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Thread: I'm afraid to die

  1. #1

    Default I'm afraid to die

    Call me weird....A coward.....Or stupied.But I really am afraid to die,I don't know why tho.Probally,cuz maybe how do you even know if you've actually been good enough to go to heaven.I keep thinking I'm going to hell (which scares me).Today my friend said "I the bible it says "when you die,time for you stops.And if you go to hell,there you live in pain forever.Your body gets torn apart then reformed over and over again.It's like punishment for your wrong doings." < well that story made me really scared.But I'm not to quick to beleive that yet .

    How do you feel?

    ....I could see how you stammered with your eyes to the floor....

  2. #2


    I feel the bible is a laod of crap, but that's personal. I'm not scared of it, i just don't wnat it to happen for some time. I like being a little hapless creature, but when i'm older i bet i'll wish it upon myself sooner. Ah welly, never mind, i've got stuff to look forward to so i don't mind as long as if fulfill it

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by Laugh at face of Danger
    I feel the bible is a laod of crap, but that's personal. I'm not scared of it, i just don't wnat it to happen for some time. I like being a little hapless creature, but when i'm older i bet i'll wish it upon myself sooner. Ah welly, never mind, i've got stuff to look forward to so i don't mind as long as if fulfill it
    Bible crap? HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! Wait til you just playin.But ya, I'm starting to beleive it's crap too.

    ....I could see how you stammered with your eyes to the floor....

  4. #4


    I took a test, i was going to hell anyway I don't care, i think i'll be given brownie points because i wasn't tempted into religion...

    Plus what if you choose the wrong religion? then you're buggered at the heaven gates

  5. #5


    I think you'll find that the majority of the population are going to Hell (If it exists) because, from what I understand you could be the nicest guy in the world, but as long as you aren't thankful to Jesus for sacrificing himself you'll go to Hell.

  6. #6
    dizzy up the girl Recognized Member Rye's Avatar
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    I'm scared to die too.

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by Laugh at face of Danger
    I took a test, i was going to hell anyway I don't care, i think i'll be given brownie points because i wasn't tempted into religion...

    Plus what if you choose the wrong religion? then you're buggered at the heaven gates
    *sees God and runs toward him screaming insanly* HEELP! please get me away from this mad man! *trips and breaks ankle* OWWWW! *crys on ground and turns around to see Danger still standing there* AHHHHHHH! *trys to pull self away but sees god fly away into heaven shyies* *yells* NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Take me with you!.

    If you want to go to hell, no use in me trying to stop you.As like My chemical Romance says, in their no yet radiod hit, "Cementary Drive":
    Lay down Way down Way down Way down way down way down way down waaaaaaaay doooooooown.

    ....I could see how you stammered with your eyes to the floor....

  8. #8
    pinchpinchpinchpinchpinch ScottNUMBERS's Avatar
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    I think the bible is a load of crap too. Of course thats my view on it. I believe when I die Thats it, The end. And yes, I am afraid to die.

  9. #9
    Chocobocconcini Doomie's Avatar
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    I'm not afraid to die because I'm looking forward to heaven. And if there is no heaven, then I'm looking forward to being a big pile of nothingness to be forgotten until the end of time. =}

  10. #10
    ZeZipster's Avatar
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    You're stupied.

  11. #11
    Banned Hawkeye's Avatar
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    I want to die to know the truth, but the truth can wait

  12. #12
    Score: 0 out of 2 Dignified Pauper's Avatar
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    I don't want to die. However, I'm not afraid to die. I'm not ready to die, but I can't stop it if it happens. So, I don't worry about it.

  13. #13


    Has the bible ever been disproven? There is more factual evidence supporting it, than against it. Therefore, it is hard to say it is a load of crap. There are referances to advanced biology, space, physics, dinosours, and hordes of other information in the bible, that were not possibly known by its origonal authors.

    If you want further proof, or feel like disproving me, go ahead and try.

    As for the subject at hand, don't worry about it. If you actually try, and belive in good, you are heaven bound in my eyes. Though, we never know what the book of life entails about us.

    As for having to belive in Jesus, I am not 100% sure how to inturpet that. See, some people think that different relgions all share the same root, and to belive in GOD, is to belive in Jesus, as they are one in the same. It is a strange conundrum, but I wouldn't think the lord could not find his way to the kind hearted man. Also, bear in mind that we have the sins of our fathers on us as well. This is depicted all over the bible, making sin more severe when it can cause punishments to your children etc. So if you love your kids, try not to sin eh?

    Quote Originally Posted by Hawkeye
    I want to die to know the truth, but the truth can wait
    One of the greatest origonal(?) quotes I have seen in a long while

  14. #14
    The Jamie Star Scenario The Jamie Star Scenario's Avatar
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    I think it is about time we all started a suicide cult/club!

  15. #15
    Who's scruffy lookin'? Captain Maxx Power's Avatar
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    Normal voluntary reaction to coming to the realisation that you're a mortal. It happens to all of us. I went through a very rough time with it, and no one would talk to me. For about a month, it was all I could talk about. Then my grandmother said something to me which stuck by me since.

    "The way life is, you may die today, you may die tommorow, or you may die fifty years from now. But when it's your time, it's your time, and if you just allow yourself to not live due to being afraid, you're as good as dead already"

    That really switched things around for me. Really made me fight back against the world and start actually living as opposed to simply exsisting.

    Stay safe.
    There is no signature here. Move along.

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