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Thread: Square Enix Boss Tournament: Grahf Wins!

  1. #91
    Triple Triad Ace Ultima Shadow's Avatar
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    2,500 on Kuja.

  2. #92
    Returns Victorious The Triumphant Hero's Avatar
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    2,000 on Jecht
    O R'lyeh?

  3. #93
    Gamecrafter Recognized Member Azure Chrysanthemum's Avatar
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    In the Chrysanthemum garden

    FFXIV Character

    Kazane Shiba (Adamantoise)
    • Former Cid's Knight


    Screenshots may enhance, but I want descriptive schematics of the layout and the boundaries of the area being used. It makes writing battles on them easier for me.

    High above the ground on a floating battlefield, the next two combatants prepared for battle.

    One was a cocky looking man with a red headband and a heavily scarred body. He was shirtless, and wore an orange sash and black shorts. In his hands he carried long, large-bladed sword with a black blade with fiery patterns and a bound, T-shaped hilt.

    The other combatant was an extremely beautiful and effeminate man with silver hair and sparse purple clothing. He had broad shoulder guards on, and rode attop a silver dragon, circling the battlefield and riding the wind gusts with great grace and skill.

    "The next battle is between Kuja and Jecht! BEGIN!"

    "Come on and fight me, girly man!" Jecht said, hefting his sword and bringing it into a battle-ready position, albeit slowly.

    Annoyance flickered across Kuja's features as he extended his hand, the other gripping the dragon's reins.

    A ball of fire appeared in his hand, which grew larger and larger.

    "Firaga!" he hissed, hurling it at Jecht.

    Jecht grunted and raised his sword as the fireball exploded, pushing him back and towards the edge.

    At the last moment Jecht pushed off with his right foot, sticking his blade into the ground and vaulting into the air.

    Landing in front of his blade, he withdrew it with one hand and brought the ponderous blade to bear, swinging it around and hefting it over his head.

    "Is that the best you can do!? Maybe it'd be easier if your stones weren't so high or so soft! Maybe then you might actually fight like a man!"

    Kuja tossed his hair, a miffed expression on his face.

    "Bold words from a worm who has no chance of winning," he said, his voice imperious and slightly annoyed.

    Raising his hand, Kuja called forth a burst of magical energy into his palm and hurled it at the ground.

    "QUAKE!" he roared, the ground cracking and groaning under his spell, its magic disrupted.

    Jecht's eyes narrowed.

    "Another attack like that and I fall like a stone," he growled.

    "Precisely. That hideous face of yours will trouble us no more," Kuja replied with a sneer.

    "I suppose I had better end this quick then," Jecht said, stabbing his sword into the wounded ground.

    Kneeling, Jecht screamed out in pain as his body began to ripple, as if something were moving beneath his flesh.

    Blood splattered everywhere as Jecht's body began to expand and change, his hair turning white and his flesh turning purple. His body expanded outward and his muscles bulged as his hands became claws and massive scales appeared along his arms and back.

    Now fully transformed, Jecht grasped the sword and swung it at Kuja, his lumbering feet moving forward to increase the range of the attack.

    Kuja's dragon shot into the air but the wind gusts prevented it from properly evading. Jumping from the saddle, Kuja began floating in the air above Jecht as his mount's wing was completely severed.

    Shrieking in terror, the dragon began to fall, its screams not stopping until it reached the ground below.

    Kuja's eyes flickered with annoyance.

    "It is not kind of you to slay my mount," he said. "I believe I will have to kill you slowly and painfully for that."

    Kuja drifted high above Jecht and began to rain powerful spells down upon him. Bursts of fire, ice and lightning, comets, a torrent of magic descended from the skies on the hulking beast that Jecht had become.

    Jecht shielded his head with his sword, but the spells still managed to penetrate his guard. When the dust cleared he was breathing heavily, his fetid breath leaving a hot trail of steam to dissipate into the wind.

    Opening his mouth, Jecht unleashed a beam of intense energy which lanced through the sky and struck Kuja in the chest.

    Kuja screamed in pain as the beam lanced through him, his shoulders slumping and his body faltering in the sky.

    Jecht roared in exultion, but this was short lived.


    A powerful burst of flame exploded on Jecht, sending him staggering backwards.

    Kuja's shoulders straightened as he stood and turned to face the weakened beast, his hair now flaming red and whirling wildly in the wind.

    "I... will... kill... you..." he spat, blood trickling down from his mouth and dripping from his chin.

    Jecht reared up and fired another beam at Kuja, but this time he extended his hand out and caught the beam with a magical barrier, before deflecting it off to the side.

    "DIE!" Kuja shouted, a storm of magical energy forming around him.


    The cyclone of magical power grew larger and larger with Kuja at its eye, expanding outward and disintegrating the platform entirely.

    Jecht howled in pain as the spell burned away his flesh and dispersed it to the winds, before finally utterly obliterating his physical form. As the spell expanded outward, a swarm of pyreflies could be seen escaping from the magical blast.

    As suddenly as it had come, the magic ended, and Kuja fell to the ground, barely managing to slow his fall enough to land without too much harm in the sands below, his hair silvery once more.

    7th Battle: Jecht vs. Kuja

    Victor: Kuja

    Current Accounts:
    Necronopticous: 4,076,882
    raskerino: 31,000
    Ultima Shadow: 12,000
    abrojtm: 6,000
    Takara: 45,000
    Raskerino: 31,000
    Raven Nox: 7,000
    Turkslayer: 30,169
    Cloudleonhart: 5,000
    greymon138: 4,900

    1,000 more to Rase if he ever starts betting.

    The next battle will be between the Axem Rangers and Seifer. It will take place in the Plains of Time Compression. I will be away tomorrow, so betting will close around midnight the following night.

  4. #94



    I don't know who the Axem Rangers are, so 1000 on Seifer.

  5. #95
    Guy Fawkes Masamune·1600's Avatar
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    My computer access has been limited for several days; looks like I missed the first several battles of the tournament.



    800 on Seifer.

  6. #96
    Triple Triad Ace Ultima Shadow's Avatar
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    4000 on The Axem Rangers.

  7. #97


    I have 37,000 after winning 6,000 last round. I now have 1000 for rent making it 38,000.

    1,000 on Seifer.

    Thanks Jess1 for the awesome sig!!!
    Heh, heh, heh
    Join my latest RP, Magi of Greece,

  8. #98



    Axem Rangers: 900
    Greymon : The Ultima Digimon

  9. #99
    Gamecrafter Recognized Member Azure Chrysanthemum's Avatar
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    FFXIV Character

    Kazane Shiba (Adamantoise)
    • Former Cid's Knight


    The swirling magical vortex of the magical plains surrounded the combatants as they prepared for battle.

    One was a rather cocky, blond man holding a long and elegant-looking gunblade. He had a scar across his face and he wore a white trenchcoat with black gloves and black underclothes.

    The other was a group of five strange creatures. They were different colors, one pink, one yellow, one black, one green, and one red. They all held axes of the same color, and appeared as malformed humans, with bulbous bodies and circles for mouths.

    "The next battle is between Seifer and the Axem Rangers! BEGIN!"

    Seifer raised his gunblade and charged at the nearest Axem Ranger, firing several shots at it.

    The Axem Rangers all scattered, jumping aside and to different areas.

    Seifer started cursing under his breath.

    "Stand still, damn you!" he yelled, firing furiously at random Axem Rangers but not hitting anything.

    The Axem Rangers all laughed in unison. Axem Black hurled several bombs at Seifer, forcing him to dodge to the side as they exploded where he was just standing.

    He had barely gotten back on his feet when he was forced to once again jump away as a bolt of lighting called down by Axem Green almost struck him.

    Now a bit hard pressed, Seifer brought his gunblade up just in time to block an attack from Axem Yellow. Angling his gunblade at Axem Yellow as their weapons were locked, he clenched the trigger, firing several bullets at Axem Yellow.

    Axem Yellow grunted and was knocked back, a large crack appearing on his torso.

    "What the hell are you guys!?" Seifer asked breathlessly as he started shooting at Axem Red.

    Axem Red dodged to the side and shrugged as Axem Pink healed Axem Yellow.

    "Stay down damn you!" Seifer yelled vehemently, shooting at Axem Pink, who floated away, laughing.

    Seifer's anger was enough to cause him to almost be hit by another barrage of bombs from Axem Black. Jumping aside, he fired several shots at it, only to scream in pain as he was hit in the back with lightning.

    Quickly, the Axem Rangers descended upon him and began slashing at him with their axes which weren't very sharp and had the consistency of condensced plastic.

    Eventually they stopped as Seifer lay limply on the ground, his body battered.

    "Beaten by a bunch of damned toys," he muttered to himself before falling unconcious.

    8th Battle: Seifer vs. Axem Rangers

    Victor: Axem Rangers

    Current Accounts:
    Necronopticous: 4,076,882
    Ultima Shadow: 16,000
    abrojtm: 6,000
    Takara: 45,000
    raskerino: 37,000
    Raven Nox: 7,000
    Turkslayer: 29,169
    Cloudleonhart: 5,000
    greymon138: 5,800
    Masamune∙1600: 25,400

    The next battle will be between the Ozma and Dario. It will take place in Viper's Aerie. Betting will close around midnight tomorrow night.

  10. #100



    100,000 on Ozma.

  11. #101


    Oh yeah, first bet

    I bet 500 on Dario

  12. #102
    Returns Victorious The Triumphant Hero's Avatar
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    5,000 on Ozma
    O R'lyeh?

  13. #103


    Damn it, I just startes Chrono Cross and while I no he's a strong swordsman who used to be a deva I know nothing else... no bet for me.

    Thanks Jess1 for the awesome sig!!!
    Heh, heh, heh
    Join my latest RP, Magi of Greece,

  14. #104
    Guy Fawkes Masamune·1600's Avatar
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    1,600 on Dario. This one should be no contest. Dario is peerless.

  15. #105
    Triple Triad Ace Ultima Shadow's Avatar
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    15,000 on Ozma.
    Last edited by Ultima Shadow; 10-25-2005 at 07:13 AM. Reason: big O in Ozma

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