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Thread: The Journal Thread (August)

  1. #151
    Recognized Member Britt's Avatar
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    August 29, 2001

    I feel blaaah. xD I'm probably going to walk down to the coffee shop when mom gets home to take care of my sister. I hate having to be stuck watching the brat. xD

    I'll also be watching her tonight, when my parents go out for their typical Wednesday night on the town. However, I use the word "watching" loosely. I'll likely be on the phone with Angela all night, if things work out. xD *sigh* *irresponsible*

  2. #152
    Char, The Red Comet bennator's Avatar
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    Ahhh, back from my first day of classes. (I know it's late, but...). School was such a bore today, the same junk thrown at me from all of my teachers about "Rules and Expectations", don't they think we'd understand by 7th period? Oh well, It'll be hard for me to actually work, I got real homework today, that's depressing. I'd rather play games, or go to the forums, then do homework, but oh well. I still have weekends free. Oh yeah, 10:30 is way early to go to bed, and 6:30 is way early to get up. Friday night there's no football game, it's been moved to saturday so I don't have to march Friday. Yeah, this ends my long, non-coherent rant.
    Grab the opportunities life hands you, that's my motto!

  3. #153


    Phew. Got my forum set up. I'm pretty pleased with it, so far. Avatars are pretty small, though. Bah. I'll try and get some new members and stuff, soon, too.

    I gotta get off the net at 1:00 now.

    The time now.... 1:15. Hmm.....

  4. #154
    ORANGE Dr Unne's Avatar
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    August 30, 2001 12:25 AM

    I only have one class on Thursday and one on Friday this term. It's pretty nice. Since I didn't take Japanese again, I have about 50% of the work I did last year, too. That's also pretty nice. I get to sleep in every Thursday through Sunday now too, since my classes are late. I'm so glad I'm not working at that horrible job any more.

    At the same time, college has many horrible aspects. The people in the room above me play insanely loud music all the time, so it's impossible to study. I have a 3 mile walk uphill every day to get to classes, so my feet are killing me. I haven't been eating right, since I don't have any time, and soon my money is going to run out, so I'll need to get a job, or starve to death, or beg my parents for money (which I doubt they'd give me). My roommates party all the time, getting drunk and whatnot, which is rather annoying. And then there's the general crappiness of being around people of my own age constantly.

    So I guess if I weigh the goods against the bads, the scale is balanced pretty well, possibly leaning toward the negative side. Not that it really matters. Being in a better environment has never helped my mood any. Happiness comes from within.

  5. #155
    Fluttershy Recognized Member Ashi's Avatar
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    I just realized that I haven't posted in this thread since the change; though I meant to.

    This is from my LJ.

    Mood: Hyper.
    Music: Evangelion: EVA-00.

    Yeppers, I'm back! ^_^
    The plane landed very early this morning.
    I remember what I dislike about travelling most, right now; collecting our luggage. It's exhausting! Specially if every suitcase was twice my size or something...okay, I'm exaggerating. The suitcases were extremely heavy! >_<;;. For some reason, I was yelling at Henry to pull the big suitcase, now that is really something twice his size. But it was closer to him, and poor Henry did try to pull it but he couldn't! But a guy standing there thought I was talking to him; pulled it off the belt and set it in front of me. Hee-hee, how nice!
    When we were at the airport in KSA, Mai, Pat and I went shopping along with Sunny. (Shopping in the Duty Free that is). When we were going back to the lounge we heard a call about the flight to Dubai. But our flight was an hour later so we didn't really pay any attention. But we saw alot of people standing in line in front of one of the gates. We looked at the stuff written above the gate and suddenly Mai gasped: "Ohmygosh! That's our flight!!"
    We hurried to the lounge and told our mum's. Mum said to run tell my father (who was in the smoking section of the lounge). He left the lounge then came back and told us that they're saying that the plane just arrived so there was no reason for us to rush to it. But about 15 minutes after that we were all racing to the gate. *Giggles*. As Mai said: "We can't travel without being late for the plane". But we weren't late that time. The only time in our lives!
    Last Monday when we were leaving Dubai; it was the last call for people leaving for Jeddah and my father, uncle and brother were in front of the Cafe getting sandwiches. 0_0;;.
    Anyway; Mai was telling me that she wishes she were going to Malaysia. I told her that I wanted to go there again as well. I wish we do get to all go together some time soon. It's nice to travel with relatives and friends.
    I know, I know I probably bored everybody with all this travel talk; I might still bore everyone with it in all the next few entries but I can't help it! I'm still so hyper. ^_^

  6. #156
    is very female. Recognized Member Daryl's Avatar
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    August 30, 2001 - 7:23 AM CST

    Well, I'm back from my week and a half of absence and I'm so behind in reading threads that I just think I'll wait til I have a day free to read. That includes this one; I love to read the journal entries, but I just don't have time.

    I'm back at school now. Classes start next Wednesday; residents move in next Sunday and Monday. I'm a hall executive this year (Vice Pres. of my hall), so I'm up here a week early power tripping with my meager authority (I HAVE A KEY TO THE OFFICE!), getting lots of training on how to corrupt young minds--er--be a hall leader, and other assorted stuff. We've been putting in 12-14 hr days, so, hence not having time to catch up with EoFF. Meh. I'm looking forward to classes starting just because I'll have more time to slack.

    I had a lot happen in the last week, I'll probably end up putting all that in my next entry, because now I have just a short time before my day begins. But on the bright side, today is only a 12 hour day! Yay! [/sarcasm]

    I know "I'm back" threads aren't allowed, but since this isn't one, I just want to say I've missed you all and I'm really glad that I frightened the internet people here into making my computer work properly. *shares the love in the form of chocolate-chip cookies with you all*

    The mega-long entry on my past week and a half will come later. I hope everyone's having a good week.


  7. #157
    Bong McMond


    Thursday 30th August 2001

    It's my second day at work after returning from my Water Polo tour in Belgium. I've turned up for work early both days, ive actually done some work and I've also tried hard in training.

    The tour was brilliant, 4 days of extreme heat and sun, an out-door swimming pool.. and leisure pool.. plenty of cold water, plenty of games, plenty of fun and... plenty of very fine mainland european women

    We only lost one match, but because of the way the tournament was structured we only finished 4th. Our 2 womens teams did very well. The B team finishing second in the lower division, being beat in the final by our A Team, who finished 1st. Our womens A team, also played in the top division and lost in the final to a very good Belgium club.

    Anyway, apart from that, the people were great and I am now lusting after one of the girls from the A team.

    Bah, peaches and cream..........

  8. #158
    Ribs in flesh. Shattered Chest's Avatar
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    Default Oooooh no,

    I hope I'm not gonna get stuck with this diary stuff, which happened first with FFVIII forum and then with General and EOEO. Oh well, 30. elokuuta, 2001. Life is pretty bad. I just found out that this certain friend of mine is taking drugs and is really depressed or whatever. I dunno, if I'm supposed to help her. We're not even that close. But if she kills herself... then well oh no. I dunno, I guess I'm not good with people. Actually, I'm pretty sure I'm a complete reatard when it comes to relationships and all that stuff. I'm sooo shy. Well not really shy but... I dunno. I just don't know.

  9. #159
    *permanently smitten*
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    three things to say
    1) bgrrrrrrr!
    2) hurray!
    3) viva el futbal!

  10. #160
    is very female. Recognized Member Daryl's Avatar
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    August 31, 2001 - 3:51 PM CST

    Today was Hell.

    That summarizes it pretty well. And I'm really in no mood to elaborate. Let's just say something I've feared for months happened, and it hurt just as much as I figured it would. I'm torn between doing what is probably best for my mental well-being, and doing what I really, really want to do.

    Short and sweet for this entry, I suppose. I need to violently let this out, but I can't, because I have to go to some stupid banquet tonight. At least the dance is optional. God knows I'm certainly in no mood for one of those.


  11. #161
    Got obliterated Recognized Member Shoeberto's Avatar
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    August 31, 2001 6:02 PM

    Wow, haven't posted in this thread for a couple days. I actually am enjoying school now. The first day sucked major arse, but it's better now. I have some homework, but I'll get it done.

    Eyes on Each Other is getting to pessimestic for me. It really sucks when I get home from a great day, go online, and read all kinds of threads with people saying how bad life is. I probably won't be posting in there much anymore.

    I actually am working on my website...somewhat. It's pretty cool. School always motivates me to do website stuff. Cool, eh?

    Gotta go camping this weekend. I got the first book in the Lord Of The Rings today from the school library. I'll end up reading most of that this weekend.

    Life is going great for me.

  12. #162
    Char, The Red Comet bennator's Avatar
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    First week of school is complete. I now know what teachers to hate and which to like. Those who give quizes on the first day over summer reading, and yell at us for not 'studying'. It's good, 'cause I have a lot more freedom now, and I'm with the people who are higher than me who I haven't seen for over a year. It's hard work though. I can kinda skip my hours of Homework this weekend, 'cause the band playhs at a football game this saturday, an hour drive, so I can do it then.
    Grab the opportunities life hands you, that's my motto!

  13. #163
    Fluttershy Recognized Member Ashi's Avatar
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    Mood: Cheerful.
    Music: Christina Agulara * Lady Marmalade.
    After turning off the compy last night...I did not go to sleep. I wasn't sleepy at all! I decided to go through more of my old stuff. I found a couple of sketches that I made last year around this month. And I also found a letter that I wrote to baby Sethy the day he was born. Gawd wasn't I sappy?! I'm not going to write it down here yet ... or ever maybe. =P

    I found a few sketches that I want to re-do. I mean, if her hair was flying why wasn't everything else? xD

    Okay, I came from school about 48 minutes ago. They let us come home early. It was great and I was all smiles. I think I made a new friend. I'm glad. She seems very nice. And she used to be in my Primary school but I didn't know her well, then. She looked familiar...kinda, I think.

    I was all smiles at school! I was like, why are people smiling at me? Then I realize that I am smiling. ^_^;;. Whee. I'm so happy.

    The thing that sucks most is that my best friend isn't in this section of school. Her grades couldn't help her get into science so she got stuck with arts and history. =( I hope she's alright. Her cousin (in my class) said she started crying!! (( *cries*. I miss her. But we'll probably see each other alot at breaks etc.

    It was so hot and humid! >_<;;

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