At 9:50 PM the Eyes On Police Department recieved a call from Kikimm saying that Meat Puppet had been murdered in his home yesterday. Upon arriving at the scene police found Meat Puppet's dead body with a hoe (the garden utensil ) stuck out of his forhead. His left cheek had a lipstick smear on it. With the Ciddies coming up soon Psychotic is the primary suspect. Meat Puppet giving him the most competition it's easy to see how Psy would want to take him out. Psychotic says he spent the whole day with Loony BoB, but unfortunately Loony BoB is out of town and unavailable for comment (at least he was when I started planning this). With him gone Psy has no evidence he isn't the murderer and will be sentenced to prison. Taking his side is you, the Eyes On Detective. To keep Psy out of jail you will have to figure out who the real murderer is.

Okay, this is how it works. I have certain people set up as being connected with Meat Puppet. Each of them saw Meat Puppet the day of his murder. It is your job as a detective to question these people about the events of that day and figure out what really happened. Keep in mind that the murderer isn't going to be honest about what really happened and you might need to question people more than once when new information is discovered. A good place to start would be to PM his neighbor Old Manus. You have one week to figure this out and then I will post the results in this thread. When you think you know the answer DO NOT post it in this thread. PM me with it and also let me know if you thought this was too easy or too hard to figure out. Have fun.