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Thread: Square Enix Boss Tournament: Grahf Wins!

  1. #76
    Gamecrafter Recognized Member Azure Chrysanthemum's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    In the Chrysanthemum garden

    FFXIV Character

    Kazane Shiba (Adamantoise)
    • Former Cid's Knight


    God's Private Studio rumbled as the massive Ruby Weapon stepped onto the platform. It had elongated, clawed red arms, and its body was tall and thin, with a fierce, bulbous head and a long neck. It's torso had a red eye in the center that glowed brightly, and its boot-like feet shook the ground as it walked.

    The other was a man dressed in a frilly, colorful outfit. His face was painted white and his eyes were devoid of all sanity and human kindness.

    "The next battle is between Kefka and Ruby Weapon! BEGIN!"

    Ruby Weapon immediately began moving forward, towards the orb in the center. Kefka laughed maniacally as six wings burst from his back, tearing away his shirt.

    With a malicious glint in his eyes, he burst forward, magic crackling in his hands.

    "Firaga!" he howled, a massive burst of flame washing over Ruby Weapon.

    As Ruby Weapon staggered backwards, Kefka settled before the orb, placing his hand on it.

    "This feels great!" he cackled maniacally as Ruby Weapon growled, calling down a comet on him.

    "I've never felt so... ALIVE!" he howled, raising his hand.

    As the comet descended upon him he caught it, stopping it from hitting him.

    "Blizzaga!" he cackled.

    Magic shot through his hand and into the comet, causing it to freeze entirely.

    "Pathetic," Kefka spat. "Thundaga!"

    Bolts of lightning burst through the meteor, destroying it utterly.

    Ruby howled and the eye in its torso glowed. A beam of red energy burst forth, hurling itself at Kefka.

    Kefka merely stood there, laughing, as the bolt shot through his chest, opening a large, gaping hole in the middle.

    Kefka continued laughing insanely as the orb's magic healed his body entirely.

    "My turn!" he snarled. "METEOR!"

    A massive hail of meteors assailed Ruby Weapon, pushing it back. As it howled in pain, Kefka's grin became more and more bloodthirsty by the moment.

    "Goner!" he yelled, unleashing a blast of magic that toppled Ruby Weapon.

    As Ruby Weapon struggled to get up, Kefka placed both hands on the orb, magic crackling around his body.

    "ULTIMA!" he shrieked, a torrent of magical energy errupting outward from him in the form of a massive blue wave of destruction.

    The ground around the orb disintegrated as the magical power laid waste to everything in sight. Ruby Weapon tried to withstand the blast, but the combined power of Kefka's magic and the orb was simply too much. The giant beast roared in pain before disintegrating along with the battlefield, leaving only a cackling Kefka and the orb behind.

    5th Battle: Ruby Weapon vs. Kefka

    Victor: Kefka

    Current Accounts:
    Necronopticous: 3,676,882
    raskerino: 30,000
    Ultima Shadow: 9,500
    abrojtm: 6,000
    Takara: 45,000
    Raskerino: 31,000
    Raven Nox: 7,000
    Turkslayer: 26,669

    The next battle will be between Zalbag and Ozzie, Flea, and Slash. It will take place in the Game Room. Betting will close at 12:00 AM tomorrow.


  2. #77


    Someone make some fields, I'll pay for them.

  3. #78


    I'll make more fields when I have more time (of course using Necro's money). 1000 on Ozzie, Flea and Slash.

    Thanks Jess1 for the awesome sig!!!
    Heh, heh, heh
    Join my latest RP, Magi of Greece,

  4. #79
    Returns Victorious The Triumphant Hero's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    None shall pass!


    This is my first time on.
    Field Name: Farplane Glen
    Description: A small field of flowers where dead spirits roam. Off the edge is a deeper section of the Farplane.
    Small Battlefield
    I'll put 2,000 on Ozzie-Flea-Slash
    O R'lyeh?

  5. #80


    I have no luck this time around.
    500 on Zalbag.

  6. #81


    I think this is fun.....
    I'm a beginner, so I begin with 5,000 right?
    I'll bet:
    100 Zalbag
    Greymon : The Ultima Digimon

  7. #82
    Returns Victorious The Triumphant Hero's Avatar
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    Aug 2004
    None shall pass!


    I'll also take Necronopticous on his offer.

    Battlefield: Oelivert
    Description: A large castle with an anti-magic field which prevents all magical abilities. The opening hallway gives way to a series of chambers with stairs and puzzles. The final chamber is a large room with a pillar and stone on it.
    The only lighting is provided by torches along the halls. The rooms have many gargoyles and the like which allow for the puzzles to reveal new paths.
    Large field
    Multiple rooms
    No magic
    O R'lyeh?

  8. #83


    Void, if you approve these field submissions, subtract them from my total.

  9. #84
    Returns Victorious The Triumphant Hero's Avatar
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    Aug 2004
    None shall pass!


    Just to clarify, the Farplane Glen is my first free one and I get the rent, but Oelivert will be Necronopticous's field and he will get the rent.
    O R'lyeh?

  10. #85



    100,000 on Flea.

    Oh Ozzie and Slash too.

  11. #86
    Gamecrafter Recognized Member Azure Chrysanthemum's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    In the Chrysanthemum garden

    FFXIV Character

    Kazane Shiba (Adamantoise)
    • Former Cid's Knight


    I need more information on the battlefields before I'll allow them. Remember, details details DETAILS.

    The game room flickered before sparking to life, shifting blocks, triangles, and spheres appearing all over it.

    On the far right side of the room a pale man clutching a sword and shield tightly in either hand stepped forward. His movements were jerky, almost involuntary, and his body spasmed sporadically.

    On the far left, three figures emerged. One was a green-skinned fat humanoid in white robes that hovered above the ground a short ways. Another was a pale, pretty woman with red hair tied in a pony tail, and the third was a thin blue humanoid with a sword in his hand.

    "The next battle is between Zalbag and Team Ozzie! BEGIN!"

    "Allow me to take the first turn," the blue humanoid said.

    "Go get him, Slash!" the woman yelled after him, blowing him a kiss.

    Slash dashed across the room, vaulting onto a box and leaping at Zalbag, his sword descending.

    Zalbag's shield shot up mechanically, blocking the attack. Without a change in expression, he thrust his own sword in, impaling Slash and sending him flying backwards.

    Slash landed on a sphere, crushing the virtual construct under the force of his fall and weight.

    "Allow me to fight next," Flea said, dashing forward and hurling fire at Zalbag.

    Zalbag mechanically yet somehow strangely fluidly dodged aside, before dashing forward and slashing at Flea.

    Flea screeched and dodged back as the blade opened a massive gash on her chest, slashing aside the shirt and revealing that it wasn't exactly a "she" after all.

    Flea leaped away as Ozzie finally stepped forward.

    "Flea, Slash, attack him while I hold his attention."

    Flea and Slash moved to encircle Zalbag as he charged Ozzie down.

    Ozzie laughed and a barrier of ice formed around him. Zalbag's sword hit it, but rebounded with a loud clang as Slash came in behind him, stabbing him in the back.

    Zalbag turned to face Slash, ignoring the wound, but Slash jumped back and Flea unleashed a burst of fire, engulfing Zalbag.

    As the flames cleared, Zalbag stood, his body badly battered but his blade still in hand.

    "Let's finish this!" Ozzie yelled.

    "Delta Storm!"

    A torrent of flame, ice and lightning was unleashed as the three monsters combined their magical energy.

    Within the storm of magical energy, Zalbag's body disintegrated. It may have been a trick of the flickering spells, but a smile seemed to briefly grace his features.

    5th Battle: Zalbag vs. Ozzie, Flea and Slash

    Victor: Ozzie, Flea and Slash

    Current Accounts:
    Necronopticous: 3,776,882
    raskerino: 31,000
    Ultima Shadow: 9,500
    abrojtm: 6,000
    Takara: 45,000
    Raskerino: 31,000
    Raven Nox: 7,000
    Turkslayer: 26,169
    Cloudleonhart: 7,000
    greymon138: 4,900

    2,000 more to Mercen-X if he ever starts betting.

    The next battle will be between Jecht and Kuja. It will take place in the Viper's Aerie. Betting will close at 12:00 AM tomorrow.

  12. #87
    Returns Victorious The Triumphant Hero's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    None shall pass!


    Will a screenshot work?
    O R'lyeh?

  13. #88


    6000 on Kuja, Jecht has a huge sword, but Kuja can hover cast incredible speels and is practically unhurtable, if he's in trance and can cast ultima I think he has the win, but I could definitely be wrong- Jecht never seemed very strong to me.

    Thanks Jess1 for the awesome sig!!!
    Heh, heh, heh
    Join my latest RP, Magi of Greece,

  14. #89


    My total should be 3,776,882

    300,000 on Kuja.

  15. #90



    4000 on Kuja.

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