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Thread: I'm afraid to die

  1. #46
    Paganini is a bastard. Rengori's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nik0tine
    Quote Originally Posted by blackline77
    if u guys have ever noticed people who r scared of dying r people who dont know whats going to happen to them some people like me arent cuz they know where their me trust me u guys if u have ever read the bible everything it says is true how do i know this pick it up and read it it will never be out-dated it tells of all people's doings and the world today and how its filled with greed and evil it also says eveyone will have a chance to belive at least once ull know that is also true if u have ever been asked or converted to u never know if ull only been given 1 chance to accept just dont make a mistake, come on people have u guys ever thought man look at the world theres gotta be someplace better theres gotta be more
    well there is u just gotta find it.
    Oh come on you guys!! How could you pass this gem up???
    I couldn't understand all of it because I don't speak leet.
    JOY IS A BITCH, but she is so adorable!
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    Kaycee says (12:06 AM):
    whos' obama?

  2. #47
    Tai-Ti's Avatar
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    when it comes to death and me, i don't give a damn, you die when you die. hey, I acctually know quite a few people who would like it when I die. I'm acctually more affraid of having a failed life, one that doesn't go anywhere or ends with me living in a small government house with a starving family, our only source of income being tips I get on the street.

    there's no I in team, but there is in pie, as in meat pie, and meat is an anogram of team

  3. #48
    Silent Emotion Rainecloud's Avatar
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    How would Robbie Williams put it?

    "I'm not afraid to die - I just don't want to."
    "As the days go by, we face the increasing inevitability that we are alone in a godless,
    uninhabited, hostile and meaningless universe. Still, you've got to laugh, haven't you?"

  4. #49
    me likey bread sticks!!! loza's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NightShadow
    Call me weird....A coward.....Or stupied.But I really am afraid to die,I don't know why tho.Probally,cuz maybe how do you even know if you've actually been good enough to go to heaven.I keep thinking I'm going to hell (which scares me).Today my friend said "I the bible it says "when you die,time for you stops.And if you go to hell,there you live in pain forever.Your body gets torn apart then reformed over and over again.It's like punishment for your wrong doings." < well that story made me really scared.But I'm not to quick to beleive that yet .

    How do you feel?
    it's not like any1 wants 2 die (unless something REALLY BAD happened in thier life) but like... well..Um... yeah

  5. #50
    ~*~Peace and Love~*~ Leene's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rye
    I'm scared to die too.
    me too

  6. #51
    me likey bread sticks!!! loza's Avatar
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    my worst nightmare was that i was bitten by a shark and i felt the pain then i died

  7. #52
    Touché,Threeché,SPAMATION Monster Hunt's Avatar
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    I think that if you are, spend as much good time as much as you can besides if we can live up to our average length we have a looooooooooooooong way to go!

    I'm not afraid of dying, I don't want to but rather than living forever I would prefer to die because if you lived forever all your friends would be dead, you partner and even your children! Seeing so many people die that's close to you would just be...... painful...

    Killing yourself is wrong, living forever is wrong too! So we should be in the middle- no put that aside and let's make the most of our lives!

    awww man..... that sounded like a crummy speech... meh!
    was all like to who was acctually feeling due to the fact that :oscar: & :frylock: couldn't go to his b'day party. patted him on the back and :mog: said there's always next year. felt more , felt , but :moose: (who knows when (as the person he is) he came in) was more of a . :magus: jumped in and told that no one really likes him. BROKEN ran everyone over with a :sophia:. So lived happily ever after, especially after he had with :rsl:
    The end!

    66% of sig statistics are fake- and so is this one.

  8. #53


    Wow... I dont know what to say... this is a very deep topic... :rolleyes2

  9. #54


    Quote Originally Posted by DRFTerX
    Wow... I dont know what to say... this is a very deep topic... :rolleyes2
    lol excatly. That's what make it interesting .

    ....I could see how you stammered with your eyes to the floor....

  10. #55
    Bananality! RPJesus's Avatar
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    Oh my God! I'm inside my own mind!


    "Eerie whispers
    trapped beneath my pillow
    won't let me sleep
    your memories

    and I know you're in this room
    I'm sure I heard you sigh
    Floating in between
    where our worlds collide

    scares the hell out of me
    and the end is all I can see
    and it scares the hell out of me
    and the end is all I can see

    and I know the moment's near
    and there's nothing you can do
    look through a faithless eye
    are you afraid to die?

    it scares the hell out of me
    and the end is all I can see
    and it scares the hell out of me
    and the end is all I can see

    It scares the hell out of me
    and the end is all I can see
    and it scares the hell out of me
    and the end is all I can see"

    Muse, Thoughts of a Dying Atheist

  11. #56
    gunblade warrior's Avatar
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    Death is just another step towards LIFE and thats coming from someone who has no religon of any way,shape or form.also me scared to
    Gunblade Warrior

  12. #57


    Warning: Logic Imminent!

    Quote Originally Posted by annslow41
    for those of u that think

    --""I feel the bible is a laod of crap""--

    go ahead and research it before jumping to an uneduacated conclusion based off what you hear from others.
    Done and done. Now, why don't you do the same?

    from what i've found, the Bible's more solid than many history books. that's sayin something, especially since the bible's, oh, 3,000ish years old (dont start some kinda arguement -- im just using a number) while the information from the text books are prolly less than 1,000 years.
    That means absolutely nothing. in fact, you'd think that the older the information, the less acurate it would be. After all, in those days, they though the world was flat, and was orbitted by the sun. And that far away places were inhabited by cyclopses and satyrs. They weren't all too bright.
    i cant say that im completely certain on the whole "religious" field, but i mean, if ya really take a look at things -- like the complexity nature -- i seems pretty impossable for it to have all just... "happened." and considering everything's designed in more or less the exact same way. ie. the structure of muscle tissue -- pretty much everything has muscle, it's all the same as in every other animal. for evolution to have happened, being that there are millions of different animals, it would have been too easy for some "mutation" to have happened and changed things arround so that it was noticably different.
    Actually, ameoba don't have muscles, at least not ones similar to ours. yet they are animals, in every sense of the word. Sponges, too. Look it up. Sponges are animals.
    You do not really understand the concept of evolution, or so it seems. 'Mutations' are not nessecarrily hugely noticable. Ussually it means that the creature has a marginally bigger brain, or slightly better vision, or a more efficient metabolism.

    and if you take a look at gods -- well, take a look at them.

    islam's a popular belief these days: Allah - basicly what the Koran tells ya about him (after 'informing' you over and over that the book 'was not written by demons' [more or less stated that way] -- fishy?) is that he will always hate you and there's nothing that you can do to make him like you. some god... doubt he has much of a sence of humor either, lol. oh, and btw, if ya look at the "history" that this book tries to tell, you'll see 'someone' was a little off on their dates... oh, and apparently, Muhammed (was it?) rides on a flying unicorn at one point in the Koran O.o ??
    Firstly, it's Mohammed. Secondly, you are an ignorant biggot. Islam actually preaches a lot of tolerance- under the medieval Arabic empire (rulers like Saladin, for example) Islamic cities contained many Jews and Christians. While, at the same time, the Christians were planning crusades and buring witches and Jews.
    Thirdly, the dates in this book are no less accurate (more so, in many cases) than the Christian bible. The Arabs were rather good at keeping track of dates- they bothered to remember everything that the Greeks and Romans discovered, unlike the Europeans.
    there's also the eastern way of thinking: everyone's all just part of some "eternal force" kind of thing. we're all the same, part of the same thing, going to the same place, where eventually, after thousands of lives that you experiance, but have no reccolection of the previous ones, you will become "one" with the "eternal force," being absorbed by it or w/e, then you are nothing ... and part of it at the same time (wtf?)
    Just because you cannot comprehend a philosophy, does not in anyway discredit it. Besides, it makes a much sense as 'there's a magical cloud-kingdom in the sky' (no offence meant).

    then there's the "christian" view of things. basicly telling people that we're all going to hell. BUT. god, being that he is a 'good' god, sends his son, whom we all know as "Jesus," down to earth as a sacrifice so that, merely, whoever believes that this happened will be saved from going to hell. it's not exactly a shoe-in for everyone, seeing as how you actually have to make a concious decision about the matter, but it's still pretty simple in that, really, it doesnt rule anyone out. sounds like a pretty nice guy to me O.o and historicly, i mean, u could look it up, but there isnt a scrap of real evidence disproving any of the Bible's claims. i mean, there are issues w/ this religion that i cannot explain atm, but im sure you know someone who might be able to, or be able to lead you to someone who might answer your questions.
    There is, actually, much evidence that goes against the bible. For example:
    Homo Neandethalis
    Homo Habbilis
    Homo Erectus
    Any species of australopithecus
    Any species of dinosaur
    Giant Sloth
    Evidence of ice-ages
    Continetal drift
    Rocks that pre-date the suppossed creation date (6,000 years ago)
    Pre-creation craters
    Big Bang radiation
    Pre-creation sattelites (e.g. comets)

    And so on and so forth.
    The way to enter into a serious scientific debate isn't to deny that any opposing evidence is plausible, but to show where the evidence is incorrect or mis-interprated.

  13. #58


    Shimkies happens. Sadly death is one of them. Live with it. heh heh....that was a pun.

  14. #59


    I atheists are right, death is gonna be boring


  15. #60
    purple Alive-Cat's Avatar
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    When you die you have to listen to the same song over and over for eternity...

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