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Thread: Final Fantasy VIII Sequel

  1. #16


    I think it's a very interesting offset, although there'd have to be some sort of villain trying to disrupt things(I'm tempted to say a return of the Void from FF5, but I don't think that'd go too well =P), or things would quickly lose focus.

    The prospect of travelling to the alternate world sounds good too, and seeing what things would be like, although if Ultimecia had her will, she'd have compressed and absorbed all of that world(more correctly all of that 'time and space') so there might not be anything to see =P
    Although assuming she recreates some sort of hellish dimension where she rules, and everyone are her slaves, I can easily imagine a great setting for the last dungeon/castle.

    Oh, and I'm not going to rise to the bait about the fate thing. I don't know what arguments you've had thrown against you, but the discussion just isn't relevant to this topic anyway. Besides, it doesn't look like any amount of discussion will budge you

  2. #17
    Skyblade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sir Bahamut
    I think it's a very interesting offset, although there'd have to be some sort of villain trying to disrupt things(I'm tempted to say a return of the Void from FF5, but I don't think that'd go too well =P), or things would quickly lose focus.

    The prospect of travelling to the alternate world sounds good too, and seeing what things would be like, although if Ultimecia had her will, she'd have compressed and absorbed all of that world(more correctly all of that 'time and space') so there might not be anything to see =P
    Although assuming she recreates some sort of hellish dimension where she rules, and everyone are her slaves, I can easily imagine a great setting for the last dungeon/castle.

    Oh, and I'm not going to rise to the bait about the fate thing. I don't know what arguments you've had thrown against you, but the discussion just isn't relevant to this topic anyway. Besides, it doesn't look like any amount of discussion will budge you
    Well, I was assuming that Ulti would be the villain. Once she finds out about the other worlds, I don't think she'd be content to stay on her own. She would try to absorb them all.

    I think it's a cool idea, anyway.

    ...You're not? Aww... That's no fun. You're right, no amount of argument would budge me, but I was hoping that I might budge you.
    My friend Delzethin is currently running a GoFundMe account to pay for some extended medical troubles he's had. He's had chronic issues and lifetime troubles that have really crippled his career opportunities, and he's trying to get enough funding to get back to a stable medical situation. If you like his content, please support his GoFundMe, or even just contribute to his Patreon.

    He can really use a hand with this, and any support you can offer is appreciated.

  3. #18


    Haha, stupidly forgot to think about Ultimecia being the villain :rolleyes2
    Well, that could work, I guess, although I don't know how much more they could add to Ultimecias character in order to keep her interesting...

    As for fate, I'm perfectly fine with having the discussion some other topic, but trailing off into a long debate on fate in a topic about FF8 Sequels seems a bit off-topic.

  4. #19
    Skyblade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sir Bahamut
    Haha, stupidly forgot to think about Ultimecia being the villain :rolleyes2
    Well, that could work, I guess, although I don't know how much more they could add to Ultimecias character in order to keep her interesting...

    As for fate, I'm perfectly fine with having the discussion some other topic, but trailing off into a long debate on fate in a topic about FF8 Sequels seems a bit off-topic.
    Well, from what we've seen in FFVIII, they have a lot of leeway to do what they want with her character. It's not like they are going to ruin a well developed character: There is practically no character development for Ulti, so they could put in quite a bit. I trust them enough to think that they could do that.

    As to another thread for a discussion on fate: If you make it, I will come.
    My friend Delzethin is currently running a GoFundMe account to pay for some extended medical troubles he's had. He's had chronic issues and lifetime troubles that have really crippled his career opportunities, and he's trying to get enough funding to get back to a stable medical situation. If you like his content, please support his GoFundMe, or even just contribute to his Patreon.

    He can really use a hand with this, and any support you can offer is appreciated.

  5. #20
    Gobbledygook! Recognized Member Christmas's Avatar
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    How about the Biggs and Wedges as the main characters of the sequel.............

  6. #21
    Banned GunbladeMaster's Avatar
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    what a boring sequel

  7. #22



    I've been waiting to say this: Square was originally going to make an FF8 sequel but they gave up on the idea. Shame on you who call yourselves Final Fantasy 8 fans. You can see the preview for the game that was never made on some guys fan site.. Google it. In the clip we see Seifer summon a Moogle onto an enemy.

    Im a happy, happy man.

  8. #23

  9. #24
    ♥ Italian Princess ♥ *~Angel Wing~*'s Avatar
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    I agree with most of the people in this thread...THERE SHOULD NOT BE A SEQUEL. As others have said, there isn't enough substance to create a new game. And I'm sorry Kuzavio, but that whole story thing you had was awful. If I worked for Square and was a producer of this game, I would be insulted. I would think you were trying to make fun of FF8. If they were going to do anything with it, I would think a remake would be most likely. I actually think that a prequel would be pretty cool. You could play as Laguna, and find out what happened to Raine and the stuff with Ellone...yeah, that would be cool...

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  10. #25
    My hair is soft. G SpOtZ's Avatar
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    sounds like a fanfic that you should write.

    and as for that vid, tootncartman, are you sure that was an unmade sequel? everything looks so similar to that of ffviii, that i would think it's just a movie that somebody messed around with. it's possible to modify the video of a regular battle with tonberries, change the characters and change the battle area. i find it hard to be believe that it was an actual unmade sequel.

    Thank you Hysterian!

  11. #26

    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by Kuzavio
    Why hasn't there been talk of a Final Fantasy VIII sequel, I've been on about it since 00' soon after finishing the game and I think it would be TOTAL slashif Square/ Square-Enix really sat down and made one.

    I've thought about it having a basic storyline like Seifer (this dude does not get credit) being the main character 15 years after FF VIII and he's some Aaron look alike bad ass who after being disgraced by the sorcerer fiasco has taken refuge at Tear's point where everyone grew up and it's now it's own verion of a SeeD garden. Here Zell and Seifer (odd couple) help "Headmaster" Laguna Loire train the orphans in preporation of a new threat, The Sorcerer Odin. You see when Seifer was blinded by hate and he "killed" Odin, Seifer's evil entity brushed the almighty Gaurdian Force which brought to life the true nature of Odin. Ultimately, the story leads to the origin of the Gaurdian Forces and will change the way we view them as a whole, we understand Ultimecia's true intentions for wanting to compress time and we meet Seifer's adopted orphan daughter Questa, the Garden's first orphan (Seifer found her with in the Shumi village) who is half human half moomba. She is the anwser to alot of the games questions and plays one of the biggest roles in the game.

    Main usable characters will be of course;
    Seifer (a softer but still determined version, he's "matured" so to speak)
    Duran (Headmaster Sid's son and Questa's best friend)
    Questa (Seifer's daughter and direct pupil to Zell so yeah she can kick ass and is really pretty, move aside Rinoa)
    Micholl pro-nounced mi-shoul (a dark traumatized ninja like orphan having survived the Trabia Garden bombing 15 years earlier)
    Raijin (except not as silly this time because Fujin is dead)
    Arialle (a SeeD that had ben lost in time after her and her companions fight with Ultimecia which they lost, oh and the other woman in Seifer's life realisticaly she's 70 plus years old man she i also the other woman is Seifer's life so YES there is a love story)

    It's easy to tell I've thought about it for a while and I'm trying to think like a fan with a little twist though. This would be far better spin off sequel as compared to the cheesy Final Fantasy X "flower power" sequel.

    If you're feeling me by all means let me know. Hate it or love it I want to know what you think, but Final Fantasy VIII cannot just end there

    What do you think about a sequel to the game?

    ok that is the most amazing story line for i squel iv ever herd that just blows mine away totally

  12. #27
    FFGuevara's Avatar
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    Maybe a sequel where you find out who Ultimciea is. If it's Rinoa then you sorta find out why she became evil. My opinion it's ether that or a prequel about laguna.

  13. #28
    Banned GunbladeMaster's Avatar
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    but there is just no point
    doing a sequel like that would be like doing an entire game on how Selphie was doing at Trabia Garden before she transfered.

    Do movies make a prequel of a character?
    Take Lord of the Rings for example
    We dont know much about Sauron other than he is this evil guy who got power hungry
    THERE! thats it. We dont need to know anymore. Because that is just enough info

    we know everything that happened with Laguna before we met him
    because the game breifly explains it in the dreams of him
    so doing a prequel would just be combining all the dreams in FF8
    which is pointless

  14. #29
    FFGuevara's Avatar
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    but there is just no point
    doing a sequel like that would be like doing an entire game on how Selphie was doing at Trabia Garden before she transfered.

    Do movies make a prequel of a character?
    Take Lord of the Rings for example
    We dont know much about Sauron other than he is this evil guy who got power hungry
    THERE! thats it. We dont need to know anymore. Because that is just enough info
    Not really, it could be something like star wars episode 3. Like if some guy's from the future go back in time, trying to kill Rinoa so Squall defend's her and in the process gets killed trying to protect Rinoa, then she feels guilty and pissed so she then becomes evil.

    we know everything that happened with Laguna before we met him
    because the game breifly explains it in the dreams of him
    so doing a prequel would just be combining all the dreams in FF8
    which is pointless
    There's more then just those stories, a prequel could be about his adventure to esthar up to the point where he defeat's Adel.

  15. #30
    Banned GunbladeMaster's Avatar
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    well in Star wars we had a good story as we got to see why Anakin became Darth Vader

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