It's not just Cloud and Squall, but Final Fantasy VII & VIII are so much alike, right? Heres' what I could think of, but it's not all.

I Names

Both Cloud and Squall are names dealing with water.

II Personality

Squall's catch phrase in VIII is "whatever", while in VII someone call's Cloud "Mr. whatever" They are both loners by nature.

III Trains

Trains are all over 7 & 8, battles are faught in them, etc. (VI also had the phantom train, Square loves the trains!)

IV Loving somone helpless.

In 7 Tifa stayed right beside Cloud while he had mako poisoning.
In 8 Squall was there for Rinoa while she was in a coma.

V Coma's

Both Tifa and Rinoa were in comas

VI Special Characters

In 7 a main character is special by being an ancient (Aeris)

In 8 a main character is special by being a sorceress. (Rinoa)

VII The main characters have the same taste in women
Both Squall and Cloud have a liking for the fair and dark haired & eyed, Rinoa and Tifa.

VIII an early loss of a parent
Characters in both VII & VIII suffer the loss of either a mom or a dad at a young age.

IX Fireworks
They're in both, in VII there is music called "Interrupted By Fire Works", very nice, and in VIII Squall and Rinoa are literally interrupted by fire works during the ball room scene.

Is there any more? I can't think of anymore.