Now, I'm sure the majority of you here don't just post at this here forum. (If you do only post at this forum, please don't post telling us this, as it would be off-topic and we don't want any modwhoring going on.) And it's likely that the other forums that you post at are spun off of this one, with at least a small group of the same members. This forum could be large (vis a vi Fool's Gold) or small (such as any of the many proboards or IPBs or, god help us, ezboards. or whatever.). Well, I just yesterday joined one of these small spin-off forums on a whim, planning to post a little at someplace different. So I got bored of it after literally 2 posts, and posted a thread that said this. I went back today to see that this thread had been closed disrespectfully, which I guess was the impetus for me making this thread. I guess the point of all this rambling on is to ask which, if any, spin-off forums of EoFF you're a member of, and how you're treated there.