Announcing the Final Fantasy NPC tournament 2005! Atfer the great success of the 2004 NPC tournament where Beatrix of ff9 defeated Rubicant of ff4, it is time to relive the glory in 2005! Due to some eligibility complications, Beatrix will not be defending her title, but we've got a full slate of baddies and goodies to battle it out.

We need a field of 64 NPCs, however I have 65 that have qualified to participate. Therefore we must have a play-in gmae to determine which of the final two qualifiers get to join the elite field of 64.

This year's play-in game pits X-2's Shinra against VII's Professor Gast. Vote for who gets to join and prepare for the full field to be set! You may vote based on perceived battle strength, perceived coolness, random coin toss, or any other method you prefer (except the rhythm method, who are you trying to fool?)