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Thread: Square Enix Boss Tournament: Grahf Wins!

  1. #1
    Gamecrafter Recognized Member Azure Chrysanthemum's Avatar
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    Default Square Enix Boss Tournament: Grahf Wins!

    The Square Enix Boss Tournament is about to begin! This is in the same tournament as the original Square Enix tournament I ran, as well as the Grand Tournaments I am running in Arts & Writing.

    The rules:

    Everyone gets 5,000 gold to start with, plus whatever they've amassed in the collective Grand Tournaments, plus 1,000 for every character they've created in the Grand Tournament.

    Bet on only one person and bet only on the match that is about to happen.

    Don't whine if your favorite boss loses. There's a reason for that.

    Anyways, right now, we need bosses. So, please vote on no more than 32 bosses from any Square-Enix game you would like represented. Bosses cannot include characters that later join you (like Magus) but can include event joins that you also have to fight (Like Beatrix).

    So get to voting. I'll fill in any boss slots that aren't already filled. Please remember to include the game in which you are voting for.

    So a standard vote might look like this:
    FFI: Garland
    FFIV: Golbez
    FFV: X-Death
    FFVI: Kefka
    FFVII: Sephiroth
    FFVIII: Edea
    FFIX: Kuja
    FFX: Seymour
    Dragon Warrior I: Dracolord

    etc. etc. etc.

  2. #2
    Triple Triad Ace Ultima Shadow's Avatar
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    FF4: Zeromus
    FF4: Golbez
    FF4: Rubicant
    FF5: X-Death
    FF5: Gilgamesh
    FF6: Atma Weapon
    FF6: Atma
    FF6: Kefka
    FF7: Ultima Weapon
    FF7: Ruby Weapon
    FF7: Emerald Weapon
    FF7: Diamond Weapon
    FF8: Ultima Weapon
    FF8: Omega Weapon
    FF8: Bahamut
    FF9: Ozma
    FF9: Hades
    FF9: Necron
    FF9: Lich
    FF10: Ultima Weapon
    FF10: Omega Weapon
    FF10: Dark Bahamut
    FF10: Dark Anima
    FF10: Penance
    SMRPG: The Axem Rangers
    SMRPG: Exor
    SMRPG: Culex
    SMRPG: Bowyer
    SMRPG: Belome

  3. #3


    Final Fantasy I - Chaos
    Final Fantasy IV - Golbez
    Final Fantasy V - Gilgamesh
    Final Fantasy VI - Kefka
    Final Fantasy VI - Kefka
    Final Fantasy VI - Kefka
    Final Fantasy VI - Kefka
    Final Fantasy VI - Kef.. Er Ultros
    Final Fantasy VI - Atma Weapon
    Final Fantasy VII - Sephiroth
    Final Fantasy VII AC - Kadaj
    Final Fantasy VII/VIII - Ultima Weapon
    Final Fantasy VIII - Adel
    Final Fantasy IX - Beatrix (You mothersmurfers better vote for Beatrix)
    Final Fantasy IX - Black Waltz #3
    Final Fantasy IX - Kuja
    Final Fantasy X - Sanctuary Keeper
    Vagrant Story - Guildenstern
    Xenogears - Grahf
    Chrono Trigger - Queen Zeal
    Brave Fencer Musashi - Kojiro

  4. #4
    Guy Fawkes Masamune·1600's Avatar
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    1. FFI: Garland (he'll knock everyone else down!)
    2. FFIII: Hyne
    3. FFIII: Goldor
    4. FFIV: EvilWall
    5. FFIV: Rubicant
    6. FFV: Omega
    7. FFV: Shinryu
    8. FFV: Gilgamesh
    9. FFV: Gogo
    10. FFVI: Doomgaze
    11. FFVI: Atma Weapon
    12. FFVI: Ultros
    13. FFVI: Kefka
    14. FFVII: Sephiroth
    15. FFVII: Emerald Weapon
    16. FFVII: Ruby Weapon
    17. FFVII: Palmer (He gets hit by a truck. I will say no more.)
    18. FFVII Advent Children: Kadaj
    19. FFVIII: Ultima Weapon
    20. FFVIII: Omega Weapon
    21. FFIX: (Trance) Kuja
    22. FFIX: Beatrix (I agree with Necro here)
    23. FFIX: Ozma
    24. FFX: Penance
    25. CT: Dalton
    26. CT: Spekkio
    27. CT: Lavos
    28. CC: Solt, Peppor, and Ketchop
    29. CC: Miguel
    30. CC: Dario (I will not be happy if he is not in the tournament)
    31. XG: Grahf
    32. VS: Romeo Guildenstern

    You would think it would be easy to include everyone you want with 32 slots, but it's not.

    EDIT: All non-FFVII versions of Sephiroth have been removed.
    Last edited by Masamune·1600; 10-06-2005 at 05:54 AM.

  5. #5
    Gamecrafter Recognized Member Azure Chrysanthemum's Avatar
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    I need to make a quick addendum to this. No crossover bosses. This really only applies to Kingdom Hearts, I know, but one boss can only represent one game, i.e. the game in which they are originally from.

    That also applies for Advent Children. I'm only having 1 Sephiroth in this.

  6. #6
    Guy Fawkes Masamune·1600's Avatar
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    You're killing me here, Void.

  7. #7
    Gamecrafter Recognized Member Azure Chrysanthemum's Avatar
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    You said you had trouble fitting everyone you wanted into 32 slots. Look at it as an opportunity to give other characters who aren't silver-haired bishounen into the listings.

  8. #8
    Guy Fawkes Masamune·1600's Avatar
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    One other thing. Can we included "multiple entity bosses?" I held off using Propogators from FFVIII and Solt, Peppor, and Ketchop from CC because I wasn't sure, but I might need to edit again if I'm allowed.
    Last edited by Masamune·1600; 10-06-2005 at 07:06 AM.

  9. #9
    Gamecrafter Recognized Member Azure Chrysanthemum's Avatar
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    I also note that the Axem Rangers were included. I am going to permit multiple entries for bosses that traditionally fight together, but only those.

    Those wanting to pair up, say, Kefka and Sephiroth will have to wait until the SE Boss Doubles Tournament later on.

  10. #10
    Queen of the BushHags Takara's Avatar
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    1. FFI: Garland
    2. FFII: Queen Lamia
    3. FFIII: Hyne
    4. FFIV: Rubicant
    5. FFIV: Golbez
    6. FFV: Gilgamesh
    7. FFV: Shinryu
    8. FFVI: Ultros
    9. FFVI: Chupon
    10. FFVI: Kefka
    11. FFVII: Sephiroth
    12. FFVII: Jenova
    13. FFVII: Emerald Weapon
    14. FFVII: Ruby Weapon
    15. FFVIII: Seifer
    16. FFVIII: Adel
    17. FFVIII: Omega Weapon
    18. FFIX: Black Waltz no.3
    19. FFIX: Beatrix
    20. FFIX: Ozma
    21. FFIX: Trance Kuja
    22. FFT: Wiegraf
    23. FFT: Zalbag
    24. CT: Flea
    25. CT: Dalton
    26. CT: Lavos
    27. SMRPG: The Axen Rangers
    28. SMRPG: Culex
    29. Secret of Mana: Dark Lich
    30: Secret of Mana: Mana Beast
    31: Legend of Mana: Drakonis
    32: Legend of Mana: Irwin

  11. #11


    Chrono Trigger: Ozzie Flea and Slash, or if you wont count them as a group since you technicly fight them all singally more that as a group, count them as three diffrent entries.

  12. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by Takara
    18. FFIX: Black Waltz no.3
    I'm adding this to my list, as well.

  13. #13


    First off I have 27,000.

    FF1: Warmech
    FF6: Ultros
    FF7:Sephiroth (are signature moves such as supernova allowed?)
    FF7:Reno (he might not do well but then again if he can put you in a PYRAMID)
    FF8: Griever (I think he'd be cool in this)
    FF8: Seifer
    FF8: Omega Weapon (terra break)
    FF9: Beatrix
    FF9: Black Waltz #3
    FF9: Trance Kuja (or Kuja normally)
    FFX: Seymour
    FFT: Zalbag
    FFT: Wiegraf
    CT: Dalton
    CT: Ozzie (c'mon people he needs your votes)
    XG: Grahf

    Thanks Jess1 for the awesome sig!!!
    Heh, heh, heh
    Join my latest RP, Magi of Greece,

  14. #14
    Being Who Transcended All Black Mage's Avatar
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    1. Final Fantasy: Garland
    2. Final Fantasy: Astos
    3. Final Fantasy III: Cloud of Darkness
    4. Final Fantasy IV: Evil Wall
    5. Final Fantasy IV: Golbez
    6. Final Fantasy IV: Valvalis
    7. Final Fantasy V: Gilgamesh
    8. Final Fantasy V: Ex-Death
    9. Final Fantasy VI: Kefka
    10. Final Fantasy IX: Black Waltz No. 3
    11. Final Fantasy IX: Beatrix
    12. Final Fantasy XI: Dark Lord
    13. Valkyrie Profile: Lezard Valeth
    14. Valkyrie Profile: Hrist
    15. Valkyrie Profile: Brahms
    16. Valkyrie Profile: Loki
    17. Valkyrie Profile: Surt
    18. Final Fantasy Tactics: Wiegraf
    19. Final Fantasy Tactics: Zalbag
    20. Chrono Trigger: Flea
    21. Chrono Trigger: Dalton
    22. Super Mario RPG: Axem Rangers
    23. Super Mario RPG: Bowyer
    24. Super Mario RPG: Smithy
    25. Super Mario RPG: Belome
    26. Star Ocean: The Second Story: Unlimited Indelico/Indelico
    27. Xenogears: Grahf

  15. #15
    Gamecrafter Recognized Member Azure Chrysanthemum's Avatar
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    I reserve the right to demand detailed information on any of the characters you vote for.

    Voting will close next Thursday, October 13th.

    Bosses will be able to use their signature moves but they will be made to fit the setting. Sephiroth will not be blowing up planets, for example. Also, expect the bosses to use everything in their arsenal. The Axem Rangers might use their big robot thing, for example, and Grahf will probably use OR Weltall at some point.

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