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Thread: Final Fantasy VIII Sequel

  1. #46


    HA HA Seifer as the Headmaster of Balamb Garden!!!!! I've got "brother" love for the guy but "just because the bird has wings that doesn't mean it can fly" I speak not to disrespect but to question thy motives. Don't you think Laguna would be far better as Headmaster?

  2. #47


    No Laguna couldn't keep the students in line he'd be to soft on them. He's not self assured enough He'd be constantly asking other people what he should do. And when facing the tough decisions he'd probably end up with that niggling cramp in his leg.

  3. #48
    Banned GunbladeMaster's Avatar
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    yeah ur right except u failed to mention...

    hes the President of Esthar!!!

  4. #49


    Exactly. He's already got enough to do even if he was fit for the job.

  5. #50
    What the bliff Recognized Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kuzavio
    How do you people call yourselves fans cause right now all I can see is fear. First off, the Fate thing. I believe in fate and also believe you can change the outcome of things before they pass. Next, you call yourselves fans but you you're too afraid to see a sequel because it ould spoil the game for YOU and that's just down right selfish. People said the same thing about Star Wars but the past three movies have raked in more fans than the firts three. Times change and to me that's what final fantasy VIII failed to do, it wanted things to be same with the whole fate thing and time loops. There is always room for questionning and if you area real fan you'd want to know why the characters became the way they are. Get over yourselves dudes.

    My reason for giving Seifer a daughter and making him the main character are as follows. Seifer wasn' really a good person and all he ever wanted was to be on top and you can clearly get that from the game. As we all should know, if you want to be at the top, someone has to fall and Seifer really made alot of people fall in his race for king of the ring. I gave him a daughter because every hero needs a reason to fight or keep going and without that you have nothing. The daughter is his reason for wanting to "change" and become a better person, call it cheesy but give the dude a break.

    Lastly where the hell do the GF's in FF:VIII come from, FF:VII explains they're creatures connected to the Ancuents, original inhabitants of the planet, I still haven't played FF:IX cause I heard to many bad stories bought it and when I did play it I was totaly put of getting it and FF:X has the best explination going on about how they're some dude who died ages ago, some sacrifeicing themslves and thus becoming Aeons.
    Um what are you talking about...simplify. Secondly, there is no fear only difference in opinion.

  6. #51



    no sequels

    I'll hit the bad mr playstation man with a big stick if they bring out too many sequels

    10-2 already made my brain die, if they ruin my favourite ff with a sequel i might die, truly i would

  7. #52
    What the bliff Recognized Member
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    Well some of them were already re-made (example: FF5 and 6). 10 and 10-2 don't need to be re-made. And 9 looks fine it just needs some voice actors.

  8. #53


    Oringinally posted by G SpOtZ:
    and as for that vid, tootncartman, are you sure that was an unmade sequel? everything looks so similar to that of ffviii, that i would think it's just a movie that somebody messed around with. it's possible to modify the video of a regular battle with tonberries, change the characters and change the battle area. i find it hard to be believe that it was an actual unmade sequel.
    WEll maybe your right i shouldn't be so naive next time but.. i will never know. Also i called the Moomba a moogle i self-owned myself. Well make your own mind up about it...

  9. #54


    Quote Originally Posted by Kuzavio
    Lastly where the hell do the GF's in FF:VIII come from, FF:VII explains they're creatures connected to the Ancuents, original inhabitants of the planet, I still haven't played FF:IX cause I heard to many bad stories bought it and when I did play it I was totaly put of getting it and FF:X has the best explination going on about how they're some dude who died ages ago, some sacrifeicing themslves and thus becoming Aeons.
    Theres no need to know so no one asks. They are not a major part of the game so it doesn't need to be explained. In FFX the aeons where a major part of the game so its almost essential to explain. BTW if you still haven't played IX you are SOO lucky it fried half my brain with it's crap.

  10. #55


    Quote Originally Posted by Kuzavio
    HA HA Seifer as the Headmaster of Balamb Garden!!!!! I've got "brother" love for the guy but "just because the bird has wings that doesn't mean it can fly" I speak not to disrespect but to question thy motives. Don't you think Laguna would be far better as Headmaster?
    i agree

  11. #56


    As I am a Squall look a like yes I would love for a FFVIII sequal but I think you can use Odin since that's a summon from the game already but, I think you would have to have all of the main characters from the original VIII.

  12. #57
    Gobbledygook! Recognized Member Christmas's Avatar
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    We need a sequel about Squall having unspeakable affairs with students by abusing his position as headmaster. Rinoa is driven mad and befriended a T-Rex from the training centre when she was talking to the wall. Together, they embark on a journery to debunk that she is Ultimecia while Squall gets sent to jail for his crime against nature.

    PS: Zell will ride on a giant hotdog and marry the libray girl then proceed to cook and eat her as a hotdog. Intense stuff.

  13. #58


    seifer raijin fujin fishing sim is the only option! there is no story left to tell, but we need to know what goes on with this group!!!

  14. #59


    if u lose the game u get added to The List of the disciplinary committee

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