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Thread: The Journal Thread (August)

  1. #61

    Default 08-13-2001

    Today was okay. My days always start at midnight because I stay up to talk to my boyfriend when he gets to work. Right now; I'm on 08-14-2001; but I won't be posting about it until tomorrow.

    I chatted with my boyfriend (it feels weird to say that; but a good kind of weird) when he woke up. While he was on his way to work, disaster threatened to strike. Luckily, though, things worked out okay in the end. But, for that time, I was very upset. When he got to work, I talked with him some more for a few hours about what was going on, and then just random fun things. I love him so much...he always makes me stop being so serious and play a little.

    I'm still feeling horrible about Coach leaving. I don't want to be the one to run FFLegend...but...I know that one day Coach will come back. He has to.

    I had an idea for a new that I might be able to get published in spite of my age. It's going to be in the standard "best seller fiction" genre. Meh. Basically; a novel I wouldn't really read myself. But...I have a reason for wanting to get published. If I'm an author of any merit with a book that makes the NYTimes list at ANY level...I can live where ever I want to live.

    I talked to another writing agency today. Another rejection on an agent when they found out I'm not 21 yet. Still...all my rejections have been positive. They like my work; it's my age they aren't crazy about.

    Went over to Vicksburg and hung out with my dad for a little while. For once, we were able to talk about the state of my arms without fighting. I think he's starting to understand that I don't know why I do what I do. Also, it helps that I got my cast off today and I haven't done anything. Go me. Been a week Saturday since I picked up a blade. I don't know if I'll be able to resist if things get bad again...but...for now; I think I'll be alright.

    Told my "brother" about my boyfriend. I really kind of expected a hesitant "are you SURE about this? Think about the last two times..." from him. Instead, I got a really good response about him being happy and thinking this might not be a Bad Thing (TM).

    I almost understood part of the French article system while studying it earlier. I caught a glimmer of the idea...and then got confused. But; there IS hope. I've been practicing writing sentences in French. I can *usually* get understood; but I'm often incorrect in the way to say it. I'm learning, though. I still can't speak French very well. It's because of the Southern Accent. Meh.

    I had fun at work. Well; I did for a while. When I first got in, I had to restock EVERYTHING. That was fun because I'm a perfectionist and I enjoy putting everything in order...except my apartment. Meh. I really should clean on my next day off. I accidentally got locked in the cooler for three hours. I was back there with the Beer Man going over the new inventory and checking off everything. We finished fairly quickly and he started stocking everything in its place. I went to another part of the cooler to restock some of the milk and juice drinks. He thought I had gone out of the cooler, so when he got done, he locked the door behind him. I was still inside, though. I decided to make the most of it and restock EVERYTHING and then rearrange the ENTIRE cooler in a better order. That took the first two hours. Once I was done with that, I got bored. I took an empty carboard box and set it on fire in an attempt to warm up a little and started wondering if they were going to find me. I daydreamed about things for a while. Thought about how great things will be once my boyfriend and I are together. I even thought about a little cottage-style house for us in a place in one of the pictures he showed me. Finally, I started having a nicotine fit, so I lit up a cigarette and set another box on fire. Wound up setting off the store's fire alarms. Whoops. But; that got me found. *g* My manager thought the entire situation was incredibly funny. I told her that if I was going to get in trouble for setting a fire in the cooler and smoking in the store, SHE ought to spend three hours locked in the cooler and see what SHE does. She gave me the Official First Warning About Not Smoking In The Store and let me go home.

    I got in, took a HOT bath, washed my hair, fixed a sandwich, and then went for a walk. I like walking late at night. It's quiet. I came back and checked the boards and then started my nightly security tests. Everything is ace. *g*

    My boyfriend came online just a bit ago. He's on his way to work right now. He ought to be back on any minute now. I'll talk to him for a while and then crash out.


  2. #62


    August 14, 2001

    I was fairly sad the last few days. Jon's gone back to college now. So i'm pretty lonely. I miss being able to just pick up the phone to call him, or come online and see him on aim.. i'll be able to do it soon enough but I had some stuff i wanted to tell him last nite and this morning that I can't yet. *sighs* oh well.. an email will have to do for now I spose.

    I've had people to spend time with tho so it's been good. Simon called me again yesterday and amused the hell out of me Then I went out with becca to grab some food, then to the mall, to the movies to see original sin, out to play pool, then for a midnite munchy. During that time i got a few Hilarious voice mails on my celly then I came home and fell asleep.

    Today I have a party to go to later, a going away party for two of my friends. Should be fun

    other than that, things have been about the same as always. Cept one thing.. my mother actually called me and asked ME if I wanted to do something tomorrow.. I almost fell over. It was weird.. I had a dream about her last nite, and today she calls.. heh
    The only stars in my sky are the ones i haven't let fall down yet.

  3. #63



    Woke up to go watch was dead. The battery lasted 2 years though, so that ain't too bad. Work is almost over. We present on thursday and then we are FREE!!!. I am still upset about the whole GF thing but I think I need to try and forget about it till I see her. I can't do anything right now expect drive myself mad, which I already did a couple years ago. Anyway it is cold at work, the AC is too high. But at least the temps outside have dropped. I am suppossed to talk to my gf's best friend tonight over ice cream. Hopefully that will make me feel better. I also finished my personal project so I am psyched. I am also going to see American Pie 2 and the Jay and Silent Bob movie, soon. That should make me happy. That and going to buy new clothes. Wow I sound like a toolbox, meh I probably am, but at least I'm not the only one

  4. #64


    Aug 14th 2001

    I feel kinda silly doing this, but oh well never really did care what "others" thought of me.
    Boss is away for a week so this cat shall play. Getting my work out of the way then doing whatever I feel like it. Its a nice change of pace, I get to go onto EoFF and see whats going on, I should do that more often and talk to more people on the boards, they all seem like nice chaps.

    Might be going to my gf's place in NY, might be fun...I hope it is at least.

    Boy, this pie sure is good (Sweet Potato is yummy for lunch).

    SOmetimes I just sit and listen to music, I've really grown to the piano, I'm practicing it more and more, and only getting better...Maybe I'll submit my work to EoFF, if I get good enough....

    Must help more people....I think that's my calling in life, to help people, maybe not in a dramtic way, but its the little things..........if only people knew the little things...

  5. #65
    Higher Than Jesus Silverlocke's Avatar
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    I considered writing something extraordinarily lengthy, but I don't believe I will. I don't care to subject all of you that. I'll sum up though...

    I'm getting a bit worried. "It"'s been bothering me again...and I don't know if it'll dissipate when school starts, because I'm beaten it all summer. Yes, I know, there are a lot of its. Bear with me, though.

    Everything important is becoming less gray and more black and white. I don't like it. It doesn't seem like that should be the way it is, and I'm worried I'm going to get hit with something, soon. Not cool. The air's wrong...

    Yesterday, in real life, two people told me that they'd rather spent time with me than anyone else. I don't know why that depresses me, but it does. Actually, I kinda do know, but I choose not to share, so nyah!

    Yeah, yeah..I know. I still haven't figured out whether Siamese Dream is an upper or a downer. Certainly Today has the potential to make me cry. That might help, actually, but I have to go babysit tonight, hopefully. Worse things have happened. It's only 3, I'll probably feel better by the time I'm back. Hell, my hair looks cool today. Josh and Jen styled it

    That's actually a bit better already... heheh.

    No matter what your opinion of yourself may be, within every insecure person lies the thought that you are better than s/he.

  6. #66
    is very female. Recognized Member Daryl's Avatar
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    Tuesday, August 14, 2001 - 5:44 PM CST

    Today was such a stressfull day at work! Understaffed, swamped, and just crazy in general. But, it was kinda fun; I like it when I get to stay busy. And the idiot new girl was only in a half day, so all afternoon I was free to get my own work done, and not train her.

    I have to admit that today I was overcome by an enormous fear. I always start imagining symptoms of my illness for a week or so before my regular 3-month checkups, but... I don't know that I'm imagining this time. I won't elaborate on what's wrong with me physically, because none of you would understand the gravity of the symptoms I'm feeling. Let's just say that I'm really scared and all day today have been on edge, and keep going between hysterical laughter and torrential weeping (which is fun to explain at work... fortunately, all my coworkers are gossips, so they just assume I'm having man trouble or a fight with a friend or some such thing; they don't know of my illness). I know I'm stupid to get all freaked about it, but, I can't help it. I know what I went through the last time I battled this disease; I don't know if I have it in me again.

    If I am sick again, I'll have to drop out of school, because I barely handled part of High School with dealing with this. College is so much more busy and challenging, I'd never hack it. I'm already a semester behind in college, this'd set me back another year.

    And, of course, there's the whole fun of MORE surgery... losing my hair again, walking around looking half-dead for another 6-12 months, more needles, having to give myself more shots...

    Oh, yeah; and that whole possibility of death.

    There was a time in my deep depression when I WANTED to die.. or so I told myself. I can most honestly say that I really, really wish to live.

    I'll stop now.


  7. #67
    Got obliterated Recognized Member Shoeberto's Avatar
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    8-14-01 7:16 PM

    Today was good. I got up a lot earlier than usual (about 8:00AM), came downstairs, and downloaded some songs. (don't tell my dad; I was on his buisness phone line, which I'm not supposed to do during the day. I'm bad )

    The day went slowly, and I loved it. At a time I thought it was maybe 3:00, it was only 1:00. I played FF6 a bit, and even got to my favorite part: The opera house. Then I picked up a game I haven't played in a long time, Alundra 2. I worked my way through more of the temple I was in when I stopped playing. I remember that one was frustrating, though today it was fun.

    Just a bit ago, I got back from school shopping with my mom. I got new shoes (my mom was suprised I'm in a 9 1/2 now) a new hat (a pre-size Adidas, which is very nifty) some new khaki shorts, school supplies, and a Blink 182 CD (It was Enema of the State. For the second time in maybe a month, a casheer of the same store has had to ask my mom if it's okay to get it).

    Right now, I'm sitting here, reading an old issue of Expert Gamer, looking at their FF5 strategy for FFA.

    I'm in a very good mood.

  8. #68
    Don't Wish Life Away Mahal Kita's Avatar
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    August 14th, 2001 6:59 PM PDT

    Today was somewhat better than yesterday. Except I had a stomach ache in the morning, which turned into some nausea, to some abdominal cramps and a stomach ache... When I got back home I was ace though. And I'm feeling better now.

  9. #69
    Great Shoe Panda Nyke's Avatar
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    10:28 PM

    'Tis my first day out of summer school. I only slept until 7:30, an hour later than I usually slept before going to school. Kind of weird, but totally like me. I've never been much for sleeping for extended periods of time.

    I spent nearly all of today on my computer, chatting over IM with people (mostly Drex, since the others weren't on) and attempting my first download. My best friend J, from Puerto Rico, called. It was nice to talk to him, and I'm going to call him again Thursday night (to tell him about my KD experience ).

    I finally downloaded Morpheus 1.3. It's really cool; I'm going to have a lot of fun with it. Drex had to come over and help me fix a couple of bugs, though. Other than that, I didn't do too badly. I'm hoping that I'll someday be computer-literate enough to do all this neato stuff (including installing chips, cards, and whatnot) by myself.

    And lastly, my church youth group went spinning today (spinning is excercising on a stationary bike, btw ^_^). I couldn't do the standing stuff; entirely too much for a person who's been trapped in a cold, gray classroom for six weeks, five hours at a time. -_- But it was a good workout, and I'm trying to see if there's a cheap deal out there so that I can get my family on a membership. If it's not fairly affordable, though, it's no go. :/ We can't afford too much.

  10. #70
    *permanently smitten*
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    this is for yesterday:
    "i've been making plans
    (for the future)
    become an unconscious man
    (all for the good)
    i feel so unecessary
    (we don't think so, you seem starshaped)"
    -damon albarn and graham coxon

    i am getting impaitent.
    immigrant goes to america
    many hellos in america
    nobody knows in america
    puerto rico's in america

    that is the verse i find most amusing. sigh.

  11. #71

    Default 8/15/01 12:10am

    August 15, 2001
    12:10 AM

    Well, today was an okay day, practice went well, we got our uniforms, so we're ready to go for pictures, and in less than two weeks, we're at Williamsburg for our first meet. I hope they have a better course this year...

    After practice, I went to Handimart with Bryan to get some fountain Gatorade. Lemon-Lime. Good stuff. I came home and did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING BUT PLAY FFIV for about 4 hours. I then proceeded to sleep for god knows how long.

    After dinner (salmon, good stuff), I called Stacey, and she, Jaime and Jordan all came over. We hung out for a while, then went cruising for a couple of hours. I actually got onion rings when I ordered them at Burger King, and I just got done watching Office Space. Nick's older brother is in that movie, maybe that's why I think it's so funny.

    Tool's on the radio now. I'm going to go to bed while it's still a good day. No work tomorrow. Sweet.


  12. #72
    Oh my dear Doctor Recognized Member Wyllius's Avatar
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    Bad night, talked to Simon for ages after AOL refused to connect me to the internet last night, had a larf.

    Woke up today and my cold symptoms seemed to be gone, however being awake for a short while brought it all back and I feel it beginning to take a hold on me, if I feel really crappy today, I'm going home early to my bed.

    I've got a funy feeling I'll plod along here and take tomorrow and Friday off though.

  13. #73
    Bongo Monkey



    I can tell I'm in for a rough day. The shadow when the bus went under the motorway just around the corner from my office woke me up.

    Somebody feed me caffeine!

  14. #74
    Bong McMond



    This is mostly for last night.

    Last night, for some reason I was in real bad mood. I was meant to go Water Polo training, but I was tired so I decided to go to bed, this was like 8pm. I went online a bit first, as I wanted to set a load of downloads going, but my cable was playing up and I couldnt do anything, this put me in an even badder mood.

    Anyway at 8:30pm I went to bed and a lay there.. it's very hot and I'm having trouble sleeping, so I spend 3 1/2 hours thinking. This was the wrong thing to do. Although (like Unne), I daydream alot and I like it because of me being in a bad mood, I started thinking of bad things. First of all about the past.. the past always makes me feel sad, either because I remember bad things that happened or I remember all the good things which I want back. Now I aint one for remembering the past.. I always tell myself to think of the future, but...well.. I wasnt in a good mood. I then spent about an hour daydreaming of really teriible things happening to my family, like them all getting killed etc.. Now I dont hate my family, this was because, at times like this (once every 8 months or so) I think my life is boring.. and I think of things that would get me noticed and liven it up.

    Strangely enough, when I woke up in the morning I was in a really good mood... prob because I got some sleep and had a good dream.

    Sorry peeps, I'm not normally like that... I hardly ever let things get on top of me, however every 8 months or so I always do this.. think of the past, bad things, I guess it's just all the emotions I pent up (I dont usually let my emotions show in front of other people) coming out.

    Bank to my normal self now though...

  15. #75
    Recognized Member Scottie's Avatar
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    Default August 14th, 2001

    The end of summer is finally starting to hit me. Most of my friends are leaving for college, and saying goodbye to them one by one is getting quite difficult. One friend is moving to Maine tomorrow, and another close friend is leaving at the end of the week. Fortunately, my best friend is staying in town and commuting to college as am I, so that's always something to look forward to.

    I'm so fortunate to find friends here who actually care about what I have to say. Sometimes it's hard to talk to your offline friends about this, but there are a few online friends I can always count on. Thanks guys.

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