The Square Enix Boss Tournament is about to begin! This is in the same tournament as the original Square Enix tournament I ran, as well as the Grand Tournaments I am running in Arts & Writing.

The rules:

Everyone gets 5,000 gold to start with, plus whatever they've amassed in the collective Grand Tournaments, plus 1,000 for every character they've created in the Grand Tournament.

Bet on only one person and bet only on the match that is about to happen.

Don't whine if your favorite boss loses. There's a reason for that.

Anyways, right now, we need bosses. So, please vote on no more than 32 bosses from any Square-Enix game you would like represented. Bosses cannot include characters that later join you (like Magus) but can include event joins that you also have to fight (Like Beatrix).

So get to voting. I'll fill in any boss slots that aren't already filled. Please remember to include the game in which you are voting for.

So a standard vote might look like this:
FFI: Garland
FFIV: Golbez
FFV: X-Death
FFVI: Kefka
FFVII: Sephiroth
FFIX: Kuja
FFX: Seymour
Dragon Warrior I: Dracolord

etc. etc. etc.