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Thread: Final Fantasy VIII Sequel

  1. #31
    What the bliff Recognized Member
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    Nope. We already saw what happened with the FF10-2 thing. I think the only Final Fantasy that could truely make a wonderful sequel would be FF7 and most of the others should be re-made.

  2. #32
    Banned GunbladeMaster's Avatar
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    that sounds better

  3. #33


    Just remake it it would be more appreciate that way a, sequel would suck.

  4. #34

    Kuzavio questions thy loyalty

    How do you people call yourselves fans cause right now all I can see is fear. First off, the Fate thing. I believe in fate and also believe you can change the outcome of things before they pass. Next, you call yourselves fans but you you're too afraid to see a sequel because it ould spoil the game for YOU and that's just down right selfish. People said the same thing about Star Wars but the past three movies have raked in more fans than the firts three. Times change and to me that's what final fantasy VIII failed to do, it wanted things to be same with the whole fate thing and time loops. There is always room for questionning and if you area real fan you'd want to know why the characters became the way they are. Get over yourselves dudes.

    My reason for giving Seifer a daughter and making him the main character are as follows. Seifer wasn' really a good person and all he ever wanted was to be on top and you can clearly get that from the game. As we all should know, if you want to be at the top, someone has to fall and Seifer really made alot of people fall in his race for king of the ring. I gave him a daughter because every hero needs a reason to fight or keep going and without that you have nothing. The daughter is his reason for wanting to "change" and become a better person, call it cheesy but give the dude a break.

    Lastly where the hell do the GF's in FF:VIII come from, FF:VII explains they're creatures connected to the Ancuents, original inhabitants of the planet, I still haven't played FF:IX cause I heard to many bad stories bought it and when I did play it I was totaly put of getting it and FF:X has the best explination going on about how they're some dude who died ages ago, some sacrifeicing themslves and thus becoming Aeons.

  5. #35
    Banned GunbladeMaster's Avatar
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    GFs are regular monsters but Dr Odine harnassed their power through Para-magic and made them into the GFs we have today

  6. #36
    Gobbledygook! Recognized Member Christmas's Avatar
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    It is pretty strange how people said the sequel won't be good cause they see Final Fantasy X 2.

    Let's just say Final Fantasy X-2 is a failure, will Square be so stupid to make another sequel that is exactly like Final Fantasy X-2 so that we can complain about it again? You can't base on one failure of a sequel to jump to the conclusion that all sequels won't be good.

    Anyway, it is what inside FF X-2(the story...etc)that might make you think it's not good not because it bear the name "X-2".

    Lastly, the sequel will be better(if there is one...) with in it....

    GFs are regular monsters but Dr Odine harnassed their power through Para-magic and made them into the GFs we have today
    Interesting....where do you get this idea or what do you base this on?

  7. #37
    Banned GunbladeMaster's Avatar
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    its just a guess
    but they did specify somewhere in the game where GFs came from

  8. #38
    Gobbledygook! Recognized Member Christmas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GunbladeMaster
    its just a guess
    but they did specify somewhere in the game where GFs came from
    Where might it be anyway?

  9. #39
    Banned GunbladeMaster's Avatar
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    you tell me

  10. #40
    Gobbledygook! Recognized Member Christmas's Avatar
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    Then dun make any false claims if you can't point it out then.

    And there you are going around calling people (SPOILER)Future Esthar for making anything far-fetched....

  11. #41
    Banned GunbladeMaster's Avatar
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  12. #42

    Grin Did you know?

    QUESTION What would you gain from the remake of FF:VIII? The graphics were a GOD among others at the time and are still pretty impressive today and all you keep going on about is how it was rapped up pretty well. Remember, one of the main reasons FF: VII is getting all this attention and why it's fan base was and is sooooo big is because "Square felt they could do better with the game's presentation " (cg and story line) cause if you look at it, FF:VIII was made round the same time as FF:VII just released at different times that being almost 2 years later if that isn't too much.

    FF:VII also had a limited budget because Square was experimenting alot considering all the past FF titles were medievel based and they weren't sure about how fans would embrace the game. Then the budget beacame bigger for FF:VIII which did just as well if not better but didn't have the same impact as FF:VII in terms of the fan base, which is why for FF:IX they decided to go back to he medievel thing.

    FF:VIII has just as many questions as FF:VII, just that you guys are looking at it like it's FF: VII and they will never be the same so get past that fact and move on. FF:VII is profitable because of those reasons and who wouldn't go buy the remake with the same graphics as Advent Children if you've seen the FF:VII Technical demo for the PS3. In the end the sad part is, "it's all about the benjamins baby".

  13. #43
    Gobbledygook! Recognized Member Christmas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gunblademaster
    GFs are regular monsters but Dr Odine harnassed their power through Para-magic and made them into the GFs we have today
    Anyway, this is a pretty good idea but the scan info of tiamat will be a little contradicting if it is true since it said tiamat used to be a GF but turned into a monster by Ultimecia's power.

    Also, it will be strange that all GF is born through Odine and scattered throughout the world.

  14. #44


    Quote Originally Posted by Unknowns
    It is pretty strange how people said the sequel won't be good cause they see Final Fantasy X 2.

    Let's just say Final Fantasy X-2 is a failure, will Square be so stupid to make another sequel that is exactly like Final Fantasy X-2 so that we can complain about it again? You can't base on one failure of a sequel to jump to the conclusion that all sequels won't be good.

    Anyway, it is what inside FF X-2(the story...etc)that might make you think it's not good not because it bear the name "X-2".

    Lastly, the sequel will be better(if there is one...) with in it....

    Interesting....where do you get this idea or what do you base this on?
    Thanks for the support

  15. #45


    I actually don't think that ffVIII was all wrapped up. At the end Seifers just sitting aroung fishing with Fujin and Raijin Seifers ambitious he's not going to be content unless he's doing something exciting so there are still things that could be done with him. And as for Squall and Rinoa, if Seifer chooses to come back to garden and vent his anger on Rinoa, and do Squall a favour in the process by throwing her off the balcony, well, thats all fine and good, thats worth a sequel within itself. I also personally think he should overthrow cid. Cid can't cope with running Balamb garden he's an old mess. So Seifer should take the job off his hands, and relegate Cid to doing things like polishing the floors.

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