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Thread: Excessive Partying

  1. #1
    Camo FOB Yooniece's Avatar
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    Default Excessive Partying

    It's a gnarly night filled with at least 50 young, hot-blooded beauties roaming around my house while the Grey Goose flows like ambrosia... and I've locked myself in my room to post on EOFF (actually I'm online so I can look up more cocktail recipes).

    The hot dude in the living room looks like freaking Ian Somerhalder while the chick my friend Amy brought is a dead ringer for Anna Nicole (skinny) Smith. Somebody was doing body shots by the pool, and before the men drank it all, keg stands were happening by the minute.

    I keep telling the idiots who brought over the poorly-concealed bong not to smoke inside my house but they don't listen and keep attempting to find a quiet spot where they can roll a j and have at it.

    The 20-somethings with their perfect hair and perfect bodies and perfect lives are roaming around looking for their potential one-night standers... and I've been making house rounds to make sure none of them cum on any of my furniture.

    Chaotic. The energy of youth is amazing.

    And I think I'm getting tired of this [img]/xxx.gif[/img][img]/xxx.gif[/img][img]/xxx.gif[/img][img]/xxx.gif[/img]. Blacking out from Cosmos on weekends and burning out from books on weekdays. It wears on body and mind, and eventually it becomes apparent that every party is meaningless. (Enter Emo Queen, who cuts her wrists and writes a villanelle in blood) It's fun, but after nearly 6 years of this I'm ready to retire. No 40-something Sex in the City girl partying for me.

    And now the topic of the post. Anyone out there just want to settle down and be "old," or live a steady, quieter life, regardless of your age?

    Yeah, okay. Give this party another 2 hours and the scent of vomit will begin wafting from the bathroom floors and the bushes.
    난... 왜 사람을 미워하지? us.cyworld (because nobody here would understand the Korean one anyway, right?)

    My life idol in every way since August 2000. Watch her perform her new Japanese single live. =)

    Yooniece: (n) A Korean-Japanese / American geeknerd in clothing.

  2. #2
    Meat Puppet's Avatar
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    grey goose is a leadbelly song

  3. #3
    Pat Fenguin Xaven's Avatar
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    I don't want to be old, but I am looking forward to moving out to a big city like Seattle. I like solitude, cold, rain, small apartments, jobs at big ol' corporations, and cities so I think I would be happy there.

  4. #4
    The Bearded One Tasura's Avatar
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    I like my res, if i wanna get drunk i walk to the other side of the room, if i wanna get really drunk i walk about 3 feet down the hall, but me being the nerd i am, dont get drunk....yet haha, when im 19 the pup shall know my name! And on the topic of this, settling down is a sign of sanity, therefore i doubt i will settle down.

  5. #5
    YOU BOYS LIKE MEXICO?! Jowy's Avatar
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    I like enjoying my youth. I'm not one for drinking and excessive partying myself, but I have a good time at the occasional drunken party.

  6. #6
    permanently mitten
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    I'm clinging onto my youth like there's no tomorrow. I'm living the good life and I appreciate the fact that if I don't do the whole partying/clubbing/staying up all night right now while I can get away with it, I won't have a chance to do so in the future.

    But getting absolutely pissed, sleeping with random people, and vomiting all over the place has never been my idea of fun. More like idiotic if you ask me.

    I love the College life. But me and my friends know how to be wildly collegiate without getting absolutely messed up in the process.

  7. #7
    Gamecrafter Recognized Member Azure Chrysanthemum's Avatar
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    Go Seattle!


    I've never been one for the party scene, I've always felt that the atmosphere you so masterfully described to be somewhat decadent, self-indulgent, and self-destructive.

    Frankly, I think there's plenty to do without having to be surrounded by throngs of people destroying one's home. Admittedly, high introversion probably plays some part in this decision, but there is much in the way of fine arts and other enjoyments that can be undergone with or without friends that don't require cleaning people's reproductive fluids off of the couch later.

  8. #8


    i feel old but i need to party. My lack of attending partys saddens me ;( damn antisocial working hours - friday & saturday nights
    Making a slow come back since 2008

  9. #9
    dizzy up the girl Recognized Member Rye's Avatar
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    I like my youth, but I'm not a partier at all. xD

  10. #10
    Banned Destai's Avatar
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    I love the party scene if I can manage to relax, make convo and enjoy myself. Nothing better than a good party.

  11. #11


    Settling down would suit me just fine. But I think I'm already settled in the sense that you're talking about. I was never a drunken jock/prep to begin with. I guess I haven't really lived

  12. #12
    toothpaste kisses Resha's Avatar
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    No parties for me...yet. And we'll leave it that.

    But even if I were to party, I seriously doubt I'd enjoy anything like this...I'd feel awkward and scared and it's not something I've been exposed to and taught to go to. My parents would have a fit.
    This subliminal message could be meant for YOU. But it's probably not. Move along ;D

  13. #13
    Howdy. Shaun's Avatar
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    I'm not much of a partier. I hate alcohol, I'm not a drinker; there's no reason to drink just to 'get pissed'... And here in England, it's far worse, especially when you're in the Manchester area. Yes, here I am again, complaining about England. Why was I born here of all places..?

    Oh, and sure, I love to have a fun time with friends. But I just don't see how drugs are alcohol are going to help achieve that. I don't have much against the occasional drinker, but drug addicts are losers.

  14. #14
    Being Pooh. Chris's Avatar
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    I don't party (it's against my religion which is NO PARTYING).

  15. #15


    Kah, we used to have parties like that. Nowdays if you have a party you're having hard time to find anyone who would like to come. Everyone has gotten old and moved away from this small village. Everyone nice at least. The idiots are still here.

    But yep, I'm a bit tired of all this so called partying. It's fun once in a while, but it's mainly turned into continous circles of parties and getting drunk and major hangovers. All the fun is gone as is the money.
    Last edited by Sare; 11-13-2005 at 04:50 PM.

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