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Thread: The Journal Thread (August)

  1. #46
    ☆carrot☆ Linus's Avatar
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    Daily entry time thing. August twelfth.

    Woke up around 11:15 and immediately hit the chat. Not sure what we were discussing, but it was fun. Then I played Unreal Tournament for a couple of hours, and then went school shopping. I got some binders, some paper, and other generally uninteresting school supplies. Then we went out to eat at IHOP. I had some pancakes and eggs and stuff. Now I'm home, and have to do homework for evil Mrs. McCants.

  2. #47
    *permanently smitten*
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    so the germans are germans, but not all the foreigners are germans, but they are mostly germans, and a few are not. but a lot of them have banjoes. which are funny, but having a banjo is not a redeeming quality. hm...*ponders*.

    now for verse two:

    Automobile in America
    Chromium steel in America
    Wire-spoke wheel in America
    Very big deal in America...

  3. #48
    The Forbidden Fruit HighSorceressDelial's Avatar
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    Dates seem to slip by me now...I even had to stop to think of what month it was.
    I've been depressed for about 5 months now which hasn't been pleasent.....the weird thing is my parents don't even know....I'm not around them much and don't really ever talk to them. I've been so distracted, not with anything around me, but my mind keeps wandering off to different thoughts and memories. I can't get rid of it...every day it seems like more things adding up, more to think about, which makes things even harder. What I don't get is how people can push their emotions to the side, just forget about them, because that's really what I need to do right now but I have no idea how. Everything reminds me of something that I try desperatly to forget. It seems like the only thing I am living for anymore is my dreams, either I can't remember them or they are good dreams.
    My body isn't taking this to well times I'll go days with out eating because I feel so sick that I can't eat. I've become weak to the point of I'm not able to stand for more than 5 minutes if it's hot out. Today I was at a church picnic and every time I stood up I felt like I was going to faint. I've had to leave work early many times because I was unable to do anything while there.
    ...sorry for complaining so much, I know a lot of people have it much worse than me...


  4. #49

    Default 8-13-01, 1:16 AM

    August 13, 2001
    1:16 AM

    Wow, I can't believe I didn't find this forum sooner. I've been reading and posting in the FF I-IV forum so long, I just haven't been taking the time to read this one.

    Well, here I sit, 6 1/2 hours before I have to be at the High School for Cross Country practice, and I just can't sleep. I need some sleep before practice, otherwise I'm gonna end up running the workout in 30:15 or some other ungodly slow time. The Clapton I;m listening to right now probably isn't gonna help *switches to Realjukebox, chages song to the Beatles* That's better.

    Classes start a week from Wednesday, and I'm in danger of not graduating on time if I don't pull my act together, which means I better move my @$$ on my required courses this year, but I can still slack a little bit on the electives. As long as I graduate on time, that's all that matters right now. I have a few friends who didn't make all their credits last year, which meant they had to go back and take them this summer, and I don't wanna have to do that.

    On a better note, the Marching band is looking good this year, we already have a good chunk of our show learned. We could possibly even win a few compititions this year. That would be a first for the school.

    Well, maybe tomorrow (or later today, depending how you look at it), my post will be a bit more upbeat, what with practice starting, and Stacey gettin home tonight from Texas. Till Later.


  5. #50
    Oh my dear Doctor Recognized Member Wyllius's Avatar
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    Another Day at Work.

    Part 1:
    Woek up late at 7am and rushed to work, at best estimate, I got 4 hours sleep at night.

    Got here to find loadsa work for me to do in my lab so I'm happy being busy.

    Edit to that. Another dice with death today, as a gas line ruptured and nearly set my face (not important) and my hair (MY FREAKIN' HAIR, GOOD GOD !) on firey fire burnness. So I had to fill out an incideny form over that and get a new bloody gasline and test that then recommence my tests, not at best estimate, I'm busy with this till tomorrow evening.

    Work Sucks.

  6. #51
    Prinny God Recognized Member Endless's Avatar
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    8/10 (end)

    My g/f called me. I love these moments.
    *holds her gently*


    Stayed at home.
    Brother came during the afternoon.
    got my psx back.
    Made a funny situation when me and my g/f were hiding our "priviledged moments" between normal conversations.


    Still at home, quiet sunday.
    Finished watching Lodoss.
    Chatted during the afternoon, and got called again *G*
    Had some fun in the chatroom.

    I'm sad for Danni though. *hugs her*

    8/13 (morning)

    Chatted with my g/f. We plotted to kidnap each other.
    Now she's sleeping, while I'm supposed to be working.
    *agrees with Wyll* Plus I'll add : "and so does the atlantic"

    And then there is Death

  7. #52


    Phew..... I've just read all the entries on this page.... quite a variety.

    Now I feel like I should try and make this make sense, if people are actually going to read it.

    Anywho... I haven't been online for a couple of days, so lots of new posts to reply to today. I got back from my friends a few hours earlier, we played Unreal Tournament and Carmageddon II quite a bit. I'm borrowing Ultima Online, it doesn't need the disc, so.... It's mine, now, even after I give it back. I've never tried online games before, even though I could have.... I don't know why.... I'll try Unreal online tomorrow (Linus: do you play online?), and I'll also try to find the install disk for my very old Voodoo2 card. I'm pretty bad at it, but I think I'll enjoy it, even if it's just because I get to taunt people a lot.

    I saw American Beauty a coupla days ago... I'm not axactly an expert in films but I thought that it was pretty darn good. I liked it. Also saw Pleasantville yesterday.... not too bad... it's obviously one of those films made to make you feel happy, but... I thought it was good.

    And I'm getting a tad bored of Breath of Fire IV. It's good, but... meh, I suppose I don't like RPGs as much as I liked to think I did. Oh well. I still like it, but FF remains my favourite.

    Well, that wasn't exactly a deep entry, but... my back hurts, so I'll try and be more... er.... something... next time.

  8. #53
    Great Shoe Panda Nyke's Avatar
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    7:56 PM

    w00! I'm out of summer school! w000000t!

    Goodness. I will never take summer school again. I'm SO glad to know that tomorrow morning, I won't have to wake up at 6:00 AM. -_- I know I failed it, but having gone through it once, I should do much better next year. Not the way I would have preferred it to turn out, but oh well. I'll work with what I've got.

    I just called my best friend R, and the way things work out she'll be able to go to King's Dominion with my group of friends on Thursday. 'Twill be a blast. Hopefully my other two friends will be able to come, too. *crosses fingers*

    On the side, I've considered on and off the idea of keeping an e-journal--not here, but on disk using MS Word. Lately I can't bring myself to keep a journal (especially since I feel no 'kinship' with the one I have right now--and if I feel no connection to my journal, I can't write in it). I'm so often on the computer, though, it'd be fairly easy to keep. And I'd periodically print out the documents so that I'd also have a hard copy of my entries. 'Tis an idea, and one that I'll have to think about a little bit before I start it.

  9. #54
    ORANGE Dr Unne's Avatar
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    August 13, 2001 8:11 PM

    When every day is pretty much the same, time goes very quickly. I've yet to decide whether that is a good or bad thing. My guess would be... bad. But whatyagonnado.

    What else can I say? Six more days of work. I guess I'm glad about that. I guess.

  10. #55
    is very female. Recognized Member Daryl's Avatar
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    Monday, August 13, 2001 - 7:50 PM CST

    Not only was it a Monday, but Monday the thirteenth. Sigh.

    I knew I should've stayed in bed.

    First I woke up a little late and when I realized what time it was, barely managed to shower, dress and make it to work two minutes late. Meh. Fortunately, I beat my boss there, so I wasn't in any trouble.

    Work today sucked. Not only do I have to put up with training the new girl (who is a TOTAL MORON thankyouverymuch.. sigh), but as she learns, MY work lessens and I'm bored (she'll be taking over when I go back to college). I only work there 9 more days, w00t. Oh, 7; two days I'm at the hospital for my regular happy medical things.

    I'm in a pretty good mood today, despite work sucking. I'm pleased at the response I'm getting for the CD projects! It makes me smile to see that I may make some impact on this board which has made impace on my life.

    I don't have anything else coherent to say, so, yeah.


  11. #56
    Got obliterated Recognized Member Shoeberto's Avatar
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    8-13-01 9:15 PM

    I almost didn't get on the net today. I've been kinda absorbed with my FF5 and 6 roms. I'm gonna start going to bed earlier, seeing as how school is in less than two weeks. I wanna be in good condition for it, so no more late-night chatting for me

    Today was decent. My sis was gone most of the day. We had a storm here, too. But around 7:00 AM my cat decided to jump up on my bed an crawl all over me for a while, then my sister woke me up earlier than she usually does.

    w00t! Friday, the county fair starts up. Sometime between now and then, I'll start up a thread about fairs and carnivals and all that good junk. Cool stuff

    Not much else to report...well, I do still have to go to 7th grade orientation Thursday night, then Friday my cousin's coming to my house until next Thursday.

    That's about it right now.

  12. #57
    Don't Wish Life Away Mahal Kita's Avatar
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    8/13/01 &:20 PM PDT

    Today, was full of s***!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Absolute crap. School wasn't fun, I couldn't get ahead on my game and don't want any help on the piece of s***, my earings were falling off, my computer is f***ed up, since it froze, and I had to restart it. What a 'pretty good' day it has been for me. Now I feel like I'm sick of it. I need to fight my brother as soon as he comes home for any past, present or future bragging about crap. I'll go see if there's anything good to do, rather sit on my ass and suffer this hell, or do something entirely, different.

  13. #58
    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    Undying Angel, a quick note: Delete some of your PM's! Like, around fifty or so. You've reached the limit, and I can't send you anymore. I've tried to send ya at least three so far...

    Dear Diary,

    I'm thinking about starting a little site of my own, purely with letters to people that I know. It could be choc-filled with private stuff that they'll never read unless they're either hackers or I let them know about it. It'd be like a diary, only, I could make it kinda personal. I always thought I should write some letters to people, so that should I spontaneously combust, people can find out exactly what I thought of 'em. Heh.

    Life has been better, but then again, it has been worse. Or, at least, I've dealt with it in worse ways... that could be a bit closer to the truth.

    Today, Emma was online at the same time as me... and I didn't talk to her at all. That's the first time that has ever happened. EVER... it was kinda sad, but I still think we both need our space. I chat to her friends more than I chat to her now... it's nice to have people that can keep me in control of myself though. Thanks Sprite and also, some people have been trying to flirt with me. It makes me feel kinda sick, and that's way odd for me. I usually love flirting, but now it feels like I'm being unfaithful to the girl I don't even have. Gawd, I'm pathetic.

    I'm getting closer to a lot of people, but I've noticed I'm drifting from others... sad. I'm getting closer to all the people I never knew... but now that I think about it, I guess talking about why would just repeat my previous entry to this thread, so I won't.

    Had a good day overall. I won against Sammy in chess... that's four victories in a row in Statistics class! Wonderful. Though, I know that I'm only playing people that aren't too hot themselves, but I'm willing to play someone else someday... when I get the hang of the game again. Been a while.

    Uh... yeah, that's all I got right now. Oh, had some nice chats with Locky and Ashi lately. They're so gwate. Thanks, both of ya. And my PM'ers... Usa, Britt, Asorie (still waiting, should you find some time, Ang ). Those people, and Sprite, have made my life a little less crap. *hugs* Nothing like people who are always there for you. But those are the people who do it without any effort from moi. Dandy.

    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

  14. #59

    Default 8/14/01, 12:16 am

    August 14, 2001
    12:16 am

    What a fun fun day this has been...not really, but I guess it wasn't as bad as it could've been.

    About 6 hours after I went to bed last night (this morning, whatever), and only about 4 1/2 or 5 after I went to sleep, my mom woke me up to see if I needed a ride to practice. I accepted, seeing as she had to work in the office at 8, the same time practice started, and it was 7:45. At least XC is one of those sports where you can come to practice in nothing but a pair of shorts and some shoes, and nobody gives a rat's @$$...

    My first surprise of the day came when I showed up to practice. WE HAVE A HUGE TEAM THIS YEAR!! My second surprise came in the first meeting of the year. As it turns out, not only does Coach Thomason want us to win a couple meets this year, he wants us to take home BOTH the Men's and Women's Conference titles, and qualify BOTH teams for the state meet while we're at it. Lofty goals, considering we've finished 5th (Guys and Girls) in the WaMac Conference the past two years, and had one individual state participant over those two years. Taylor's running in his usual school-record-setting form again this year, and we have Carl, a freshman, running with Taylor in practice. If they can both keep it up by the time Conference and Districts roll around, we just might be state bound.

    After practice today, I went over to Stacey's house to see her for the first time in a month and a half that she was gone in TX...third surprise, I was only allowed to stay for 10 minutes or so, because she had so much stuff to do. Oh well, at least she knows I'm still alive.

    So after I got home, I sat around on my arse and played my FFI and FFIV roms for about 2 or three hours, then I called Stacey, she had an eye appointment to go to, but we still talked for quite a while.

    After I got off the phone with her, it was time to take a shower and head off to work to make pizzas. I knew Brian was back from vacation, which meant KITCHEN CLEANING DAY, but surprisingly, most everything was done when i got there at 5. The grill had been torn down and completely degreased, the walk-in was cleaned out thoroughly, all that was left was fixing the leak in the sink, and I was assigned to that. Could've been much worse.

    All in all, a decent day, it starts all over again in 6 1/2 hours. Time for bed.


  15. #60
    The Forbidden Fruit HighSorceressDelial's Avatar
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    Today has been like all the others except right at this very moment I feel really calm...I'm not sure why though. It also seems like for the first time I actually belong here, like I'm not just some outsider that's looking in through the snow covered window at a big feast with family all around and a warm fire burning. But now I'm inside, and out of the cold.

    My dog ran away today, but we got her back by opening the car door, she loves car rides so she just jumps right get captured....


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