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Thread: The Journal Thread (August)

  1. #76

    *yawn* This is For yesterday but still the same

    Well,summer is drawing to an end.It's back to school in a a few weeks.Wow...summer has gone by pretty fast,it seems only yesterday I was running out of the school screaming school's out.I'm actually looking forward to next year thought.Grade 7...hard to believe.It's going to suck in one way though.Our class,which has been together since kindergarden is being split up.I hope I get put with my friends and not the snobs.The snobby girls are so...snobby.Well,tonight,me and Ian rented two Kevin Smith movies,clerks and mallrats which were HILARIOUS!!!!I'm so looking forward to seeing Jay and Silent Bob Stike Back,lol.Today,I decided to leave TFF for a while.I need a bit of time to think.There are other reasons I left,I can't say them here.The weather in Brampton is pretty hot today.I wonder what's it's like down in Newfoundland?I wonder what Steven's doing?Well,i'll be going home in two(count them,two)weeks.
    I'm looking up at the stained sky so my tears don't well up and fall.Why can't people live
    as they wish?I don't want a weak heart that can't cry or the strength not to cry.I'll search for a shooting star to cast my wishes on,but dawn is coming too soon and I won't be able to find one.There's never a day that I have to remember you because I never for a moment forgot you.Whenever I'm sad I have a habit of saying I'm ok.After something stopped that day, no matter how much I pray,I can't see a single star.I want to see you, I want to see you.Your smiling face in my memory is just too kind.There's never a day that I have to remember you because I never for a moment forgot you.I want to see you, I want to see you.Your smiling face in my memory is just too kind...

  2. #77
    Ravishing Introvert Recognized Member Shoyku's Avatar
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    2:31 PM

    Nothing much has happened, I did the regular today slept, ate, and surfed the net, I realize to myself that Summer Vacation has dwindled itself down to a couple more weeks...

    ...Then I think to myself, in another couple weeks I'll be in High school, grade 9. I worry myself about little things such as bullies and how to be "cool"

    As I ponder what's going to happen when I'm in high school I refresh myself with a glass of Pepsi Twist, and I think to myself, Hey it's Pepsi, and it's a lemony twist!

    As this comes to my mind, I decide to go on ICQ and have a debate with my friend a.k.a. Lengis who keeps complaining about how sorcs are overpowered in Diablo II, as I give a counter and tell him how easilly Druids should be nerfed and not sorcs, he just stood there, in Awe, and played some more of the game that I no longer refer to as Fun...

    ...Then I think to myself about the movie I recently saw Called Rush Hour 2, and recalled the Heaven On Earth place, I think to myself how many ways that those women can try to arouse men ...

    ...After this brief thought, I go to a few times and change my mood I can never decide which to choose...

    ...Now I know this entry is getting boring, so this is my last thought, well now I thought to myself, why is it in RPG's that people can just barge into peoples houses and the people don't care? hmm...

  3. #78
    is very female. Recognized Member Daryl's Avatar
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    Wednesday, August 15, 2001 - 5:32 PM CST

    Today sucked. That's all there is to it. Every day at work we get more and more behind. If I didn't have enough to do to try and get my OWN work done (which I'm now WAY behind on), I had to work with stupid new girl again, AND do extra work people kept dumping on my desk. I had to stay a frickin' half hour late, and didn't even take a lunch break. Grrr.

    I really have nothing else to write about. Right now I'm just cranky about work. And it'll only get worse; more people go on vacation tomorrow! Even MORE understaffed! Yay! *random acts of violence*


  4. #79
    Too Damn Old Alixsar's Avatar
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    From whenever it was my computer crashed till now
    Almost 4 PM.

    Well...I figured out why my computer kept freezing when I I fixed that. So now I can post again. Yay! RSL closed my thread (make new rules while I'm gone?? The nerve!!!) but oh well. I'm addicted to this ORPG kinda replaced EoFF while I was gone. Not really. Sorta. Anyways, I'm back and stuff. It'll take me a while before I get used to posting again but oh well. It's like riding a bike....or something. Anyways, I'm gonna go do stuff...and junk. Yeah.

  5. #80


    Well I'm not going to write too much, after writing quite a bit yesterday and the post not working... >=|

    So.... today was weird. First time I've been out for recreation purposes, and I was quite out of it. Not really in the mood for talking to my friends..... I was fine with listening, but.. I had nothing to talk about. They were talking about how they were lairy at school, and what they do at hoem, but I can't, because I do nothing. I'm so boring. *sigh* That got me down, but.... I'm having fun in chat now, I usually feel kind of like an outsider in the chatroom, but people are talking to me tonight, so thanks guys and gals.

    Er.... that is all.

  6. #81
    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    I'm worried about a new and good friend of mine, and an older one too. Both for similar yet entirely different reasons. I hope they're ok... I'm sure one knows who he is, but the other probably doesn't know that I think about him that much.

    I got another e-mail from Emma... finally, why she broke it off. FINALLY! We're still friends... so that's k. I just wonder so much... but I'm happy for now. Just... wondering.

    Well... that's about it, really. *goes off to work*
    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

  7. #82

    Default 8/15/01 11:35 pm

    August 15, 2001
    11:35 PM

    I don't think Coach Freuhling has ever run more than a mile in his life. I have come to this conclusion after finding out at practice today that he, being our strength coach, has set up the Cross Country team to have the EXACT same weight program as every other team at the High School. I'm sorry, but running does NOT require the same kinds of lifts as football. Enough of that. I'll take it up with him tomorrow.

    I'm actually writing before midnight tonight, it's amazing. I might get more sleep tonight than I have gotten in the past week combined. That would be nice, since I have a monster headache goin on. Well, that's waht I get for eating the wings at Outback and hanging out with Jordan all night.

    I saw Jamie today while she was at practice . She's probably the hottest freshman I've ever seen. I wonder if she has a boyfriend...

    Well, I'd better get some sleep. I have to work tomorrow, too.


  8. #83


    August 16, 2001

    Well, the other day we had a going away party for two of my friends. They're twins, and they're leaving for college this coming tuesday. Everyone's leaving really soon. Almost all of my really good friends were at this party and it was really good to see them all again.. however it made me realize that summer's all but over, and they'll all be gone soon.. I might not see some of them ever again. It hit me pretty hard recently, I'm sure it'll get better but I'm new at this splitting up thing, and I'm not liking it. It's so hard to say goodbye to people you've known you're whole life, people who know almost everything there is to know about you.. some who even know you better than you know yourself.

    To add to my sadness, mark was at the party. It felt so weird to be around him with all that's happened between us the last month. It hurt to not talk to him. He's leaving for Chicago Sunday.. then I won't see him again. He's moving there as well as going to school there. Sometimes the human heart amazes me.. it's ability to love, then to discard what it loves so easily amazes and hurts me... as well as confuses me. *sighs*

    On a better note Jon's coming up to spend the weekend with me before his classes start. It's gonna be great.
    The only stars in my sky are the ones i haven't let fall down yet.

  9. #84
    Oh go on then Cz's Avatar
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    Returned yesterday to find internet clogged up with 3 weeks worth of tuff for 8 different sites! counted 683 e-mails, deleted all sent by stupid secret admirer...probably full of porn anyway.
    Woke up at 6:30, my stupid internal time clock has reset to school mode, and beyond. Was looking forward to renting South Park movie(Come to think of it, I HAVE been swearing more often), but had 6 hours to wait...damn!
    Returned to net and chatted to JanGirl about an Animorphs FanFic, meanwhile surfing EoFF.
    Ill sister forced me to obey her every word. Considered putting salt in her cereal. Didn't.
    South Park Movie Ruled! WATCH IT! WATCH IT I SAY! Boredom after that point forced me to return to internet three more times(Including this one)

    Talked to Chris, we moaned about school and the fact that everything is s___ (DAMN MOVIE!).
    Slept...wait, that hasn't happened yet! Oh well...

    Day Rating:5/10---South Park Movie and brief net fun were all that redeemed it. Would get lower but Movie was actually amazing.
    "The most important and recognize player in the history of the country."

    Sometimes I wonder what my life would be like if I were as great as Paulo Wanchope.

  10. #85
    is very female. Recognized Member Daryl's Avatar
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    Thursday, August 16, 2001 - 6:29 PM CST

    Thank GOD tomorrow's Friday. I need a weekend.

    Each day, we get further and further behind at work. Everyone's in a state of perpetual anger/annoyance and I'm sick and tired of the idiot new girl's training/endless questions keeping me from getting my work done. I despise having to stay late. Meh.

    My family gets home tomorrow from living for the last 3 months in Florida. I have mixed feelings about this. I'm glad they're coming home because I've missed my Father, and it means the summer's drawing to an end, and I soon get to return to school. However it's not so cool, because that means from tomorrow until I go back to school, I will rarely have a chance to get online at all. Ah, well. 'Tis only a week; I move back in the dorms August 27th.

    I'm looking forward to the start of school. I've missed my "college friends" and I've missed Oshkosh. That city is so much more fun than where I live.

    Yeah, I'm running out of things to say, so.. this is likely one of my last entries 'til the 27th, when I catch up with a nice, long one.


  11. #86


    Today I did.... bugger all, as usual. I'm really getting into Unreal Tournament now, heh heh. I've been downloading maps for the past hour so I've got new stuff to try tomorrow. I also downloaded some voicepacks from Rainecloud's site. Father Jack: 'Gobtroute!'.

    That's about it really.

  12. #87
    Got obliterated Recognized Member Shoeberto's Avatar
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    8-16-01 8:58 PM

    Today was pretty good. As usual, woke up late and watched SNL. I tried defragmenting the computer, but it kept reseting itself.

    Tommorow, the fair starts. Won't be here much, since my cousin comes Saturday until next Thursday. Plus, since school starts soon, I'm gonna start going to be earlier.

    Earlier tonight I went to 7th grade orientation. Got my schedule, too. I kept telling my mom how I think it's gonna suck this year, but she tried to get my attitude a bit more optimistic.

    Also tonight I told my mom how much I want to learn to play bass guitar. She said it'd be a good idea. I might ask for one for my b-day or Christmas, then get a music book that can tell me the basics.

    Well, I guess I'll be signing off for a while. Not gonna be around too much because of the fair. I'm honestly wondering if any EoFF people would come. Usually people from all over the country come to it. If I remember correctly, it's the second largest county fair in the US. Aceness.

    See you all in maybe a week!

    -Stu (yes, I'm copying off of Daryl. Sue me)

  13. #88
    *permanently smitten*
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    past two days were odd. different. yeah. but maybe not so different after all as i'm still pondering over rosalia and anita's bantering.

  14. #89


    August 16, 2001... 11:26pm

    *giggles* I had a pretty good day. I'm going to have one hell of a phone bill later on tho. *hides* I talked to Jon in virginia for like oh i dunno.. a LOT today.. and then simon called me, and we talked for the good part of an hour. Twas funny.. he makes me laugh so much *waves to cactus and martin* They're currently plotting to get me to England I may have to take them up on it too
    The only stars in my sky are the ones i haven't let fall down yet.

  15. #90
    Being Who Transcended All Black Mage's Avatar
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    Haven't done this in awhile.

    August 17, 2001 2:24am

    Lets see, tosay wasn't much different, nothing special. I woke up around noon. That seems to be normal lately as I am typing this up a about 2:30am anyway. After I ate I got up and well, really did nothing. I sat in my room and played FFT. That seems to be what my life consists of as of late. I don't know, I just feel empty lately, and everything I have feared and pushed away for so long seems to be nailing back harder than before. I'm not sure what to do with it anymore either, aw well, I'm sure I'll get it to work out some how. Soccer is coming up in a manner of days and I figure I should probably do a bit of running to get back in shape, but I can't seem to motivate myself, I'm not sure whats wrong with me lately. Argh, life is confusing, no?

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