What I am about to say may very-well offend someone.

I'm an elitist. I believe in Social Darwinism.

In this belief, it is theorized that the unfit of human society is unfit to fulfill life to their fullest potential.

Who are the unfit?
The poor, the vagrants, the criminals, the mentally handicapped with either mental retardation or some sort of mentally dibillitating disease such as Insanity.

As a Social Darwinist, I believe in the benefit of self, or the collaboration of the group, over the indominant traits of those who are simply not gifted with what we are. Socialists would argue that some people can be helped out of their situations, that society helps to make people poor and turn to criminal acts to survive. While this is generally true, I don't think it requires change, but rather, people should be more cut-throat about making it in life and surviving and getting to the top. Survival of the fittest and the most elaborate. I don't believe the top of the ladder is required to take care of the bottom wrung, and what is wrong with that? They achieved their ranks and kept it through hard work and determination, why should they be expected to share.

I am a believe of infantcide, a practice used as late as the 1960's. It was used by parents who did not want to bring infants into the world because they had severe mental and physical traits that hindered them in the world. Why should anyone have to suffer and be put through a life and why should we, as a society, have to help them out. We didn't cause their flaws, nature did, and as such, we know that they cannot survive on their own as they mature.

I believe in the exploitation of those too weak to help themselves. In a capitalist society, the poor serve a delicate purpose in order to sustain the balance. Poor people are required so that someone is forced to take the jobs no one else wants. No one literally forces them, but because of the situation set up, they have no choice, unless they find a loop hole or an in to get by and work their way through the socio-economic ladder and into the rungs of the middle - upper class levels. They then are good examples of the Social Darwinism.

The other people, the people who leech off of society, the vagrants, the homeless who have no hope in the world, as heartless as this sounds, have no reason to be in this world. The poor populate and generate more people than the wealthier, and thus, it is natural that when you are born into poverty, you will stay in poverty. That is their own flaw, and rightfully so that you stay where you are born into unless you work to counter-act it.

I have no sympathy for the individuals who simply waste away without fighting. Some say that not everyone is born with the strength to fight, that their personality types prevent them from having strength. Well, then they are not meant for survival according to Darwinism. Is it so bad that they should suffer the fate they have determined for themselves? The will to survive and prosper should always be above the personality traits you're disposed with.