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Thread: Favorite Simpsons quotes.

  1. #16
    RX Queen Recognized Member kikimm's Avatar
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    Hmm....something about...Jebus.
    --Box Box Box Box

  2. #17
    Camo FOB Yooniece's Avatar
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    "Knife goes in, guts come out."
    난... 왜 사람을 미워하지? us.cyworld (because nobody here would understand the Korean one anyway, right?)

    My life idol in every way since August 2000. Watch her perform her new Japanese single live. =)

    Yooniece: (n) A Korean-Japanese / American geeknerd in clothing.

  3. #18
    Tai-Ti's Avatar
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    Homer: no matter how good you are at something, there is always at leats a million people better than you!
    (a rule that applies to real life!)
    Homer: I can't become a missionary, I don't even believe in Jebus

    Lisa: Dad, what happened to the back seat?
    Homer: I had to sell it for gas money (car stops) WItch i traded for a novelty horn (falls on stearing wheel, and novelty horn plays)

    Wiggum: it just disserpe- it's a ghost car! (stops car) you know there are ghost cars all over these highways.
    Homer: hold me
    Wiggum: only if you hold me.

    Wiggum: two female suspects, one has pearls, a green dress and alot of blue hair
    Homer: Alot of blue hair! haha, what a freak! (pictures a monster)

    School girls: at 7 tonight the games begin, Bart vs Lisa who will win? Their father's fat and their mother's thin, and gandpar simpson reaks of gin!
    Gandpar: hey! (sniffs jumper) that's obession for men!

    Dr Nick: the thigh bone's conected to the....something, the something's conected to thing, the red thing's conected to my wrist watch.....uh oh.

    Mr Burns: oh Smithers, he doesn't even know the meaning of the word gay.

    Mr Burns: some men hunt for sport, others hunt for food, the only thing I'm hunting forrrrrrr, is an outfit that lookss gooooooood........
    seeeeee. myyyyyy, vest! see my vest! made from real gorilla chest, see this sweater, there's not better, than autheintic irish setter, see this has, twas my cat, evening wear, vampire bat! These white slippers are albino african endangered rhino, grizzly bear, underwear, turturle neck's I've got my share, see a poodle of my noodles it's (something in french) like my red robin suit, it comes one breast or 2, see my vest see my vest see my vest!
    Lllllike mmmmmy loafers, former goffers, its wa sthat, or skin my chaufeurs, but a greyhoung fur tuxedo would be besssssst, so lets prepare these dogs (woman: save 2 for matching clogs) see my vest, see my vest, oh PLEASE won't you see my vvveeeeeeessssssstttttttttt!

    there's no I in team, but there is in pie, as in meat pie, and meat is an anogram of team

  4. #19
    Chevron 9 Locked OmegaShenron's Avatar
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    Bart: (answering phone) Joe's Taxidermy. You snuff 'em, we stuff 'em!

    That would be my favourite

  5. #20
    Enlightened Despot SammieBabe's Avatar
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    Grandpa: My Homer is not a communist. He may be a liar, a pig, an idiot, a communist, but he is not a porn star.

    Grandpa: Dear Mr. President, There are too many states nowadays. Please eliminate three.
    P.S. I am not a crackpot

    Marge: Grandpa, this flag only has 49 stars on it
    Grandpa: I'll be deep in the cold, cold ground before I recognize Missourah!

    I love Grandpa...

  6. #21


    Quote Originally Posted by Parvus Edea
    Marge: Grandpa, this flag only has 49 stars on it
    Grandpa: I'll be deep in the cold, cold ground before I recognize Missourah!
    Grandpa just may be the smartest character on the show. :/

    One of my favorites:

    Ralph: This tastes like grandma.
    *Chief Wiggum takes the tomacco and eats some*
    Wiggum: You're right! This does taste like grandma.

    Good times...
    lol signature

  7. #22
    White Mage Fanboy Light Mage's Avatar
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    #ERROR tone#
    The fingers you have used to dial are too fat.
    To recieve a special dialing wand, please mash the keypad with your palm: Now.
    My Cure spell brings all the boys to the yard,
    And they're like: "It's better than yours."
    Damn right, it's better than yours!
    I could Heal you, but I have to charge.

  8. #23
    Enlightened Despot SammieBabe's Avatar
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    And who could forget....

    Mayor Quimby: Can't we have one meeting that doesn't end with digging up a corpse?

    Mayor Quimby: I stand by my racial slur.

    Leonard Nimoy: I think this vessel could do at least warp 5.
    Quimby: Yes, and may the force be with you.
    Leonard Nimoy: Do you even know who I am?
    Quimby: Of course I do. Werent you one of the little rascals.

  9. #24
    Summoner of Nessie Brian The Pink Shark's Avatar
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    [The simpsons are in church]

    Homer: Oh boy here comes the collection plate
    (Homer puts coupon in the plate)
    Marge: 30 cents off Shake n' Bake? HOMER!
    Homer: We can spare it Marge, we're blessed.

  10. #25


    Bart playing with a switch blade, Australia episode
    Man:"Thats not a knife this is a knife" man pulls out a spoon
    Bart: "Thats not a knife thats a spoon"
    Man: "I see you've played knifey spoony before"

    Kent Brockman: "A bloody end for Homer just one of several possible outcomes according to our computer simulation. Now here is how it would look if the police killed him with a barrage of baseballs."

    Homer to Mr. Burns: Go ahead. Call the hounds or the bees or the hounds with the bees in their mouths so that when they bark they shoot bees at you."

    Grandpa: "I used to be With IT. But then they changed what IT was. Now what I'm with isn't IT, and what's IT seems scary and wierd. It'll happen to YOU."

    Homer: "I'm not normally a religious man, but if you're up there, save me, Superman!"

    Wiggum: "Lemmie tell you what I tell everyone who comes in here, the police are powerless to help you."
    Now for some words of wisdom:
    Always remember that you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else.....hmmm wait just a minute.

    Everyone makes mistakes. The trick is to make mistakes when nobody is looking

    "I get to go to lots of overseas places, like Canada."
    - Britney Spears, Pop Singer

  11. #26


    Marge : I'd thought we'd discuss when we make big Purchases...
    Homer : You bought all those fire alarms without me and we havent had one fire .......

  12. #27
    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    Forgot one of the best ones.

    Homer: Hello, My name is Mr. Burns. I believe you have a letter for me...
    Post Officer: Okay, Mr. Burns... what is your first name?
    Homer: I don't know...
    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

  13. #28
    diafnaoplzkthnxbai NeoTifa's Avatar
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    in psy's panties <3


    Homer~ "English?! Psh. Who needs that?! I'm never going to England!"
    Oh gods, why? ಥ_ಥ

  14. #29


    I'll go with the most simple of quotes and it came from bart

    Eat my shorts and that's all i'm stiking to it...
    I have the skill..the knowhow on how to steal hubcaps from the cops!...

    this is where I'm from...

  15. #30
    White Mage Fanboy Light Mage's Avatar
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    My cat's breath smells like cat food.
    My Cure spell brings all the boys to the yard,
    And they're like: "It's better than yours."
    Damn right, it's better than yours!
    I could Heal you, but I have to charge.

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