aerith was distraught when she found out Cloud wasn't really Cloud, but mostly Zack is a point in both your favor and mine, Ryushikaze.
    No, she was distraught when she was worrying that the fake Cloud she knew- who basically turned out to be Zack to her perception- was nothing more than a Sephiroth created illusion. She was actually rather calm and sedate when she learned Cloud was mostly Zack.

    When you love someone, even if it's not the real them, just some act that they have, when you find out that it's an act, you don't just stop loving them.
    EXCUSE ME? "Oh, you've been living a lie these past four months and the man I thought I met is nothing more than the cobbled together remnants of the psyche of your best friend and my old boyfriend? MARRY ME!"

    Yeah, No.

    This is why Aerith's feelings were shattered, because she still loved Cloud even though she barely knew the real him.
    She knew him even less than she thought. She thought that the 'real him' was Zacklike, after all.

    I think that if she had still been alive when he learned of his true identity, Aerith's feelings towards him would have allowed her to eventually learn to love the real Cloud as well. She obviously still has some kind of feelings for him, else she wouldn't have stayed around to make sure everything was okay with him in Advent Children. Whether it was just friends or love we will never know, but she still definitely cared for Cloud, so I think she could very easily love the real Cloud.
    Affectionately, like a Mother. What's so hard to figure out from the passages in Maiden after Tifa restores Cloud's fragmented psyche?
    Besides, Aerith's emotions are themselves a red herring. Cloud's emotions are all that matters, and I really shouldn't be giving anything other than that the time of day.

    A number of other things seen throughout the game are evidence that the creators meant for it to be Aerith and Cloud. The most obvious piece of which, is that Aerith is the default date.
    A pointless minigame with little relevance to the overall plot which is played primarily for comedic effect and which is actually determined by each choice's affection for Cloud and not the other way around? Is THAT the evidence you speak of?

    Unless you realluy f*** things up you're going to go out with either Aeris or Tifa. If you hack the game, you can actually learn that there are affection values set at the beginning of the game for the four characters Cloud can date (Aerith, Tifa, Yuffie, and Barret). Aerith's is set at 50, Tifa's at 30, Yuffie at 10, and Barret at 0.
    How is this relevant? Even granting that these are anything more than smegging game mechanics like HP and MP, these values don't represent anything more than each choice's opinion of the Fragmented mind Cloud of the early game. Aerith likes the fake Cloud best, Tifa'd prefer the old Cloud with his own mind to his current off kilter state, Yuffie's acting the schoolgirl, and Barret is a heterosexual male.

    Next point, is that all throughout the game they drop hints that Aerith would be good for Cloud. It's been a while since I've played the game so I can only remember a few. The one that most readily comes to mind is in the Nibelheim flashback. Cloud goes to his mother's house and she starts talking about girlfriends. She says something along the lines of "you should have an older girlfriend". Other than Barret (who was just thrown into the date mechanics as a joke) Aerith is the only person Cloud can go out with that is older than him.
    You quote the flashback, but neglect CLOUD'S OWN WORDS? For shame. What is Cloud's reply? A curt, simple 'Not interested'. He says it twice, once with Aerith in the room for her to hear. And if you want to say 'all throughout', you had better be damn prepared to show it, good sir.

    BTW- 'Aside from Barret' is a case of special pleading.

    Barret says 'Yeah, I figured you'd do that, or a variant on that', no matter the selection. If we must attribute deeper meaning to Barret's words, let us remember that it is coming out of the jaded and cynical mouth of Barret. It's far more likely Barret just meant "Yeah, I knew you'd take the chicks, ya damn chocobo headed punk"

    Still, arguing from author's intent is almost as smegging useless as Cait's fortune telling. People on either side of the argument should probably choose to avoid it in the future if they aren't already.

    Addendum: The exception, of course, is when an author states their intent. Thanks to the latest Advent Supplement, Reunion Files, there are now some direct statements. Nomura refers to Tifa as many things, including a Lover (Koibito), and Nojima said that from the start, one thing that was absolutely concrete about the movie was that Cloud and Tifa would be together.

    So... yeah. That's basically that, now ain't it? Direct, authoritative, unequivocal statements of intent from the two major creators.
    Last edited by Ryushikaze; 06-19-2006 at 04:29 PM.

  2. #212


    I was not aware of what Nomura said concerning Tifa. If this is true then I rest my case. Though my personal beliefs differ from this, I will not argue with an authoritative, OFFICIAL source. (I capitalized official for all the people out there that still believe Jenova was in control of Sephiroth despite the UOG, but that doesn't belong in this thread so I'm not going to argue it.) This however, is talking about Advent Children, not to mention it is long after Aerith's death. What I'm really saying is now that Aerith is dead, Cloud and Tifa should probably get together, but I'd really like to see Cloud and Aerith together if she had lived.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryushikaze
    EXCUSE ME? "Oh, you've been living a lie these past four months and the man I thought I met is nothing more than the cobbled together remnants of the psyche of your best friend and my old boyfriend? MARRY ME!"
    I didn't mean what I said in that way. That's a very shallow way of looking at it. What I meant, was when you're hurt by someone you love part of the reason you're devestated is because you're in conflict between them hurting you and you still having feelings for them. Now granted, Aerith wasn't hurt by who she loved but for who she loved. Aerith realized that it was mostly Zack, with a small amount of Cloud in there, and this is why she was hurt. You took what I said at face value, and that's not how I meant it. Sorry if there was any confusion there.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryushikaze
    Affectionately, like a Mother. What's so hard to figure out from the passages in Maiden after Tifa restores Cloud's fragmented psyche?
    Besides, Aerith's emotions are themselves a red herring. Cloud's emotions are all that matters, and I really shouldn't be giving anything other than that the time of day.
    Okay. Let me explain myself. I have read this and what I'm doing is extrapolating. I'm also looking at Advent Children when Aerith says "Why does everyone keep calling me mother?" or something to that accord. I think that her affection for Cloud in the afterlife was not like spousal love, but a friendly affectionate love. I'm extrapolating from this that if she was given some more time to be around Cloud (and if she was alive) that she might be able to have spousal love for him. That'a all I meant. Once again, sorry for any confusion caused by that.
    Last edited by Aralith; 06-19-2006 at 08:25 PM.

  3. #213


    tifa and cloud of course.. they have a past and she cares for him more...not aeris and cloud cos lets face it she just dies..what kinda future is that lol

  4. #214
    crayzee gamr's Avatar
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    Barret and cloud lol!
    Just kidding don't get mad I think Tifa and cloud would be the best since they've known each other since childhood and practically grew up together. Also they help eachother out through hard times (like cloud's moody time when he tries to find himself).
    Aeris and Zack would be good too.

  5. #215
    Diddy21's Avatar
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    Id like to see Cid and Shera 2gether
    Last edited by Diddy21; 07-06-2006 at 07:18 PM.
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  6. #216


    Vincent and Tifa are honestly my favorite couple in seven. *dodges flying objects*

    But for the best....I would say Cid and Shera.

  7. #217
    Born to be mild Dr. Acula's Avatar
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    Tifa and Cloud, not Aeris and Cloud, coz ya know.... Tifa's ALIVE for one thing....
    Quote Originally Posted by Christmas View Post
    Quin is wrong and LALA is right.

  8. #218
    Gobbledygook! Recognized Member Christmas's Avatar
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  9. #219
    Born to be mild Dr. Acula's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terror of Zanarkand
    hmm i really have to say Cid and Shera we all know Cid likes Shera!
    Cid and Shera r married in Dirge of Cerberus apparently (sorry if someone's already said this i haven't read the whole thing yet)
    Quote Originally Posted by Christmas View Post
    Quin is wrong and LALA is right.

  10. #220
    Born to be mild Dr. Acula's Avatar
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    lol i just thought of something REALLY disturbing.... Barret and Marlene!
    Quote Originally Posted by Christmas View Post
    Quin is wrong and LALA is right.

  11. #221


    Quote Originally Posted by Dr. Acula
    lol i just thought of something REALLY disturbing.... Barret and Marlene!
    Gross! Why would you even think of something like that. Hold on... *retching sound* Okay, I'm a bit better now. That's just so wrong on so many levels. That'd be like if I said Bugenhagen and Yuffie should get it on. *blech* GROSS!! Why did I think of something like that?!

  12. #222
    Born to be mild Dr. Acula's Avatar
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    lol it was just a sick joke lots of people have done sick pairings... like i thought i saw a "hojo and sephiroth" in there somewhere... *ugh*
    Quote Originally Posted by Christmas View Post
    Quin is wrong and LALA is right.

  13. #223


    I realize it was a joke, it still disturbed the hell out of me though. *blech*

  14. #224
    Born to be mild Dr. Acula's Avatar
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    yeah true. it disturbed me too, and i was the one who said it lol!
    Quote Originally Posted by Christmas View Post
    Quin is wrong and LALA is right.

  15. #225


    'Tis okay. In the same post where I said it was disturbing, I came up with an equally disturbing couple. So, we think pretty similarily. Yeah, this whole conversation is wrong. I conject that we should stop this tangent of thinking before it leads us somewhere we don't want to go. The darkest place of our minds. I've been there before, it's scary.

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