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Thread: I'm afraid to die

  1. #16


    even the "saved" are mortals. religious leader, peasant, magician, or king...death hovers above them. i don't want to die, but i'm not worried about where my standing is. all the fear i have of dying, it better not involved something sharp or painful. of course, i know "someone" who is neither spirit nor ghost...

  2. #17
    xtreme112's Avatar
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    in my view, the only scary thing about death is it's unpredictability. I don't know whether to believe we go to heaven, or we go to hell, or we get re-incarnated. It's too scary to think about. All we can really do is wait and see what happens.

    My theory: The dead never leave us, unless of course they want to. how else do we get ghosts? But anyway...

    If anyone happens to die sometime, jump on the forum and tell us what happens ok? lol, joking
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  3. #18
    Paganini is a bastard. Rengori's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Craig
    I think you'll find that the majority of the population are going to Hell (If it exists) because, from what I understand you could be the nicest guy in the world, but as long as you aren't thankful to Jesus for sacrificing himself you'll go to Hell.
    Unless the Jews were right.
    Quote Originally Posted by Hawkeye
    I want to die to know the truth, but the truth can wait
    I know I say this every week, but SMARTEST POST EVAR!
    JOY IS A BITCH, but she is so adorable!
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    Kaycee says (12:06 AM):
    whos' obama?

  4. #19
    The Nerd Who Knows Pant Leg Eater from the Bad World's Avatar
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    First of all. I love you Bipper.

    Quote Originally Posted by bipper
    Has the bible ever been disproven? There is more factual evidence supporting it, than against it. Therefore, it is hard to say it is a load of crap. There are referances to advanced biology, space, physics, dinosours, and hordes of other information in the bible, that were not possibly known by its origonal authors.

    If you want further proof, or feel like disproving me, go ahead and try.
    The Bible has also never been proven. There are many facts inside it, but I do not see how people of that day could not know these facts. So, will you be so kind as to give me some examples of what they knew that they could not have. And a little off the subject, but about how many years ago did the bible supposable take place? does anyone know, oh, and when and how was the bible found/originate.

    <PaperStar> live fast, die young, bad plefs do it well

  5. #20
    Paganini is a bastard. Rengori's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IBCrayZ
    And a little off the subject, but about how many years ago did the bible supposable take place? does anyone know, oh, and when and how was the bible found/originate.
    The bible starts out 6000 years ago I believe.
    JOY IS A BITCH, but she is so adorable!
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    Kaycee says (12:06 AM):
    whos' obama?

  6. #21


    if u guys have ever noticed people who r scared of dying r people who dont know whats going to happen to them some people like me arent cuz they know where their me trust me u guys if u have ever read the bible everything it says is true how do i know this pick it up and read it it will never be out-dated it tells of all people's doings and the world today and how its filled with greed and evil it also says eveyone will have a chance to belive at least once ull know that is also true if u have ever been asked or converted to u never know if ull only been given 1 chance to accept just dont make a mistake, come on people have u guys ever thought man look at the world theres gotta be someplace better theres gotta be more
    well there is u just gotta find it.

    "when u tell people your dreams and visions they'll laugh and think your stupid,but if u hold on to them in the end you will be laughing and theyll be stupid"

    thanks to FF7+FF10 gurl 100 for this great sig...

  7. #22
    RX Queen Recognized Member kikimm's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Jamie Star Scenario
    I think it is about time we all started a suicide cult/club!
    Hay you wanna jump in front of a train with me ?

    I guess I'm afraid to die. I try not to think about it so much.
    --Box Box Box Box

  8. #23


    Quote Originally Posted by IBCrayZ
    First of all. I love you Bipper.

    Quote Originally Posted by bipper
    Has the bible ever been disproven? There is more factual evidence supporting it, than against it. Therefore, it is hard to say it is a load of crap. There are referances to advanced biology, space, physics, dinosours, and hordes of other information in the bible, that were not possibly known by its origonal authors.

    If you want further proof, or feel like disproving me, go ahead and try.
    The Bible has also never been proven. There are many facts inside it, but I do not see how people of that day could not know these facts. So, will you be so kind as to give me some examples of what they knew that they could not have. And a little off the subject, but about how many years ago did the bible supposable take place? does anyone know, oh, and when and how was the bible found/originate.

    The Old Testament was written between approximately 1450 BC and 430 BC. A lot of the proof can be found in Job, ironically. There is oen great verse describing space to the primatives:
    Quote Originally Posted by Job 26:7
    He stretches out the north over empty space;
    He hangs the earth on nothing.
    I can give ya more later if you would like as I have to run off to work now. That one can be a little vague, but it is truly a good example.
    There is a thread about the catholics denying the facts of the bible in Eyes on the World that I list some evidence on the dinosours.

    The Bible is also a Collection of books that were assembled a long long time ago, I can give you a better history later, but for now I am afraid I must leave post haste!

  9. #24
    Jäästä Syntynyt GooeyToast's Avatar
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    If dying means being able to stalk people for eternity, then I can't wait. :grinpink:

  10. #25
    The flying homo! Recognized Member Giga Guess's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Jamie Star Scenario
    I think it is about time we all started a suicide cult/club!

    Knock yourself out.

    I'm not necessarily scared of death....I'm more afraid of the uncertainty that follows...ut all in all, I'm not really all that scared. Not to say I want it to happen any sooner than it has to.

    Many thanks Christmas!
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  11. #26
    Quack Shlup's Avatar
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    Do the handicapped go to Hell? Probably.



  12. #27
    Markusdot Markus. D's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NightShadow
    Call me weird....A coward.....Or stupied.But I really am afraid to die,I don't know why tho.Probally,cuz maybe how do you even know if you've actually been good enough to go to heaven.I keep thinking I'm going to hell (which scares me).Today my friend said "I the bible it says "when you die,time for you stops.And if you go to hell,there you live in pain forever.Your body gets torn apart then reformed over and over again.It's like punishment for your wrong doings." < well that story made me really scared.But I'm not to quick to beleive that yet .

    How do you feel?
    that torn apart reformed thing is actually in the catholic religion, and its if you commit suicide.

    a bunch of crap.

  13. #28
    Super-Rad Recognized Member Spatvark's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Jamie Star Scenario
    I think it is about time we all started a suicide cult/club!
    Sure, you first. =D?

    It's easy to not be scared of death until you actually start to care about something.

    As for the bible, while there's nothing to disprove it, there's nothing to really prove it either. I see most of the accounts in the Old Testament as "interpretations" of certain events, like say, the Walls of Jericho falling down really being due to an earthquake, and the whole circling the city whilst chanting bit was added on. Another really good example is the plagues Egypt suffered; if you haven't seen the first episode of Revelations, there's a scene in that which I feel gives a good counter to this. By and large, most of the bible can be explained by common sense, and then, considering the tone of the bible, it wouldn't be utterly ridiculous to assume that the rest of it is made up.

    Whether all of it is true or not, I can't prove it one way or another, and as such, I assume it to be false. As much as I hate to sound like Raist, but that's the logical way to perceive it. But then, of course, faith is the opposite of logic (though, not completely antithetical to it, unlike love and logic). And now I'm drunk, I can't remembr the point I was making, so IO'll wrap it up here XD
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  14. #29
    Feel the Bern Administrator Del Murder's Avatar
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    I'm not afraid to die, because I never will.

    Proud to be the Unofficial Secret Illegal Enforcer of Eyes on Final Fantasy!
    When I grow up, I want to go to Bovine Trump University! - Ralph Wiggum

  15. #30
    ..a Russian mountain cat. Yamaneko's Avatar
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    I'm afraid to live.

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