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Thread: The Journal Thread (August)

  1. #16


    Captain's Log, Stardate 9-8-2001

    Captain Jean Luc Burtsplurt (yeah, you have a problem??)

    We have encountered the Borg... but left them alone and went shopping instead. Bought a new amplifier (ridiculously loud) and I was extremely embarassed in the shop as I played a load of rubbish in order to test it out (even if they all sound the same to be... apart from the all important volume). Got home and played with a couple of friends. I am suitably impressed.

    Journal ends.

  2. #17
    ☆carrot☆ Linus's Avatar
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    August Ninth, Two Thousand One. Three Fifty-five PM.

    First day of school today! This is the part where I talk about people you'll never care about or meet. =D

    Ok, so my friend Mikey and I arrive at around 6:50 AM and immediately meet up with my friends Erik and Chip(Hey, you know Chip! He's TheChronoCross, err, used to be.). We sit and talk for a little while, and compare schedules. We then proceed into the EXTREMELY packed main hallway and hunt for our homeroom teachers. We all have different ones. Nuts. We walk around a bit more, and I meet up with my friend Matt. We stop and talk to him when the bell rings. I go upstairs and around the corner to my homeroom, where the first person I see is my former nemesis Meagan Perry. She lived on my street for like, 10 years, and we spited eachother a lot. Well, guess what. She's hot now. So, anyways, I chat it up with her about our schedules yadda yadda yadda. Turns out we have Biology together. Wee. We sit through homeroom until we get our revised schedules. WOOT! I got Driver's Ed! Then the bell rings, and we head to first block.

    First block time. I take a seat next to my friend Matt from earlier. We talk a bit and I see some familiar faces enter. Two of them happened to be gorgeous Phillipino girls I had a crush on last year. Makes me happy. =D Our teacher, Mrs. Thorsten, seems very laid back, so Geometry should be a breeze this semester. The bell rings. On to second block!

    I head down the hallway to my World History class where I meet up with my friends Sam and Charlie. First thing the teacher does is split us up. Grr. Turns out she's gonna be a wench. I can handle one wench. She assigns textbooks yadda yadda yadda. The bell rings. On to third block!

    Thiiird block. Keyboarding. ICKY POOPOO. Turns out I can take a proficiency test on Monday and actually skip the entire course and go straight to Computer Apps. SWEET. Looks like I'll have to practice my home row typing this weekend if I want to skip the most boring class on my schedule. The bell rings. LUNCH TIME.

    I go downstairs for lunchy lunch. By the time I get to our usual hangout, Matt has finished his pizza. I scarf down a chicken sandwich when Sam arrives. Whoopty poo. Not the greatest lunch ever. The bell rings. Baaack to third period.

    We sit around and talk for a while, since there were more students than computers. The bell rings. On to fourth block.

    I zoom upstairs and look for my Aunt, who just started teaching at my school this year. She wasn't in her room, so I went to French 2. Turns out Sam and some idiot from my keyboarding class are in there too. At least they're someone to hang out with. Then my first love since the beginning of time walked in. Jill. Oh my, God. Jill. Here's some background on Jill. We went to the same daycare together for 5 years. We graduated kindergarden together. She was my first legit kiss. =D Anyways, she's gorgeous now. Woohoo! She sits next to me. Woohoo! We chat it up. Woohoo! She's wearing a very NICE outfit. Woohoo! Fourth block kicks ass. The bell rings. I go downstairs and wait for my friend Mikey. We walk next door to the school, Burger King, and wait for Mikey's mom to pick us up. I come home, empty my bowels, have a little comp trouble, then type this.

    F I N

    Time: Four-o-eight PM.

  3. #18
    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    Yesterday, aka the 9th of August, started out like any normal day, and when I got to school and caught up with Balls for a little bit, I went onto the cpu to check my e-mails. Em was online! O_o She had had an awesome day, etc, and that made me happy... but for some reason, every question I asked, she wouldn't answer so I got a li'l depressed, considering she's still pretty much moving on, and I for some reason can't.

    I spent most of the rest of the school day mopin' a bit, but then I talked to Usa, and got cheered up. She had had a day of mixed feelings too, so y'no how it is when you can relate, you just talk about anything. We did, twas kew

    After that, work... boring, same old same old (but I got a free pav!). Got home, and desperately needed to ring someone. I rang around five people, including a couple of national toll calls, but couldn't get through to anyone I wanted... so, I rang Em. Talked to Daisy for a bit, too, which was kew (she's so funny), and Em and I spent the night teasin' each other and discussing how Daniel's in the UK are fat, but over here they're all thin. I babbled SO much that night.

    Now, this mornin', I hope to chat to her again... we'll see. Anyhow, gotta go - bells rung
    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

  4. #19
    El-Producto Recognized Member
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    Life is great. I aint gonna sit here and bitch and moan about all this weird crap that hurts people's brains to read about. I don't care why I'm here, or what's gonna happen to me when I die, all I wanna do is live this life as good as possible.

    Today I woke up at 12:30 (ahah, I woulda slept in longer but my sister woke me up because I had a phone call). It was a friend from outta town, he wanted me to come into London(Ontario), but I couldn't get a ride, so I said I might later when one of my friends gets off work and then he'll drive us. Yeah. So then I went to Mcydies and picked up a flurry on my way to a game of bball with a few friends. We won the game 11-6. ahhhh, I came home and it's 4:45 PM, and I got to wait til' 7PM til I go to London. Life aint so bad if you don't want it to be. Oh, I also laughed a bit when I thought about how some people don't go outside(by reading threads at EoFF). Oops, did I say that out loud? Yeah, I did.

  5. #20
    Great Shoe Panda Nyke's Avatar
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    Drex: I wish you'd talk to me about these things sometimes. I realize you have your own way of dealing with things, but I see that you're depressed and then I feel helpless to do anything about it. There may not be much that I can do, but at least I can listen and offer advice. I may be a total goofball sometimes, but believe it or not I do have my head on fairly straight, and I might be able to help more than you think.

    5:35 PM

    Two more days of summer school left. I have mixed feelings about it ending; not that I want it to go on longer (goodness KNOWS I'm looking forward to this whole mess ending), but I just wish I had more time to pull my grade up. Unless I ace my final, I'll be taking Algebra II again next year. ...But in a way, is that so bad? Which is better, that I go into Alg III/Trig not knowing what I'm doing, or that I take Alg II a second time and hopefully pass with a much better grade and a much better understanding? I don't know.

    I'm looking forward to spending nearly a week in NY with a friend of mine at the end of this month. We've been trying to get together for an extended visit for...about two years now, I think. She and her mother are very sweet, generous people.

    ...Buuut, I'm trying to balance all this 'fun' stuff with the ton of summer work I've left to do. >< I'm nearly finished with my AP Psych reading assignment, but now I have to write a report on ten of the cases in the book, one page per case. That's really not so bad. But then I have to finish a huge Creative Writing packet. Much more challenging.

    Overall, I'm looking forward to next year. I'll finally be able to sing in choir, AP Psych will help me have a better understanding of myself and others (not to mention give me some fuel for my writing), and I'll be getting ready for college. ^_^

  6. #21



    I feel great, at times, and yet i feel sick as hell. symptons are ---> stomach ack, a stomach that seems like its going on a ride on a rollercoaster! huge head acts, tired and sleep, can't sleep well, moody as hell.

    Activities and heat don't mix

    Well i've decided to skip my open gym the whole week for volleyball as people are getting sick just standing out in the heat and actually being that active in practice would have ended up with me in the hospital nearly dead, i don't exactly feel like going out in this heat of 103 in my school gym with anywhere from 15-30 of the girls on the team running around, doesn't sound very wise at the moment.

    Main activity of the day

    Staying home! i went outside for a few minutes and decided there was no way i could take the heat, so most of my dad is at home so far just talking to a few people online and playing with my hair and nails, lol.

    Hope for tomorrow

    I hope it to be cooler! i an't wait until we get some rain and it could down some, i'm hoping i cna go back to open gym by next week, but not if its like this, no way!

  7. #22


    August 9th, 2001
    Today, I remembered the simple things in life.

    I get my old skateboard out of my closet. I never learned to ride it, never wanted to. I walk with it to a hill nearby. For the first time in years, I sit down on it, legs crossed legs. Praying that I won't wipe-out on my first try, I nervously push with my arms.

    For the next 3 hours, I shove myself off this hill, taking about 2 minutes to get down, 5 minutes to climb up. Boy, I miss being a little kid.

  8. #23
    Don't Wish Life Away Mahal Kita's Avatar
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    8/9/01 7:14 PM PT

    Well, today was okay, I must say. It was fine actually. Nothing really happened... It's just normal....... Kinda, normal.

    My life's changing. I mean, I used to be the little girl who used to play with barbies but know I'm doing harder homework, hardly having any time to have any fun. I've started my pueberty for a year, knowing it will all end in 8 hellish years. My face is clearing from zits, whiteheads, blackheads, or whatever you'll call my acne. I guess I'll browse my favorite forum now......

    Any advice of such may be pmed to me!

  9. #24
    Got obliterated Recognized Member Shoeberto's Avatar
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    August 10th, 2001 - 12:34 AM

    I'll write about yesterday, the ninth, since I haven't done much in the 34 minutes of today.

    My mom woke me up early to go and get my MMR shot. We got there, got it done, left. Went to get some breakfast, then we went to Wal Mart. Man, was it fun in there. The only people there were the staff and various old people. I had a lot of fun, even though it was just my mom and I. It was...a different feeling.

    I worked on my RPG a lot, seeing as how the summer is winding down. I still feel as if I didn't acomplish anything during break. Maybe I wasn't supposed to. Maybe I don't want to. Who knows.

    Earlier tonight, I had some...different thoughts going through my head. It was thought of somewhat insignifigance here. I don't know why, though. It may just be the vaccine from earlier messing with my head. (just kidding, I know it wouldn't do that)

    I doubt I'm gonna get to do much the rest of the summer. With getting my bedroom painted, getting ready for school, and a fair coming up (with my cousin coming to my house), I don't have a lot of time.

    Don't get me wrong, I do kind of look forward to going to school again. Especially with going to the Jr. High. New people, new faces, new classes. The only thing I'll have to deal with is a few prick eighth graders, but that won't be too hard.

    *sigh* I'm starting to think that I overthink things sometimes.

  10. #25



    Thank god, I have only 5 more days of work. Then I am going home. I will not be posting for a couple weeks, but then again no one will really care. I can't wait to go home and see all my friends. It is not as hot today which is good. It was over 100 degress yesterday, that was terrible, I ran 5 miles and I thought I was gonna die. Luckily I had already done 7 in the morning. Ok that is all for now.

  11. #26
    Exiled Idiot of Doom? Blackmage's Avatar
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    Post First time posting here....

    Alright, I thought I'd give this board a shot...

    *August 10, 2001 11:55am - Strife*

    A chilling wind blows past my house, bringing in overcast skies and rain. It's really become quite dreary here with nothing but clouds for the past week. As I type the thunder rolls through the house's walls with all of its might and splendor. Inside my house, I sit in front of my parent's computer (Duh, I guess.).

    (And now to get out of the whole descriptive thing...) And this computer...I swear it came from hell!!! We just got a cable modem installed about a week ago. Already, the computer has been acting like a little piece of crap, and now, with the cable modem, it's been acting rather buggy. But this, this computer is only the beginning of my strife.

    Friends in the real world (as compared to the 'net world) have almost seem to deserted me ever since summer started. I've had no one call me at all that has been home all this time, and I haven't been able to get ahold of them either. But when the school year starts up, I will hopefully have my friends back.

    I hate school. They give you work to do over the summer if you're enrolled in any of the Honors classes here. I still have two books to read with about a week and a half to go. The only reason I haven't started on those books yet is because they go against the whole purpose of summer to a teen. Summer is made to be a time of rest for us teens. And if they're gonna take it away by giving us extra work due at the beginning of next year...then I vote to not do it until the absolute last minute. That's just the way I am.

    And now, for the last of my troubles... My parents are taking away my PSX and my own PC to "make sure I make the grade" in school. Well, after all the troubles I had last year, I'd rather work than not. Unfortunately, my parents are also taking away my project by taking my computer: my RPG The Darkness Within . I've been working on it for several months now, and my parents are now giving me a huge delay of 6 weeks, minimum. It's almost up to FF1 quality, but not quite.

    And so, I leave this typing field with only one thing left to say. "The only dependable thing about the future is uncertainty."
    Kuja Highwind/Blackmage: Some guy that used to be active back around 2001... He almost made his way through Proto's Custom Title Tournament way back in the day...but almost only counts in horseshoes and grenades. Oh well.

  12. #27
    Fullmetal Alchemist LOVE Dee's Avatar
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    First time I posted here. Hehe. Here it goes:


    My high school informed me I wasn't assigned a locker. What kind of ghetto high school is this!! Sheesh, so I ended up sharing lockers with my friend. Last year I had no problems..... sigh.

    I can't believe summer is almost over. This reeks!

    Right now I'm downloading FFX videos, I hope none of them are spoilers. LOL.

  13. #28
    ☆carrot☆ Linus's Avatar
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    Linus' Journal, Day 2.

    I'll do the whole rundown of school. Every day. My posts will ikely get annoying after the fifth one or so.

    Wake up, groom myself, blah blah blah. Head to the side of the drink machines when I get to school, just like every day last year. Have a chat about Freshman with my friends. Bell rings.

    Homeroom. Boring. Bell rings.

    First block. Geometry. We fill out these little "How do I learn?" worksheets and make spider graphs with the results. I'm an idealist. Aaaanyways, we do that stuff for about an hour, then start work on fractals. Fractals are patterns that repeat themselves infinitely. They're pretty neat. The short Phillipino girls move closer to me. Woot. Bell rings.

    Second block. World History. This teacher is going to be a pain. In minutes, she made us practically empty our bookbags and do 5 things at once. On top of that, she gave mondo homework. Blech. Bell rings.

    Lunch time. Get a chicken sandwich, chomp chomp chomp. Bell rings.

    Third block. Keyboarding. We do typing shtuffs. My record with home row is 30 WAM. My record with my typing is 70 WAM. I'm gonna take a test on Monday and exempt the class. =D Bell rings.

    Fourth block. French 2. Normal French review, blah blah blah. I get moved closer to two pretty hot girls. Score again. After French, Jill (remember her? =D) and I walked and talked down the hallway until we got to her stairs. I said bye, she said have a nice weekend, smiled, and left. (Wink wink!) Aaaanyways.

    After school, Mikey and I walk up to Burger King, where I see my childhood friend Meagan Noe. SHE HAS GROWN. Especially in the chest area. Her + Low-cut shirt + bending over = Temporary blindness. Oh my God. (Drool.) We chatted up and she hugged me. I had to lean over to get my arms around her.

    Anyways, I'm home now, and I finished this entry ten minutes faster. Hoo-ha!


  14. #29


    Summer break - Day X

    So, I realise I'm not happy this summer. I'm not exactly sad, but I will be If I don't do something other than sit at home playing Breath of Fire 4 all day. Which, quite frankly, is unlikely. I'm so lazy. There really is no point in calling for my friends, because there is nothing we can do in this troutty little village we live in. It has the amenities of an empty room, with a lot more idiots in it.

    *sigh* I can't go on the internet in the day, and If I could, would It be fun? No, it would get boring, of course. I'm left wondering.. 'how long can I keep this up?'.... I'll run out of things to do, and then I'll be stuck watching Kerrang! TV all day, wallowing in my own self pity, and cursing at the television every time Limp Bizkit is played. A lot of good that'll do for my self esteem, eh?

    Hmph... well, whatever. That seems to be my word of recent weeks. It pretty much sums up my attitude.

  15. #30
    Prinny God Recognized Member Endless's Avatar
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    To make things short:

    I'm in High Cotton now. But I love it.

    And then there is Death

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