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Thread: I'm afraid to die

  1. #31


    I think that when ya die, you relive over and over the scenario that you last were thinking of. So, to say in short, the afterlife is whatever the fudge you think it is.

  2. #32
    absolutely haram Recognized Member Madame Adequate's Avatar
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    I'm not afraid to die because of any potential afterlifes. I have no idea what those might be; I'll deal with them when they arise. There's no point concerning myself with hypotheticals. I'm not afraid of there being nothing after death because I won't exist to comprehend my non-existence. I am only afraid to die because of the things I will inevitably have to leave behind, and in case I die and leave people who are dependant on me in trouble.

    But it's natural to be afraid of death. It is the absolute ultimate form of the unknown. It is the ability to provide answers to the unknown which has given religions such power. Fear of the unknown is entirely common and sensible - it kept our cave-dwelling ancestors alive, and we have not yet evolved it out.

  3. #33


    for those of u that think

    --""I feel the bible is a laod of crap""--

    go ahead and research it before jumping to an uneduacated conclusion based off what you hear from others.

    from what i've found, the Bible's more solid than many history books. that's sayin something, especially since the bible's, oh, 3,000ish years old (dont start some kinda arguement -- im just using a number) while the information from the text books are prolly less than 1,000 years.

    i cant say that im completely certain on the whole "religious" field, but i mean, if ya really take a look at things -- like the complexity nature -- i seems pretty impossable for it to have all just... "happened." and considering everything's designed in more or less the exact same way. ie. the structure of muscle tissue -- pretty much everything has muscle, it's all the same as in every other animal. for evolution to have happened, being that there are millions of different animals, it would have been too easy for some "mutation" to have happened and changed things arround so that it was noticably different.

    and if you take a look at gods -- well, take a look at them.

    islam's a popular belief these days: Allah - basicly what the Koran tells ya about him (after 'informing' you over and over that the book 'was not written by demons' [more or less stated that way] -- fishy?) is that he will always hate you and there's nothing that you can do to make him like you. some god... doubt he has much of a sence of humor either, lol. oh, and btw, if ya look at the "history" that this book tries to tell, you'll see 'someone' was a little off on their dates... oh, and apparently, Muhammed (was it?) rides on a flying unicorn at one point in the Koran O.o ??

    there's also the eastern way of thinking: everyone's all just part of some "eternal force" kind of thing. we're all the same, part of the same thing, going to the same place, where eventually, after thousands of lives that you experiance, but have no reccolection of the previous ones, you will become "one" with the "eternal force," being absorbed by it or w/e, then you are nothing ... and part of it at the same time (wtf?)

    then there's the "christian" view of things. basicly telling people that we're all going to hell. BUT. god, being that he is a 'good' god, sends his son, whom we all know as "Jesus," down to earth as a sacrifice so that, merely, whoever believes that this happened will be saved from going to hell. it's not exactly a shoe-in for everyone, seeing as how you actually have to make a concious decision about the matter, but it's still pretty simple in that, really, it doesnt rule anyone out. sounds like a pretty nice guy to me O.o and historicly, i mean, u could look it up, but there isnt a scrap of real evidence disproving any of the Bible's claims. i mean, there are issues w/ this religion that i cannot explain atm, but im sure you know someone who might be able to, or be able to lead you to someone who might answer your questions.

    those are just a couple religions that i just kinda pulled from the top of my head. if you dont believe something i said, go look it up and see for yourself. that'd be the best way for ya to learn about it for yourself.
    Last edited by annslow41; 10-07-2005 at 07:24 AM.

  4. #34
    Kill all the humans Venom's Avatar
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    im really afraid to die cause i dont know what happens after that........

    Owen made this sig. R.I.P.

  5. #35
    2nd Protector of the Sun War Angel's Avatar
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    I'm not afraid of what's going to come (or not) after death. I am terrified, however, of leaving things behind. All the peope I know and love, people who depend on me, and things I haven't yet accomplished or done. That's why I made sure I lost my virginity BEFORE I joined the army.
    When fighting monsters, be wary not to become one yourself... when gazing into the abyss, bear in mind that the abyss also gazes into you." - Friedrich Nietzsche

    The rightful owner of this Ciddie can kiss my arse! :P

  6. #36
    Being Pooh. Chris's Avatar
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    I guess its natural to be afraid of death; generally people fear death simply because they have no clue what's goin' to happen to them. The unknown scares a lot of people. Personally, I'm not afraid of dying; I see it as completing the circle of life.

  7. #37
    Ture Dark Assassin Deadpool's Avatar
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    Default it's okay

    well, i feel it is a healthy fear, being afraid to die. it's always a natural feeling. but don't let it get to far out of control. fear is always a good thing, but only to a certain extent. fear can also be harmful to you and those around you. it is great that you were able to share this fear with your friends on this site.

  8. #38


    Well, I guess the Bible debate has moved to :
    in eyes on eachother. I am just posting this for anyone interested in reading and/or participating. I would just like to remind everyone of the Zero tolerance toward flaming, spamming, and irrational behavior there.


  9. #39
    purple Alive-Cat's Avatar
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    I'm REALLY scared of dying...but it probably wont happen for a good few 50/60/70 years, so I'm alright.

  10. #40
    Banned nik0tine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by blackline77
    if u guys have ever noticed people who r scared of dying r people who dont know whats going to happen to them some people like me arent cuz they know where their me trust me u guys if u have ever read the bible everything it says is true how do i know this pick it up and read it it will never be out-dated it tells of all people's doings and the world today and how its filled with greed and evil it also says eveyone will have a chance to belive at least once ull know that is also true if u have ever been asked or converted to u never know if ull only been given 1 chance to accept just dont make a mistake, come on people have u guys ever thought man look at the world theres gotta be someplace better theres gotta be more
    well there is u just gotta find it.
    Oh come on you guys!! How could you pass this gem up???

  11. #41
    Original Gamer fantasyjunkie's Avatar
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    I've only been scared of dying one time and that was when some chick pulled a semi automatic weapon out on me and 2 of my friends. I thought I was goner then.

  12. #42
    Jäästä Syntynyt GooeyToast's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fantasyjunkie
    I've only been scared of dying one time and that was when some chick pulled a semi automatic weapon out on me and 2 of my friends. I thought I was goner then.
    Yeah I know what you mean

  13. #43
    Posts Occur in Real Time edczxcvbnm's Avatar
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    A lot of people are afraid to die mainly because it is unknown and something you get to experience one time and will not live to tell about it(due to this thing called a brain being shut down).

    People are generally afraid of the unknown so you are far from the minority.

  14. #44
    Sky Blue Sky Recognized Member Trumpet Thief's Avatar
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    chaos: When I actually think about death, I'm completely "Meh". When I come face to face with it, or have a near-death experience, etc. I get scared like hell.

    Rubedo: I don't really know what religion to believe in. All believe that they are the correct ones, and more things like that. The only thing I believe in is that there was a god that created us, and hopefully, by being good people, we can make it to heaven, if it exists.

  15. #45


    im not afraid.the reason why people go to hell cause its easier.theres more to live than having a good job,riches,etc.just like blackline77 said,if you get a chance take it.

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