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Thread: The Journal Thread (August)

  1. #31



    *waves to Vivi*


    Today...the most amazing thing happened. *is still going "Wow."*

    I'm in High Cotton as well...but it's worth it.


  2. #32
    is very female. Recognized Member Daryl's Avatar
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    Friday, August 10, 2001 - 6:35 PM CST

    Friday is always great; it means I get two days with no work. Today, work was pretty stressful, we were way understaffed. I had to not only fill in as the receptionist, but still do my normal data entry AND train a new girl. Meh.

    I was really energized today and I dont' know why. I wasn't sleeping til 3:30am last "night", and got up a mere 3.5 hours later. But, I was in a great mood all day. Still am.

    Wow, I have a lot less to write about when I'm not depressed... heh.

    Let's see...yeah, I have nothing else. I rather like that change of pace.


  3. #33
    Got obliterated Recognized Member Shoeberto's Avatar
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    August 11th, 2001 1:44AM

    Hmm. I woke up today...erm, yesterday pretty late, and didn't do much during the day. My parents are off camping, so it's my sister and I until Sunday.

    I worked on RM2k a lot, yet again. There's this new type of thing I tried out. Who knows, I might have invented a new way of usage in it.

    Today, I found out how immature people can be. In chat, we were saying ages, and when I said 12, these two annoyances, who will remain unnamed, were insulting me just for my age. Sure, it's okay for an occasional joke from friends online, but the way they did it was insulting. But the people themselves that were doing it were totally immature. They had been using extremely harsh language the whole time they were there. I think the only reason they weren't booted was because I'm not sure if the ops were there at the time.

    Another day, another thought. I really need to stop doing these so late at night. (or so early in the morning, whatever way you think about it.)

  4. #34



    SWEET! I just got woken up by my girlfriend who called me from Spain. I only got to talk to her for 15 minutes, but it was really good. I get to see her in about a week and a half. Anyway that is about it. Too excited for anything else.

  5. #35
    Great Shoe Panda Nyke's Avatar
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    12:26 PM

    Heh. My Alg II teacher just told us yesterday that we can bring a 3x5 index card with formulas, examples of problems, etc. to our final exam on Monday. Maybe I stand a chance at passing after all.

    I've decided that I can't wait for this summer to be over. oO I guess I've just about had it with stress and whatever, and I'm hoping that starting school in September will give my life a little more structure.

    ...Although it probably won't take the stress off. >< After all, I'm going to be busy; busy applying to colleges, busy working (to save money for college), busy trying to collect as many scholarships and grants as I possibly can. Plus, in addition to my schoolwork I'll be copy editor for our school literary magazine. And I expect that choir will also take up a lot of my time (between independent and group practice, plus concerts). It's for the best; whenever I have too much free time, I start feeling depressed. I've been 'well' for about three or four months now, and I'd like to stay that way.

  6. #36
    is very female. Recognized Member Daryl's Avatar
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    Saturday, August 11, 2001 - 12:17 PM CST

    I woke up 15 minutes ago when the phone rang. Silly video store, calling to remind me I have an overdue movie...

    Last night I was in a great mood, which lasted until around, oh, 4:30 AM when my computer abruptly died. I messed with it for a while, but couldn't get it to work, so rather than resuming reading the fora and chatting, I went to sleep. Bah.

    I love Saturdays. Any day when I can sleep past 7 AM is a great one, in my book. The one plus side to my job is the set work schedule, it doesn't vary week to week. But, the down side, is that I have to awaken at 7 AM in order to make it on time. Meh.

    I'm looking for threads to post for, that I haven't already shared my opinion, and I'm running out. I really need to become more creative and think of original topics to post.

    General Chat - "Are you evil?" ...Heh. Nifty.

    Let's see, what else? My family comes home a week from yesterday. Then I have them for a week before I move to school, so, I'll not be on the computer at all. I'm not looking forward to their return; I rather like living alone. Oh, well; it's only for a week, then I get to be back at school. Yay.

    I think this is quite enough, for now.


    Don't ask me why I sign this. I have no idea.

  7. #37
    Recognized Member Asorie's Avatar
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    I find myself wondering if anyone actually sits down and reads these whole things. Hmm...

    4:44pm CDT, Saturday August 11th.

    Okay, so I'm wiped out again. Not really physically-I got a good seven hours of sleep last night- but mentally and emotionally. I'm just tired of stress; tired of appointments; tired of deadlines. Why do people care so much about going so fast? Isn't the whole point of life to try and enjoy it a little?

    This morning, the nicest thing happened. Time slowed down. Have you ever noticed that sometimes, the minutes fly by, while other times they crawl? Well, for once time slowed when I wanted it to- the middle of the night and early morning. I wake up periodically in the night, and when I did and checked my clock, I was pleasantly surprised to find that I still had several hours in which to sleep. So when I got up, I was more rested.

    My hair is getting really long. Part of me wants to cut it, because it's such a bother, but that little vain part of me wants to keep it. It's just over halfway down my back now, and it looks like fire waving in the sunlight; gossamer strands of gold and copper bound together in a lock. Perhaps I'm stuck up about it, but it's one of the few things I can honestly say I like about me.

    I started something I call a random thought journal. I tend to think of really neat things, or of stuff I have to do, and then forget it entirely a few seconds later. I bought a little spiral notebook and started recording the random thoughts in it. Perhaps one day I shall make a scrapbook out of it. *ponders*

    Well, I ought to go run my errands. Journal writing is quite therapeutic, though. Incidentally, who has an online journal or diary somewhere else? Will you link it in a post?

    Popping up like a psychotic jack-in-the-box to get the Oldbies off their rocking chairs on the EoFF Assisted Living Home's porch >=D

  8. #38
    ☆carrot☆ Linus's Avatar
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    Asorie, I'm using this as my new online journal. =D

    August eleventh.

    Well, didn't have any school today, so that's a plus. Woke up around 10 AM this morning, and did my usual browsing of EoFF, TWMB, etc. I played a little Unreal, watched a little tv... the ideal day. Then around 2 I'm forced to go to college seminar about financial aid. Woohoo. 2 hours later, I'm 800 bucks poorer, and pretty tired. Then we go golfing, woohoo. We just got back. So... yep.

  9. #39
    *permanently smitten*
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    yay! it's the jets and the sharks!

    i want to be in america
    OK by me in america
    everything free in america
    for a small fee to america

    that is all.

  10. #40
    ORANGE Dr Unne's Avatar
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    I read mostly everything in this thread, Asorie.

    August 11, 2001 10:26 PM

    I am incredibly tired. Sometimes I think I have some sort of sleep disorder. How can I be tired all the time when I sleep for 10 hours a night?

    ..I'm trying to think of stuff to type that won't freak everyone out. The stuff I type in my regular journal isn't the kind of stuff I should type here. Ah well. I'll type some mundane stuff.

    My day. I woke up at 11:30. I ate something, I think. I waited till my father woke up, then he drove me to work. Work always passes quickly. I daydream a lot. Daydreaming always makes the time fly, and it's rather enjoyable to do, too. Everyone should do it. I came home from work, ate something else, I think, and came here, and posted some. Then my parents talked to me about some stuff, and I argued a bit about life and whatnot, then I ate some more. Now I'm typing this. Next, I'll go to sleep. I have to get up early tomorrow, which I don't like doing, but such is life. Only eight more days of working, then it's back to college.

  11. #41
    Recognized Member Britt's Avatar
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    Type what you would normally type, Unne. There's nothing wrong with freaking people out. ^^

    I'm in the middle of another one my annoying little non-ambitious blahs. I'll get the perfect idea, start on it, and then say.. nah, this is a lame idea. Very boring. That's always been going on for me, but lately, it is so much worse. Baaaah. And Bah again.

    I wish I were more ambitious. I'm incredibly ambitious, but at the same time, I am so not ambitious. I can't even explain it. *seppuku*

  12. #42
    Got obliterated Recognized Member Shoeberto's Avatar
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    August 12, 2001 1:20 AM (darn it, I have to stop posting so early in the morning!)

    Today I went to my g-ma's house early. It was okay, though a bit boring at times. But there was a storm to make up for that.

    Right now, I'm in chat, and us EoFF inbreds are figuring out the family tree. And Britt opped me for...5 minutes? Sweet. Oh, and Del Snizz finally turned up online! Huzzah! Now, I must get back to my family and kung-fu battles. See ya!

  13. #43


    Captain's Log Stardate 12-8-01

    Captain Burt S. Plurt (umm....)

    We are entering the neutral zone. Great.

    Anyway, went out last night to see some bands and 1 band was actually pretty good. The singer had an amazing voice - very powerful, great range, intense. I look at our band and realise all is not well.

    I've just come back from some kind of family do celebrating my cousins 2nd birthday, but I left after 40 minutes. I just sit there in abject silence not looking too happy (can't stand people who say, "Cheer up" and, "Smile, it might never happen" - why should I hide my unhappiness? I don't want to be polite) and then left. Whats the point in being there if nobody talks to you? Saying that, I do like my family... Maybe I'm just tired from last night.

    Other than that things are good.

    Log ends

    BTW - Mods / Admin. Are you going to make a new thread for each day / week or something. Make this thing a bit more organised? Otherwise we could have innumerable posts in this one thread soon and most of them are quite long.

  14. #44
    Silent Emotion Rainecloud's Avatar
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    I'll summarise 2 days...


    Talked with Rydia of Mist for about an hour on MSN, unfairly bombarding her with most of my personal problems and opinions. Wrote an e-mail to hopefully clear things up and apologise. I think I'm becoming far too open on the internet, and I'm wondering whether I should try to be more introverted. If I don't, I may upset someone and get into some trouble. I was far too negative when talking with her...I couldn't seem to focus on anything positive, because I can't think of anything positive to focus on...

    Went to see Final Fantasy, The Spirits Within, and thought it was reasonably enjoyable. I don't consider it to be a Final Fantasy, it's just a good film with a mildly interesting storyline. Bought the soundtrack just to listen to the incredibly talented Lara Fabian sing "The Dream Within" which got me very emotional...


    Talked with my long time net friend and best buddy Sephiroth 1999ad about many being why he left this wonderful forum. Apparently, he was being bullied/flamed into leaving. This has greatly upset me, and I'm wondering what to do about it. We also discussed the possibilites of what "The &%^&* room" and "the &(*&)^)* Pizza" actually mean in Final Fantasy VII. Possibilities include "The Gay pizza, The Whore pizza, the slut pizza, the s**t room and the F-word pizza" none of which fit...

    Hours later, I am still laughing at our conversation about the room and pizza...

    Work again tomorrow...*Negative thoughts and feelings appear in head* oh dear, I've just decided I can't be bothered to go to work tomorrow...but I have to. Well, that's life for you.

    I'm here in EoFF, thinking about what to do...which threads to reply to...who to pm and have a nice conversation with...It's a lovely place here. I'm glad I'm a part of it.

    Oh, and Asorie, of course people read all of these threads...well I personally do.
    "As the days go by, we face the increasing inevitability that we are alone in a godless,
    uninhabited, hostile and meaningless universe. Still, you've got to laugh, haven't you?"

  15. #45
    is very female. Recognized Member Daryl's Avatar
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    Sunday, August 12, 2000 - 3:00 PM CST

    I'm not really in a good or bad mood right now. I'm rather tired, so I'm just kind of here. I always like it when I feel like this, it's almost euphoric; almost seems like I'm watching myself go throughout the day from an internal distance...if that makes any sense.

    I have loads of spam email I need to delete, but I'm far too lazy. So, I'm surfing the fora and in chat, which is mostly dead.

    My great-aunt Juanita is in the hospital again, perhaps for the last time. Last night she was taken there because she couldn't breathe. She's been sick and in pain for a long time now, so, in a perhaps odd way, I almost hope that it is her time to go, just so her pain stops.

    Nothing else really has happened to or for me, so, yeah.


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